A fecal transplant involves taking a stool from a he althy person and introducing it into the patient's body. This therapy, shocking for some, may turn out to be the only chance to cure the patient, and sometimes also to save his life, because it is effective where drugs do not work. What is a fecal transplant and what are the indications for its implementation?
What is a fecal transplant?
Fecal transplant(otherwisefecal bacteriotherapy ,gut microbiome transplant ,intestinal microflora ) involves transplanting a stool sample of a he althy person into the sick intestine. The stool contains a beneficial bacterial flora, which in many cases can help heal the patient and even save his life. This shocking therapy was used to treat the symptoms of intoxication and severe diarrhea as early as the 4th century - the pioneers were the Chinese.
What are the indications for a fecal transplant?
Fecal transplantation is used torestore the natural bacterial flora, and thus - strengthen immunity.Therefore, this type of procedure can be performed after a heavy antibiotic treatment, which It led to the disappearance of "good" intestinal bacteria, and further to the development of antibiotic-resistant colon infections, such as those caused by bacteria of the speciesClostridium difficile, , which are one of the leading causes of pseudomembranous enteritis.
This procedure can also be performed in patients undergoing strong chemotherapy, which destroys not only cancer cells, but also bacterial flora.
Fecal transplant is alsoa potential treatment for obesity or metabolic syndrome , and even for conditions such as:
- multiple sclerosis,
- Parkinson's disease,
- chronic fatigue syndrome,
- autism.
However, research into the possibility of using feces in the treatment of these diseases continues.
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Who can donate for a fecal transplant?
The stool donor may bea he althy person, best related to the patient , who has not taken antibiotics for the last six months and has not complained about system problemsalimentary. In addition, he mustpass blood and stool tests for viruses and parasitessuccessfully. If it turns out that her stool is suitable for transplantation, it is removed and processed appropriately - it is mixed with saline, passed through a sieve and then frozen.
ImportantDo not perform a fecal transplant at home!
Do not perform a fecal transplant at home with the use of enema equipment!There is then a risk of infection with numerous diseases, including viral hepatitis (hepatitis).
How does a fecal transplant work?
The recipient's intestines are rinsed prior to the fecal transplant. Thensample (20-30 ml) is introduced into the recipient's rectum using theendoscope during colonoscopy, or the probe is given directly into the duodenum. In Canada, on the other hand, ready-made preparations in capsules are used, which are swallowed. However, don't worry - the bacteria contained in them do not decompose in the stomach, but are released only in the large intestine. Such treatments are carried out all over the world, also in Poland.
Is fecal transplant effective?
The stability of the stool transplant was checked on patients struggling withClostridium difficile infection.Antibiotic therapy was used in some patients, and faecal flora transplantation in others. It turned out thatthe effectiveness of one transplant is 81% . and two - 94 percent. Treatment with antibiotics turned out to be effective in only 23-31%. cases.