In the cryochamber you will feel the chill first. Up to -120 degrees C! But, surprisingly, it is not hard to bear. Then a portion of exercise to stimulate circulation. Effect? An extraordinary rush of energy and a younger, firmer skin. But the cryochamber, thanks to which cold therapy is possible, also gives great results in the treatment of many diseases, incl. rheumatological changes, arthritis, neurological diseases and neuroses.
Cryochamberhelps, among others. in the fight against pain, accelerates rehabilitation and strengthens immunity. I decide to check it personally. The Education and Rehabilitation Center in Konstancin near Warsaw. Zbigniew Markiewicz, an internist, is interviewing me. - You have no heart problems, circulatory failure or kidney problems? - he asks. - The procedure takes about 3 minutes, but you will start from a minute.
Cryochamber treatment
I enter the room with the cryochamber. A small wooden cabin resembles a sauna. I change into a bathing suit, put on thick socks, gloves and a hat. In this beach and winter outfit, I stand at the steps leading to the chamber. Just wooden clogs and a face mask and I'm ready. - Please pull the hat over your ears. The mask must stick to the face, says Kinga's physiotherapist, who operates the computer that controls the chamber and guides patients inside. Inside, she explains that I must breathe calmly, slowly, shallowly.
- Are you nervous? - he asks. A bit, but the curiosity is stronger. I go down the stairs lit by colorful lamps. The lower, the more white fog. I immerse myself in it, with my heart pounding, I open the door and walk in. As instructed, I turn to face the entrance and start walking in place, tapping lightly with clogs. I breathe calmly and look around. It's cold but bearable. I don't feel the -120 degrees Celsius! However, just in case, I do not touch the frosted walls (it may damage the skin!).
ImportantRules for the use of the cryochamber
- The best results of treatment with cold are achieved by a series of treatments - a minimum of 10 to 30 entrances to the cryochamber, preferably daily.
- Measure your pulse and blood pressure before each entry.
- You should not shower immediately before the procedureuse creams or lotions.
- Compulsory clothing is: bathing suit (shorts for men), thick socks, gloves, headband or hat, face mask, clogs.
- You are not allowed to wear jewelry or any metal elements.
- During our stay in the cryochamber, we move in one place. We don't touch the walls. We breathe slowly, not too deeply.
- The treatment takes up to 3 minutes. We leave the chamber immediately after hearing the sound signal.
Cryochamber: impressions after the treatment
A sharp chime announces the end of the treatment. Right after leaving the cryochamber, I touch my skin: it is smooth and delicate. I feel pleasant relaxation, joy and a sudden burst of energy. And to think it only took a minute! - We invite you to the training room. After the cryotherapy treatment, the body cooled down must return to normal, so you have to move around, explains Kinga.
Kinesiotherapy(movement therapy) is a necessary element of cold treatment, so I dutifully pedal on a stationary bicycle. Lightly, effortlessly. I feel a surge of vitality. - In each of us there are energy reserves that are dormant - says the physiotherapist. - In extreme conditions, the body mobilizes and activates to the maximum. After leaving the cryochamber, there is a rapid blood supply to the body. The muscles are relaxed and the joints are more mobile. So we perform various exercises with greater ease. Their type is selected individually for everyone, but we usually start with a bicycle. It is important to practice at least 30 minutes.
Cryochamber strengthens joints and vessels
Treatment with cold is recommended for changes in the locomotor system. Especially in arthritis, rheumatological changes, post-traumatic conditions, back pain - says Zbigniew Markiewicz. - Treatments accelerate rehabilitation. Cold treats pain and neurological diseases, even multiple sclerosis. Cryotherapy is an excellent exercise for blood vessels that contract and then relax. As a result, they become stronger, which is especially important in the case of fragile and bursting vessels, as well as in the case of varicose veins. In addition, blood pressure is normalized (first it drops, then increases during exercise, and finally stabilizes). People who have high blood pressure must have it re-measured after gymnastics.
Cold therapy is the elixir of youth
The low temperature stimulates the immune system (provided that we warm up properly after leaving the cryochamber). Therefore, cold therapy is recommended for people with recurring infections and lowered immunity (the treatment cannot be used during a cold).
-After a series of treatments, i.e. after 15-20 entrances to the chamber, the whole organism is revitalized and all its functions are improved - adds Dr. Markiewicz. I believe because I am bursting with energy after one and somehow I look at the world more brightly. Nothing unusual. Low temperature and exercise stimulate the secretion of hormones, incl. endorphins, also known as happiness hormones.
Therefore, cryotherapy is recommended in the case of neurosis, exhaustion and in states of low mood. In men, the secretion of testosterone increases, and in women, symptoms related to the menopause are milder. After a series of treatments, the body is cleansed and regenerated, the skin is smoother and tighter. Cellulite is reduced, and in combination with a proper diet, cryotherapy can also support weight loss. - It works like the elixir of youth. We're just getting younger! - Kinga smiles.
Cryochamber: indications
- diseases of the locomotor system
- neurological diseases
- respiratory tract infections
- obesity
Cryochamber: contraindications
- post-heart attack condition
- heart rhythm disturbance
- traffic jams
- circulatory failure
- unstable hypertension
- cancer
- skin damage
- generalized atherosclerosis
- acute respiratory diseases
- kidney and bladder diseases
- fever
- sensory disturbance
- hyperthyroidism and decompensated hypothyroidism
NHF refunds some treatments
If you suffer from medical conditions that qualify for treatment, ask your GP for a referral to an orthopedist, rheumatologist, neurologist or ENT specialist. The specialist should issue a referral for 10 treatments (reimbursed by the National He alth Fund). You have to pay for the additional ones (about PLN 35 for the entrance). Cryotherapy treatments are performed, among others, by The Education and Rehabilitation Center in Konstancin-Jeziorna.
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