Insomnia in shift workers is very common, which is associated with disturbances in the circadian rhythm. To improve the quality and duration of sleep, they use, among others, pharmacological treatment. What else, apart from insomnia, are the consequences of shift work? How does shift work affect he alth?
Insomnia in shift workersis a problem that may affect almost 1/3 of working people. In industrialized countries, including Poland, approx. 30% of professionally active people work in shifts - most often this applies to workers in various industries, he althcare, transport, public safety, etc.
Unfortunately, according to the researchers from the Medical University of Lodz (Zawilska, Półchłopek, Wojcieszak and Andrzejczak), as many as 90% of people working for shifts believe that it has a negative impact on their he alth and family life.
Many studies show that sleep disorders are the dominant among the numerous he alth consequences, such as diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. How can you deal with situations like insomnia? Is it difficult to fall asleep after the so-called nights are always a symptom of it?
- Insomnia - what is it and when is it diagnosed?
- Shift work and insomnia - causes
- Shift work and insomnia - he alth consequences of shift work
- Shift work and insomnia - insomnia treatment
- Shift work and insomnia - how to avoid sleepiness at work?
- Shift work and insomnia - how to get enough sleep after a night shift?
- Who shouldn't work night shifts?
Insomnia - what is it and when is it diagnosed?
Proper sleep that regenerates the body lasts no less than 7 hours and no more than 9 hours and takes place at night. Insomnia may occur if its length or quality is inadequate.
Although it is often treated only as a symptom, it is also a separate disease that requires treatment. People who work in shifts and their times of falling asleep and waking up are irregular, often with primary, spontaneous or psychophysiological insomnia.
It is a disease entity classified as sleep disorders in which, unlikesecondary insomnia, insomnia is not associated with other diseases, mental disorders or taking medications, but with bad habits that violate the principles of proper sleep hygiene.
Research shows that shift workers are three times more likely to suffer from insomnia than people working day and night.
People who suffer from insomnia have problems with sleep, such as :
- difficulty falling asleep,
- shallow sleep
- and the accompanying frequent wake-ups that make it impossible to rest,
- premature wake-ups
- and lack of sleep and fatigue after waking up.
It should also be emphasized that the diagnosis of insomnia as well as its treatment is necessary when the shift worker experiences insomnia for at least a month, three times a week or more.
Shift work and insomnia - causes
Shift work desynchronizes the body's internal biological rhythm. This means that reversing the order of activity and rest causes the so-called time debt syndrome.
When an employee sleeps during the day when it is light and works at night when it is dark, symptoms such as:
- fatigue,
- irritation,
- lack of concentration,
- reduction of muscle strength,
- intestinal motility disorders,
- deterioration of eye-hand coordination, etc.
An even more difficult situation arises when employees work not only on night shifts, but also day, evening and night shifts, because the body never has enough time to adjust to the shift and thus the dysregulated organism very often reacts with insomnia.
Moreover, research shows that people working shifts struggle with insomnia, because they sleep less than other employees - weeklytheir sleep is even 7 hours shorter .
In addition, sleep disturbances also appear because sleep after the so-called Night nights often take place in inappropriate conditions, including: it is bright and voices are heard, which stimulates the brain to work.
Additionally, during the day, your body produces less melatonin, the sleep hormone that allows you to sleep deeply.
Shift work and insomnia - he alth consequences of shift work
Shift work has a significant impact on he alth. Many employees experience digestive system disorders. Symptoms such as:
- heartburn,
- stomach pains,
- diarrhea etc.
In addition, peptic ulcer disease occurs in them even 2-8 times more often than in daytime workers and often developsafter 5 years of working in this system.
Additionally, they are more often found:
- cardiovascular disease (e.g. high blood pressure or coronary artery disease) and
- mental disorders including neuroses, anxiety, depression etc.
The negative consequence of shift work is also:
- obesity,
- increased sickness absence at work,
- lower productivity at work,
- and less concentration.
Unfortunately, drug research. Natalia Pasierb from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice also proved thatpeople working in shifts, more often than people working according to the daily cycle, use alcohol to fall asleep .
The researcher emphasized that they smoke cigarettes more often and smoke more cigarettes than unchanged workers.
Additionally, it should be emphasized that in people who go to the so-called night, accidents were more common. Unfortunately, as much as 15-33% of fatal accidents were caused by drowsiness while driving.
As reported by researchers Folkard and Akersted in 2004, the risk of an accident increases by 6% during the second night, by 17% at the third night and by 36% at the fourth night.
Shift work and insomnia - insomnia treatment
In the beginning, it is good to start treating insomnia with relaxation training and cognitive-behavioral therapy. If these are not effective, your doctor may recommend drug treatment.
In such situations, for example, antidepressants are used to induce drowsiness, calm down and improve sleep quality - most often these are trazodone, doxepin and mirtazapine.
Melatonin and hypnotics (benzodiazepine derivatives or new generation drugs - zaleplon, zolpidem, etc.) will also be useful.
It is worth noting, however, that sleeping pills available in pharmacies without a prescription will not work, because their effect is small.
Shift work and insomnia - how to avoid sleepiness at work?
Shift workers should remember to get a good night's sleep before work, which will certainly reduce the feeling of drowsiness during the shift. On the day preceding the night shift, it is not recommended to take short naps - it is worth ensuring the right amount of proper sleep.
If the change starts very early, remember to go to bed much earlier - so you will not sleep in the so-called standby mode.
To avoid drowsiness at work, it is also necessary to work in bright light, which will increase body temperature, increase alertness and efficiency at work and, consequently, allow for deep sleep afterwork.
Additionally, make sure that you eat easy-to-digest meals during work in small portions, and drink at least 2 liters of water.
Shift work and insomnia - how to get enough sleep after a night shift?
For restorative sleep after the night, you should tune in to rest after leaving work. It is recommended to wear sunglasses when leaving the building. When returning home by car, it is recommended to open the windows to minimize stimulation and concentration.
After coming home, it is worth refreshing and then preparing the bedroom for sleep. It will be beneficial to ventilate the room, lower its temperature to approx. 19 ° C and cover the windows.
It is also recommended to turn off any alarms that might disturb your sleep. Then go to bed and, in order not to disturb your sleep, put earplugs and blindfolds on.
When you wake up, remember to eat a he althy and balanced diet, as well as exercise regularly.
Resting after work does not have to mean sitting in front of the TV - a better solution would be a walk, training, playing with children, working in the garden, etc.
Who shouldn't work night shifts?
The tolerance to shift work deteriorates with age, which is why it is not recommended for people over 50 years of age.
It is also not recommended for people who have a morning chronotype, i.e. larks.
People suffering from:
should not work at night- mental illness
- epilepsy
- diabetes
- sleep disturbance
- digestive system diseases
- cardiovascular diseases
- alcoholism
- drug addicts
This type of work should also not be performed by daytime workers and women who have numerous family responsibilities.
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