Abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea alternating with constipation? This is how irritable bowel syndrome can manifest itself. A diet that calms the intestines and helps to alleviate unpleasant ailments may come in handy, because it is the diet, when you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, that is your greatest ally in the fight against the disease. Which products are recommended and which are recommended in your diet if you have irritable bowel syndrome?
Constant rush and tension, no time to relax, an unhe althy diet - all these are difficult challenges for the intestines, which shrink more and more often than usual in response to this lifestyle. This, in turn, causes recurrentabdominal pain , nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, which are typical complaints ofirritable bowel syndrome(IBS - irritable bowel syndrome). Although it's a common condition, the exact causes are still unknown. It is known that symptoms worsen under stress, and do not occur at night and when we are relaxed, e.g. on vacation.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be caused by overeating
Generous meals, especially if eaten in a hurry, cause the intestines to accumulate excessive amounts of nutrients in a short time. This, in turn, disrupts the digestive and assimilation processes. Undigested food travels into the large intestine, where it over-fermentes and produces gas, which in turn causes gas and bloating.
It also causes diarrhea. They are often preceded by severe lower abdominal pain, worsen after a meal and decrease after a bowel movement. These symptoms are just one of the many forms ofirritable bowel .
Some patients suffer from cramp pains in the intestines and constipation, others complain of bloating and abdominal pain, usually after eating dishes containing a lot of fat and fiber. In some patients, the periods of diarrhea and constipation may alternate. Most complain of discomfort after meals. Therefore, diet plays a key role in treating irritable bowel.
NOTE: Irritable bowel syndrome has symptoms similar to those of lactose (milk sugar) intolerance and is often confused with lactose. To exclude this intolerance, remove milk and all products containing even a small amount from the diet for 3 weeks.
You have to replace them with lean cottage cheese,kefir or natural yoghurt, which are low in lactose, and see if your symptoms improve. After this break, you can drink 2-3 tablespoons of milk. If symptoms appear, the pains are probably related to lactose intolerance.
Irritable bowel - eat less and more often
Use an easily digestible diet - it can be modified depending on the form of the disease. In any case, however, you should eat regularly, preferably 4-5 small meals a day. Consume them leisurely, sitting, in a calm atmosphere. It is recommended to boil in water and steaming, baking in foil, stewing without or with a little fat. Frying and grilling must be avoided. Lean meats, cold cuts and fish are recommended. Use mild spices: lemon juice, lemon balm, dill, parsley, marjoram, cloves, vanilla, basil, tarragon, Provencal herbs, thyme, cumin, anise.
Diet for diarrhea
Then reach for rice and potatoes, because the starch contained in them binds excess water, so it is breathtaking. Boiled carrots and pumpkin, raw apple grated on a grater and banana have similar properties. Eat wheat bread, boiled root vegetables, endive, butter lettuce. Instead of sweet milk, drink kefir or plain yogurt. Sometimes you can eat 1-2 slices of cheese - it has a lot of protein and calcium, which are breathtaking. Give up products that have a laxative effect, e.g. sugar, sweets. Avoid fruit juices (especially apple and grape juices) - they contain fructose, a fruit sugar that, in large amounts, can cause intestinal cramps and diarrhea.
Diet if you have constipation
Bet on foods rich in fiber. It is recommended to eat as much as 40-50 g of it a day. Introduce it into the menu gradually and watch if it does not cause any discomfort. More often reach for wholemeal, wholemeal and mixed bread, replace regular pasta with wholemeal. Cook groats, oat cereals, barley, rye, eat a tablespoon of oat bran 2-3 times a day. Make sure you have a serving of vegetables in every meal. And limit fatty meats and cold cuts, cheese. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of boiled water or eat 2-3 plums soaked in water.
Diet when you have flatulence
It is sometimes recommended that you eat 1-2 tablespoons of wheat bran a day, but sometimes it can do more harm than good. They contain mainly insoluble fiber, which contributes to the formation of gas and can cause gas and pain. In this case, give up bran, wholemeal and rye bread. Similarly, with legumes, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions, leeks, peppers, mushrooms and fruits (especially apples,grapes and pears). Fatty and spicy dishes, which burden the intestines, as well as carbonated drinks, are also inadvisable.
Products recommended for diarrhea
- wheat bread, rusks, possibly graham, small groats (corn, krakowska, semolina, pearl), rice, boiled potatoes
- dry blueberry infusion, cocoa on water, glass of dry red wine, jelly, jelly, boiled carrot, grated apple
- root vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery), lettuce, chicory
- natural yogurt and kefir
- lean boiled meat and fish
Recommended products for constipation
- wholemeal and mixed bread,
- wholemeal pasta, thick groats,
- cereal
- oat bran
- raw vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, chicory, carrots, parsley, celery, red beets, peppers)
- prune compote, vegetable broth, herbal infusions (mint, nettle, chamomile or fennel)
- dried plums, apricots, raisins
Products recommended for flatulence
- fresh herbs (dill, parsley, thyme, basil, mint)

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreDon't do thatAvoid this with diarrhea:
- very sweet-tasting products (honey, grape juice, apple juice, pear juice, fresh and dried plums, pears, cherries, peaches)
- chewing gum, some candy,
- e.g. jellies, jellies, jams
Avoid this in constipation:
- cruciferous and legume vegetables,
- onion, garlic and leek
- yellow, blue and processed cheeses, fatty meats and cold cuts
- rice, chocolate, dry foods, strong tea, blueberries, cocoa
Avoid this with flatulence:
- fatty and hardly digestible dishes
- spicy spices (pepper,
- chili, hot pepper, mustard,
- horseradish, vinegar)
- boiled, stewed and fried cabbage, legumes, onion, garlic, leek, dishes with mushrooms, wholemeal and rye bread
- carbonated drinks
Dietary fiber per day - 50 g of fiber per day treat constipation and regulate intestinal function. To cover this demand, you need to eat, for example, 2 medium slices of whole wheat bread, 4 tablespoons of mueslimultigrain, 2 medium apples, medium banana, 2 medium oranges, a handful of raisins and 7 prunes.