Try the dogwood tincture recipe! The plant is valued for its ornamental value, in other parts of the world it is known for its medicinal properties. Dogwood has an antiseptic effect and contains significant amounts of vitamins A, C and P. In folk medicine, dogwood tincture is considered one of the most effective antipyretic drugs.
Edible dogwoody ( Cornus mas ) is a large shrub, growing even up to 7 m. In the wild state in Poland, it is already hardly meets.
Medicinal properties of dogwood tincture
Plum-shaped fruits can be harvested from the end of July to October. They contain a lot of vitamin C and were once used to treat scurvy. Dogwood tincture has a noble lineage. Bushes were planted in manor gardens and the fruit was used to makedogwood- a slightly acidic, coral-colored drink.
Ingredients of dogwood
• 1 kg of dogwood fruit
• 5 tablespoons of dried blueberries
• 0.5-1 kg of sugar
• 1 liter of spirit 96 percent.
Recipe for tincture of dogwood
1. Rinse the fruit and drain it, pour the spirit over it and put it in warm.
2. Shake the jar every 2-3 days.
3. After 4-6 weeks, drain the spirit, store it in the refrigerator. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar, shake it every few days, waiting for it to dissolve.
4. Drain the syrup, combine it with the spirit and leave it to clarify for a week.
5. Filter, pour into bottles and put in a cold place for six months.