Diagnosing male depression is a difficult task - men do not like to admit weakness, and symptoms such as chronic fatigue, difficulties with concentration and memory, or loss of interest in sex are not associated with the disease of the soul at all. What are the factors that divide depression into male and female? What are her symptoms?
In my therapeutic work with men experiencing depression, I have repeatedly felt that they treat themselves like "a car and me like a mechanic," expecting a quick repair or a prescription to fix themselves. This is an example of, among others showing how much people don't want to deal with this problem. This applies largely to men who find it very difficult to admit their difficulties and seek help. This is clearly apparent from the cultural and social context.
Current research shows that 12% of men in the entire population have experienced depression throughout their lives.
Cultural and social causes of male depression
From childhood, boys are imposed rules and standards (called introjects in the Gest alt approach), aimed at preparing them for life in adulthood. Their main emphasis is on the development of the rational sphere. After all, the boy is to be the head of the family in the future. The emotional and physical sphere is effectively blocked, omitted or embarrassed by parents. It is not proper for boys to cry, get angry or grieve. All the more so to experience various bodily drives (e.g. sexuality, aggression), as it is believed that then they exceed the boundaries of established norms and are rude.
A child, in order to assimilate and develop this type of cultural and social message, is forced to stiffen his natural expression and cut himself off from areas that are not welcome. Consequently, this develops a mechanical way of dealing with oneself, which is then controlled by rationality. I associate it with the installed computer software that makes sure that the computer performs its functions efficiently and flawlessly. The same applies to the head of a man focused in this context on the implementation of a number of roles, norms, duties, tasks and goals - like a machine.
In adulthood, a real man is defined by the prism of the head of the family or the leader who is on everyonein the field of life, he must cope with everything that happens to him. At the same time, it is important for him to achieve significant successes and set himself increasingly ambitious goals for the future. As a result, any weakness, inefficiency, mistakes or going beyond certain standards prove a man's life helplessness. This is a very common experience of men who seek therapy. The power of the cultural and social message is then so great that it deepens the process of losing the balance. Usually men are not aware of this process.
Male depression symptoms
Functioning in such a constructed world may cause unexplained mood swings, and even depression. Some men experience symptoms that are difficult to explain.
1. On a rational level:problems with memory and concentration.
2. On the body level:fatigue, headaches, constant tension and stress.
3. On the emotional level:depressed mood, irritability, states of anger and nervousness, lack of pleasure and interest.
4. On the level of everyday behavior:difficulty falling asleep, sexual activity, daily activity and social roles.
5. On the social level:willingness to withdraw from contacts and hide.
Sometimes the aforementioned symptoms are accompanied by somatic diseases resulting from many years of suppressing emotions. These include diseases of the cardiovascular system, immune and digestive systems, pain in various areas of the body and others.
Very often men associate these symptoms with difficulties or failures at work, work overload lasting too long, inability to take a vacation, unresolved conflict in a partner relationship or leading an unhe althy lifestyle. Then they look for different ways to deal with the situation or to react to it. For this purpose, they reach for alcohol, painkillers and sleeping pills, drugs, gambling, the Internet, computer games, extreme sports and the gym. As a result, they deepen their condition and after some time come to the so-called walls. They don't know what or how could help them. Some men, despite their shame and resistance, admit to themselves that they need help. Usually then they also decide to reach for help from other people, including therapeutic help.
Treatment of male depression (Gest alt therapy)
In Gest alt therapy, depression is not treated as a symptom that must be eliminated at all costs, e.g. with drugs or therapeutic techniques. Depression is seen as the tip of an iceberg visible above the water's surface. Underthe surface is most of it (the core of the problem) that causes the state of depression. The part that I am thinking of consists of various factors. Apart from them on the basis of reducing the symptoms of the disease, we consequently lead to its relapse in the future.
The Gest alt concept proposes a different way of meeting what is below the surface and becoming aware of the factors that cause depression. It is a process that takes time and takes confidence to get the results you want. Pharmacological support is then usually an activity supporting this process - due to its intensity and depth. In the course of therapy, it is shocking for clients to find that experiencing depression saves them. Never before would they allow themselves to stop and verify that their current way of functioning is he althy. Depression is an event that reveals the fact of cutting yourself off from yourself and creatively adapting to meet the cultural and social requirements. It shows a number of rigid patterns of behavior, reaction and thinking, as well as various types of developed defense mechanisms.
During therapy, a man discovers that depression is his unconscious response, manifesting that he cannot and does not want to function any longer because it is destructive for him. He also begins to discover his true Self, develop an awareness of his own emotionality and body processes, gradually regain his balance and more consciously decide how he wants to function. At the same time, he learns to reach for the support of other people in everyday matters, without perceiving these situations as an expression of weakness or personal failure.
Gest alt therapy is therefore a completely different view of the problem of depression. Not only that experienced by men, but also by women. It makes it possible to consciously undergo the process of depression and to solve this problem permanently.