Encorton contains prednisone - a derivative of cortisol. It is a substance with a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effect, therefore Encorton is used in the treatment of, among others, diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system and cancer. Check how Encorton works and what diseases it is used to treat.
Encortonis given to people withallergic diseases ,autoimmuneor tumors . Encorton is a drug with properties and effects similar to those of the hormones produced by the cortex of the adrenal glands. Therefore, it is used in substitution treatment in the event of insufficient hormone production, e.g. cortisol and cortisone - corticosteroids that regulate the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Encorton mimics the physiological secretion of these hormones, peaking between 3:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
In extra-substitution treatment, Encorton is used to treat, inter alia, diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system and cancer. Encorton is then used in doses that significantly exceed the normal physiological secretion of corticosteroids.
Encorton - anti-inflammatory effect
Encorton inhibits the migration and accumulation of macrophages, leukocytes and other cells involved in inflammation. Consequently, it is used to treat numerous autoimmune diseases, such as:
- autoimmune hepatitis,
- systemic lupus erythematosus,
- pemphigus,
- acquired haemolytic anemia (Addison-Biermer disease),
- multiple sclerosis,
- rheumatoid arthritis,
- ulcerative colitis,
- Crohn's disease,
- Sjögren's syndrome.
Encorton - antiallergic effect
Encorton prevents the production of antibodies against the substance that causes allergic symptoms. The mechanisms of the immunosuppressive action of Encorton are not well known. According to the Department of Drug Policy and Pharmacy of the Ministry of He alth, "prednisolone can prevent or suppress cellular immune responses as well asspecific mechanisms related to the immune response. It reduces the number of T lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. It also reduces the binding of immunoglobulins to cell surface receptors and inhibits the synthesis or release of interleukins by reducing T-cell blastogenesis and reducing the severity of the early immune response. "It is therefore used to treat allergic diseases that do not respond to other treatments, such as severe forms of asthma, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, serum sickness, as well as in the treatment of acute and chronic severe allergic processes affecting the eyeball. there are bacterial, viral and fungal infections.;
Encorton in the treatment of cancer: leukemia and lymphoma
Encorton is especially helpful in treating blood cancers, including multiple myeloma, acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, as well as Hodgkin's lymphoma and other types of lymphoma. In these cases, it can be administered as part of the multi-drug CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisone), as well as BEACOPP, MOPP, CVP or R-CHOP. The drug is also used to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The exact role in treating blood cancers is unknown. It is likely that when metabolized, prednisone causes cancer cell death in white blood cells. Encorton also helps to inhibit the feeling of nausea, a common feeling during chemotherapy.
Contraindications to the use of the preparation
- hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation,
- systemic fungal infections,
Particular care should be taken in the case of: ulcerative colitis, intestinal diverticulosis, gastric or duodenal ulcer disease, renal failure, arterial hypertension, osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes, liver disease, glaucoma, mental disorders, fungal or viral infections, circulatory failure, edema.
Encorton should not be used at least 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after immunization.
Interaction with other drugs
Drugs that reduce the effect of Encorton: barbiturates, glutethimide, rifampicin, antiepileptic and antihistamines, and ephedrine, by altering the metabolism of glycosteroids.
Drugs that increase the effect of Encorton: estrogens (hormonal contraceptives).
Side effects of taking Encorton
- symptoms of Cushing's syndrome,
- sodium and water retention,
- muscle wasting (through the degradation of the proteins that build them),
- acne,
- excessive hair,
- hypertension,
- blood potassium deficiency,
- steroid diabetes,;
- osteoporosis,
- immune disorders: decreased immunity, susceptibility to infections,
- cataracts and glaucoma,
- gastrointestinal ulceration,
- disturbed sensation, sleep,
- mental disorders.
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