From the very first moment, the baby learns intensively. Even then, you can do a lot to make it easier for him to say his first words. The correct development of a child's speech is an important stage in the formation and development of his personality. Thanks to the ability to speak, we are able to describe the world, communicate with the environment, and express our feelings. That is why it is so important to talk to a child a lot from the very first days, exercise his hearing and speech apparatus.
Remember that your baby's ear works at full speed after birth. It still trains in its mum's belly, when around the 5th month of pregnancy it begins to react to sounds and even identifies the mother's voice. This training must be continued by talking to the baby, because from the beginning, the sounds correctly heard bychildwill never be defective in the laterspeech development !
First phase of speech development
The first phase of speech development is from the 1st to the 6th month of life. The first message between mother and baby is his scream and cry. Already in these inarticulate sounds you hear how the vowels a, u, e sound like. In 2nd-3. month of life, the child makes more expressive sounds calledfasting . They take the acoustic form of g, g, g, g, agg, uuu, eee Note: all children, even deaf children, go through the stomping stage. Therefore, if your baby becomes silent after 3 months of age, you should immediately contact an audiologist who will check your baby's hearing. At home, you can check if the baby turns its head towards the sound.
You must do itExercises for the youngest
Improving lips
- Hitting a finger against lips while making a sound "bu, bu"; demonstrate the exercise to a child from the age of 2 months.
- Lip movements with a soft noise: "prr, prr" and loud: "brr, brr"; demonstrate and do the exercise with a child from 8 months of age.
- Grasping the baby's lips with his teeth - lower and upper: demonstrate and do this exercise with the baby between the 7th and 12th month of life.
- Vigorous clenching and opening of lips while pronouncing "mmm"; practice together between 4 and 5 months.
Improving cheek muscles
- Mum massaging the cheeks induring beauty treatments. Massage both cheeks simultaneously, from the nose towards the eyes, stroking the face with a slightly stronger pressure in the area of the cheekbone (you can massage it from the second month on).
- Drawing air into the mouth, closing the lips, puffing up the cheeks and hitting them vigorously with fists (so that the sound: "pu, pu, pu"); you exhale the air in portions. Demonstrate and do the exercise with the child in 4-36. month of life.
Improving the mandible
- Biting on hard, smooth toys - teethers.
- Teeth tapping when they appear.
- Learning to move the teeth to the side, without taking the jaw off the jaw, Do the exercises between 3 and 36 months of age.
Breathing exercises
- Fun with blowing light toys hung on a thread in close proximity.
- Blowing out birthday candles.
- Blowing a ping-pong ball, feathers on the surface. Exercise these exercises from 8 to 36 months of age.
Improving the language
- Smacking lips and tongue.
- Sticking the tongue out and touching the chin, cheeks and upper lip; demonstrate exercises from the age of 3.
Developing speech through play
During the fasting period, play with the child, imitating him and developing his speech with sounds that are not articulated yet. An older baby can already hum to sleep with his mother: a, a, a, e, e, e. Playing with vowels like this allows the child to directly observe the movements of the lips and facial expressions of the mother. Sometimes, during such a "conversation", the child tries to put the hand in his mother's mouth - this is because he wants to get to know the sounds it makes more precisely by means of touch. Of course, it should be possible for the child to do this, because he or she perceives sound not only by hearing, but also thanks to bone conduction. Strongly innervated fingers can correctly read even the most difficult sounds through touch and correctly register them in the cerebral cortex.
ImportantEasy beginnings
It is worth remembering the principle of grading the difficulty. First practice a single vowel and consonant sound, then practice the syllable and single, double and three syllable words. Exercises in the initial period (2nd-3rd month of life) should be performed in a whisper. Then you can move on to humming in an undertone.
Chattering - the next stage of speech development
At the beginning of the 5th month of life, your little one starts babbling. He consciously tries to pronounce long sequences of syllables: "ma-ma-ma", "ba-ba-ba", "da-da-da". He will learn this more easily when he can imitate how mom does. At the end of the 5th month of life, she cansay mama with stress on the first syllable. Around 8 months of age, the baby begins to focus on motor development: he sits down, rolls over to his sides, grasping his hands, stands on his feet, begins to crawl. During this period, an important stage in its development, which was intended for the improvement of speech organs, ends. Now much less often the toddler will lie down looking at the parent's face. That is why you should train his speech apparatus as often as possible (e.g. during routine beauty treatments). Around the age of 1, when a child begins to walk, there are about 30 words in his dictionary. He also skilfully uses onomatopoeic words, imitating the sounds of, for example, animals. At each stage of learning, it is important to talk to your little one a lot.
"M jak mama" monthly