The anti-edema diet rinses out the residual fluids that cause the swelling of the body. By making a few changes to the menu, the scale will show 2-3 kilograms less and you will feel much better. Check what to eat to get rid of swelling, and what products should be absolutely avoided.
Diet against edemais effective in getting rid of excess water from the body, because it is usually dietary mistakes that cause edema. Unfortunately, sometimes swelling can be caused not only by a poor diet, but also by low physical activity, wearing tight clothes or staying in high temperature rooms. In such a situationdiet for edemais only one of the elements of an effective fight against excess water in the body, and to be effective, it should be combined with a change in lifestyle.
Diet against puffiness - what to eat to get rid of puffiness?
To get rid of puffiness, add potassium-rich foods to your diet, because this element has a positive effect on the body's water balance. Most of it is in dried fruits - apricots, raisins, figs. Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and celery are less caloric, which are also rich in this mineral. The menu also includes bananas and avocados, as well as legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds and citrus fruits.
Edema will also help with routine and silicon, which strengthen the blood vessels. The former is to be found in chokeberry, elderberry, St. John's wort, mint and sorrel. In turn, the source of silicon is caraway and horsetail tea, and both substances can be found in buckwheat.
The diet should also include fruit with diuretic properties, such as citrus, watermelons, strawberries, cherries. Diuretics can also be found in vegetables, incl. in cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, celery, carrots and onions. Parsley, dandelion, ginger and cranberry are also diuretic. Nettle tea will also help to get rid of residual fluid. All of the above the products signal the kidneys to release the water-retaining sodium from the body, and thus - the fluids remaining in the tissues.
Disruptions in water transport in the body will also be prevented by protein (lean meat and cottage cheese, legumes),which binds water. If there is not enough of it, body fluids seep through the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels, giving the impression of swelling.
Diet against edema - important water
The way to get rid of excess water from your body is to drink plenty of water. Edema may be the result of insufficient amount of water in the diet. Then the body, defending itself against dehydration, accumulates its reserves in the subcutaneous tissue. Therefore, you should ensure proper hydration of the body. During the day, you should drink about 2.5 liters of fluids, e.g. in the form of mineral water (necessarily low-sodium), fruit and vegetable juices, and herbal teas. Edema can also be a reaction of the body to alcohol, which causes, among others, . widening of the blood vessels, making it easier for water to seep out of the blood vessels and trapping them in the body. Therefore, in the diet for edema, there should be no room for alcohol, as well as for coffee and other caffeine-based drinks, and for sweet carbonated drinks.
Diet against edema - prohibited products
S alt in any form should be excluded from the anti-edema diet, because it is mainly responsible for the accumulation of water in the body and swelling. Remember that s alt is found in many foods, including in high-sodium mineral water, cold cuts, pickles, frozen foods, bread and even sweets.
Sugar also makes it difficult to excrete fluid from the body. It raises insulin levels and, consequently, limits the body's ability to get rid of sodium, and therefore water. For this reason, you should sweeten your coffee or tea sparingly, and avoid eating sweets altogether.
People who struggle with edema should also exclude fast-food products from the diet, as well as all other products that contain flavor enhancers (these are present in highly processed foods) and spicy spices.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantEdema may indicate disease or hormonal disorders
If swelling occurs regularly and becomes more and more visible, plus it does not go away overnight, it may be a symptom of an illness. For example, swelling on the face or eyelids may indicate thyroid problems. In turn, the swelling, which additionally appears onhands and feet may be a symptom of kidney disease. In turn, a symptom of problems with the circulatory system, incl. venous thrombosis, there may be pain and swelling in one of the legs. Heavy legs, swelling and pain after prolonged standing are an indication for a doctor's appointment as they may indicate chronic venous insufficiency, as well as an increase in estrogen levels before menstruation. Similar symptoms may also appear during pregnancy or be caused by hormonal contraception. Also, all kinds of hormonal disorders in the body can result in fluid retention.