Whether you like it or not, a movie is constantly moving in front of your eyes. Simply put, its director is the subconscious, and the brain plays the role of the producer. Wouldn't you like to control somewhat such powerful machinery? There is a way - visualization.
Are you timidly dreaming of a life without devastating failures, suffering or ailments? Applyvisualization , thanks to which you will be able to use the powerful power of the subconscious mind .
Visualization - ALPHA brain
The work of the brain is constantly stimulated by electrical impulses that appear in certain frequency bands. Can be recorded using an electroencephalograph (abbreviated as EEG). The waking state in which all senses are working normally and the EEG is 13-25 pulses per second is called the BETA state. When you lie down in a quiet place or sit in your favorite armchair, close your eyes and surrender to fond memories, the whole body will relax and the brain will start to work slower, sending 8-12 pulses per second. You can then say that you have reached the state of ALPHA. When you stay in it longer, the brain will slow down even more, to 4-7 pulses per second, which means entering the TETA state. At the moment, we are most interested in the ALPHA state , sometimes referred to as bliss, . It activates all the inner "senses" of a person, and they in turn stimulate the mind to perceive things and matters deeply in our subconscious. By being in the ALPHA state (which is extremely pleasant), your mind, like a sponge, soaks up all the information and programs transmitted to it, which later, after returning to the BETA state, begin to function as binding code, influencing your behavior, shaping the desired reflexes.
Make yourself positive thanks to the visualizations
The image is the program that reaches the subconscious mind most effectively. Do you think you have no imagination and you are not able to "shoot" even one frame? Not true. It is not that difficult, because a movie is being shown in your head all the time. The point of visualization is that it should be that specific, specific image, shot on a given topic. Take the time to learn to concentrate as this skill helps youkeeping the image for a long time - the easiest way to master it is during the following exercise: lie on the bed and try not to think about anything or focus your attention on anything, just observe the flowing thoughts and emotions. The first step to making your dreams come true by visualizing them (still sticking to film terminology by displaying them on the subconscious screen) is learning to think positively about yourself. Don't be surprised, it's obvious. Try to imagine situations in which you are the life and soul of the party, you are bursting with wit, you have an accurate retort for everything. And if you manage to upload the so-called positive thinking program, the rest will be smooth.
Visualization - what is this film supposed to be about?
About what is most important to you at the moment (because you shouldn't be working on several tasks at the same time - prioritize). If you want to find an interesting job, imagine that you are sitting in a well-decorated office, among competent colleagues. Try to see as many details as possible - they determine how much your mind gets involved. In everyday projections, do not change the goal of the matter to be done, the image of a good office with you as the most valued employee should always be the same, the scenery may only differ in details.
The intention in which we create it is important in visualization. The idea must be positive, not hurt anyone. One more thing, for your own sake, imagine all the ramifications of your vision at once. E.g. you want to become
Visualization should be used to improve he alth. Famous American psychotherapists have developed a method with which they achieved positive results even in the treatment of cancer. You can use their method, you can also work out your own. It will be much easier if you learn about the functioning of the body or just the organ you want to heal.
Visualization according to Simonton
Perform it even several times a day.1. Stage one - the vision of a dangerous figure of cancer - a crustacean with claws and an armor - replace with positive visions.
- view cancer cells as fragile, unstable and easy to destroy;
- imagine a successful treatment that destroys cancer cells, dissolves them and expels them from the body;
- imagine a huge amount of white blood cells in the body, which travel with the blood to diseased tissues and effectively destroy them
- focus your attention on a place once attacked by cancer, instead see normal tissue, resistant to anytoxic and mechanical attempts to destroy it.
2. Stage two - in the following frames of your film see yourself in perfect he alth, full of energy, will to live, smiling and happy, efficiently performing all daily activities. Also, do not forget about a few "frames" devoted to the surprise of the doctor, stating complete recovery, joy of family and friends.
3. The third stage is to convey to the subconscious a vision of himself as a firm, determined, goal-driven person, achieving everything he wants.
This method is effective not only in such serious diseases as cancer. You can use this diagram when you want to get rid of other troubles that bother you. Then, instead of cancer, the sick body part should appear in your mind, and your role will be to make a film about its wonderful, smooth functioning.
ImportantSelf-healing visualization is effective because:
- mental mobilization activates the patient's immune system;
- stress and fear are reduced, as well as pain hindering recovery;
- you are eager to recover quickly;
- decreases, delaying the healing process, feeling of passivity.
When your head hurts frequently
- close your eyelids and enter the ALPHA state (e.g. by counting from 1 to 10);
- become aware of the problem - headache;
- imagine the capillaries of the head that thoroughly nourish each fragment, giving oxygen to the tissues and taking up carbon dioxide;
- mentally say the affirmation:
"headache subsides, head lightens, inner peace returns" and then:
"I count down from 1 to 5, but by the number 3 the headache will disappear completely",
- see the picture of yourself - smiling, headache free.
Information on the Simonton method and headache treatment comes from the book by M. Pomorski en titled "Visualization, a way to he alth and well-being".
You must do itWhen visualization in the initial phase is difficult for you:
- imagine the colors - clean, clear, start with red and go through orange, yellow, green and blue to purple;
- try to imagine geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle;
- now it's time to use your imagination to recall images of three-dimensional objects, e.g. in your room. Turn them mentally and watch from all sides;
- the next step is to recreate things that you have not seen for a long time - a bicycle standing on the plot, a picture that hangs at your aunt'swall. It is important that you see their color and shape carefully.