After the pregnancy ultrasound scan, you will get a printout with photos of the baby and a description with mysterious abbreviations. Know what they mean to better understand your test result. How to interpret the ultrasound result during pregnancy?
How to interpret the pregnancy ultrasound result ? DescriptionPregnant ultrasoundcontains many specialized determinations in ultrasound. However, you will probably find only a few on your ultrasound result. This is due to the fact that often several abbreviations are used for one term, both from English and Polish. Not all parameters of a baby are measured during each examination, it all depends on the age of pregnancy. In addition, certain measurements are made at a strictly defined time, e.g. nuchal translucency (NT) is assessed only during an ultrasound performed between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy.
ImportantDimensions are not everything
Although there are norms for each week of pregnancy, it is not worth paying too much attention to the millimeters or centimeters of the ultrasound. So do not be upset that in the previous pregnancy the baby's head was larger at this time or that the results of your friend were different. If your doctor finds no abnormalities, don't worry. Slight deviations in the measurements are normal. They show that each child grows at a different pace. Newborns - just like adults - differ in height and dimensions.
Pregnancy ultrasound: basic abbreviations in the description
AC - baby's abdominal circumference AFF - amniotic fluid index ASP - fetal heart rate BPD - head bipolar dimension, i.e. the width of the head from the cradle to the crown AUA - mean age of pregnancy according to USGCER - transverse dimension of the cerebellum CRL - parietal-seated length, i.e. from the top of the head to the end of the child's torso, specifically to the tailbone EDD - approximate date of delivery EFW - approximate weight of the child FHR - child's heartbeat measured in beats per minute FL - femoral length GA - gestational age according to last menstruation GS - gestational sac diameter HC - head circumference HL - humerus length LMP - date last menstruation LV - width of the lateral ventricle of the brain NB - nasal boneNF - nuchal foldNT - nuchal translucencyOFD -; occipital-frontal dimension OM - last menstruation TCD - transverse dimension of the cerebellum TP - due dateYS -yolk sac
Pregnancy ultrasound: abbreviations occurring rarely in the description
APAD - anteroposterior dimension of the abdomen APTD - anterior-posterior chest dimension IOD - internal intraocular distance OOD - external intraocular distance TAD - transverse dimension of the abdomen TIB - tibia length TTD - transverse chest dimension ULNA - ulnar length
Doppler ultrasound in pregnancy: abbreviations in the description
MCA - middle cerebral artery PI - vascular pulsation indexRI - vascular resistance index S / D - systolic / diastolic ratio UA - umbilical artery
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