Everyone knows that colic exists and can be very annoying, both for the baby and for concerned parents. However, everyone has their own opinion on it. Which of the opinions about infant colic are true and which are better not to be believed?

Not all baby tummy pain is colic

True.We can talk about spikes whenbabystarts crying suddenly, seemingly for no reason, the crying is extremely loud, tummy- tight, the baby is tense and curls his legs, hugging him does not calm him down.

Colic does not happen in a newborn

Myth.The first attackcolicmay appear quite early, between the third day and the third week of life.

There is no way to ease colic

Myth.When the attack starts, hug the baby, carry him in your arms and try to cuddle him. There are several ways to relieve a baby's pain, but it works differently for each baby, so you may have to try each of the methods one at a time.

  • Give your baby a tummy massage.At first, the movements should be gentle, clockwise. Then massage your tummy alternately with your left and right hands. Make a circular motion with the left hand, and a semicircle from the outside to the center of the tummy with the right.
  • Warm the tummy with a warm towel or an iron-pressed diaper, a small hot water bottle or a cold-hot compress available at the pharmacy(such compresses are put on the clothes). Some little ones find a warm bath soothing.
  • Put the baby on you, so that its belly touches your belly.In this position, the baby often manages to get rid of gas, and also calms down, feeling the warmth of the parent. Massage your baby gently on the back - this will help expel gas.
  • Carry the baby so that his head is much higher than the rest of his body,and the belly is against your forearm - this position helps to drain gases from the tummy. If you have a rocking chair, sit in it with your baby on your forearm and rock slowly.
  • Give your baby a colic-soothing agent.Among the over-the-counter agents there are preparations with carminative and antispasmodic properties based on chamomile and fennel. Some also contain simethicone or dimethicone, compounds that facilitate drainageintestinal gas bubbles. It's good to know that they work most effectively when taken regularly over a long period of time. To avoid colic attacks, it is a good idea to give your little one the dose recommended in the leaflet before each meal. Do not be afraid that this will harm your toddler - numerous clinical trials have confirmed that the preparation is not only effective, but above all safe for the child and does not cause side effects. If you are breastfeeding, you can drink a special anti-colic tea - its ingredients will pass into your milk. In this case, however, do not give the child any preparation without first consulting a doctor.

It is not known what causes colic

True.So far, doctors have not discovered a single cause. Breastfeeding mom's dietary mistakes are just one of the reasons. The remaining ones include immaturity of the baby's digestive tract and nervous system. Colic can also cause babies to swallow excessive amounts of air (such as when eating or crying) and build up gas that stretches their intestines. Another reason may be an allergy to cow's milk proteins, contained in the mixture or consumed by a nursing mother, or lactase deficiency (an enzyme digesting milk sugar, found in both breast milk and artificial food). There is also a popular theory that mum's bad mood is responsible for colic. The child then becomes nervous and thus absorbs food less well.

Colic attacks look similar

True.After afternoon or evening feeding, the baby, so far calm, suddenly starts crying desperately. He has a red, sweaty face, tucked legs and a hard, bloated belly. Sometimes it gives out gases loudly, downpour, sometimes it even vomits. The attack stops as suddenly as it appeared - the child calms down and falls asleep.

Every infant up to three months of age has colic

Myth.Not every child suffers from colic. For those babies who have it, attacks can happen even in the fifth or sixth month.

When a breastfed baby has colic, his mother should start feeding him artificially

Myth.In this case, mom should give up some drinks and dishes: strong coffee and tea, spicy spices, onions and garlic, fatty and hard-to-digest foods, as well as bloating vegetables. You should also, preferably after consulting a doctor, limit the consumption of products that most often cause allergies in children: dairy products, chocolate, eggs, strawberries.

You can try to prevent colic attacks

True.Most important recommendationis an appropriate feeding technique. Before feeding, give your baby a dose of anti-colic preparation and place them on their tummy to let the gases escape. If you are breastfeeding, modify your diet so that it does not contain too much dairy products and vegetables that cause gas, such as cauliflower and cabbage. Before you put your baby on your breast, relax. Remember that the baby can suckle for up to several dozen minutes, so do all the necessary things beforehand, e.g. take the gas off the gas so that you do not have to stop feeding. The baby may then cry and gulp down air. When feeding, take short breaks to reflect the swallowed air. If you are formula feeding, purchase an anti-colic nipple bottle. It is shaped in such a way that it does not allow air bubbles to enter the baby's mouth. The nipple has special valves that let the bottle enter only the amount of air necessary for the baby to suckle. You may also need to change to one with a reduced lactose content - but this decision can only be made by a pediatrician.

A child who has colic needs a medical consultation

True.The cause of the baby's severe abdominal pain does not have to be colic, it may be an infection, food allergy or more serious problems (hernia, intestinal obstruction). The child should then be examined by a doctor.

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