Why shouldn't you drink drinks that combine alcohol and energy drinks? The results of studies conducted by numerous scientists clearly indicate that the effects of mixing alcohol with energy drinks can be very dangerous, even more serious than the effects of drinking alcohol alone - they increase the risk of alcohol overdose and can cause heart problems.
Combining alcohol with energy drinks is dangerousbecause the latter contain large doses of stimulating caffeine, which when combined with alcohol can cause dangerous he alth effects, even more dangerous than alcohol itself. A can of energy drink contains an average of 80 mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a cup of coffee. In addition,energy drinksalso contain other stimulants, such as ginseng, guarana extract or taurine, which further enhance the effects of caffeine and prolong its activity.
Effects of mixing alcohol with energy drinks - strong arousal
According to Dr. Cecile Marczinski of the University of Northern Kentucky, this combination keeps the drinker more agitated than alcohol alone. She came to such conclusions after conducting research on 56 students, with an average age of 24. She divided them into four groups: the first drank alcohol combined with energy drinks, the second alcohol alone, the third only energy drinks, and the fourth drink - placebo.
People who drank a mixture of alcohol and energy drink felt less drunk than those who drank alcohol alone. In addition, they were twice as excited, and in this type of people the tendency to risky behavior, e.g. driving a car, increases significantly.
This is due to caffeine, which neutralizes the sedative properties of alcohol, making the drinker feel less drunk than they really are, explains Dr. Dennis Thombs of the UF College of Public He alth and He alth Professions.
Effects of mixing alcohol with energy drinks - fatal alcohol overdose
And Dr. Steven Lipshultz of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine adds that combining energy drinks with alcohol can lead tofatal alcohol overdose. How? As Dr. Lipshultz explains, alcohol causes drowsiness and fatigue over time, which results in the cessation of drinking. People who additionally drink an energy drink do not feel tired, but thanks to the effects of caffeine described above, they become energized. Therefore, they continue to drink.
Effects of combining alcohol with energy drinks - heart problems
It has been proven that people who mix energy drinks with, for example, vodka, suffer six times more often with heart palpitations than those who drink pure alcohol or mix it with, for example, fruit juices. The combination of alcohol and energy drinks is the most dangerous for people who suffer from cardiac arrhythmias and are unaware of the disease. This may result in cardiac arrest and, consequently, death.
Do you mix alcohol with energy drinks? You may have a bad hangover!
Combining alcohol with energy drinks can cause a severe hangover - stronger than drinking alcohol alone. Why? Caffeine, like alcoholic beverages, leads to a significant dehydration of the body. Therefore, drinking such a mixture in larger amounts leads to a very strong dehydration of the body and, consequently, to a very strong hangover.
Effects of mixing alcohol with energy drinks - addiction
Energy drinks are as addictive as coffee, and they are also conducive to addiction to alcohol. According to scientists from the University of Maryland, people who often reach for the so-called energizers, they also often drink alcohol.
- http: //www.webmd.com/mental-he alth/alcohol-abuse/news/20110415/study-alcohol-energy-drinks-are-risky-combo
- http: //www.dailymail.co.uk/he alth/article-2189013/Alcohol-mixed-energy-drinks-raise-risk-heart-problems-conditions.html
- http: //www.sejm.gov.pl/sejm7.nsf/InterpelacjaTresc.xsp? Key=702C5DAF
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