When we forget something, we joke "I have sclerosis" without realizing the seriousness of the disease. Sclerosis affects people of all ages, but most often in their sixties. Check what are the causes and symptoms of sclerosis and what can slow its development.
Sclerosistook its name from the Greek word "scleros" - hard. The point is that as a result of atherosclerosis, i.e. the accumulation of cholesterol-calcium deposits, the walls of the arteries harden. They also reduce the cross-section (lumen) of the arteries Vessels become impenetrable and deliver less blood and oxygen to the brain Necrosis of brain cells - neurons They die, cease to function and a person suffering from sclerosis has various neurological and mental disorders. it depends on which part of the brain is most affected by atherosclerosis. The body cleans up dead neurons and their place is taken by fluid-filled sinuses. The doctor can see them on the result of computed tomography. Not only does cholesterol have atherosclerosis, but also the so-called immunological processes (taking place in the immune system). Antinuclear antibodies (protein substances produced by the lymphocytes), which attack the cells of the blood vessels. If the scientists' assumptions are confirmed, ordinary atherosclerosis will turn out to be a very complicated disease and the method of its treatment will change completely. Thus, the approach to sclerosis will also change.
Worth knowingAnti-sclerosis diet
Already at the first symptoms of sclerosis, change the diet. First of all, you have to give up animal fat, but use a lot of oil. You should eat fish, e.g. salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, seafood, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, e.g. onions, garlic, sweet peppers, broccoli, parsley, carrots, spinach, soybeans and beans, citrus, strawberries, black currants, chokeberry, avocado, apples.
The effect of red wine on the patency of arteries is still being investigated. There are indications that it is beneficial, so we can have a glass of red wine every day, as long as the doctor doesn't mind it, of course.
Causes and first symptoms of sclerosis
Sclerosis starts quite innocently. People are less and less efficient at work, tired, and need more sleep and rest after exercise. Unfortunately, it happens that he suffers despite being exhaustedpersistent insomnia, has difficulty focusing attention, his memory weakens (gaps appear, most often in the so-called fresh memory, i.e. the one concerning events from a few minutes ago), he becomes irritable and is easily moved. These first symptoms are referred to by neurologists as neurasthenic (pseudo-neurotic) syndrome.
As the disease develops, emotional lability increases. There are, for example, bouts of unrestrained crying or outbursts of anger. Larger memory lapses appear, especially in relation to new events. The desire for physical activity decreases, you can, for example, spend whole hours idle in an armchair, looking at the blue distance. Movements expressing feelings, i.e. gestures and facial expressions, become poorer. The character changes very often - the sick person becomes selfish and ruthless, devoid of self-criticism. These symptoms are accompanied by excessive eating. Specialists refer to this stage in the development of sclerosis as atherosclerotic dementia (dementia). There are often moments of agitation, especially at night. The sick person walks around without realizing where he is, doesn't know what time it is, and in the morning he doesn't remember anything about it.
In the initial stage of sclerosis there are e.g. speech disorders: the patient cannot pronounce the word, despite the good lips, larynx and tongue (aphasia). He is also unable to perform simple actions (apraxia) or has uncoordinated movements - e.g. when reaching for a glass, he swings his arm too much and breaks it (ataxia). These neurological symptoms appear and pass. With advanced sclerosis, there are hemiparesis, e.g. paralysis of the left side of the body or paralysis of an arm or leg. Some people also have symptoms of parkinsonism (tremors) or general stiffness.
Methods for relieving the symptoms of sclerosis
People with sclerosis usually have higher systolic blood pressure (so called upper blood pressure). They show a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure and symptoms of coronary atherosclerosis (ischemic disease with shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pains).
About 30 percent patients have latent diabetes.
Unfortunately, sclerosis usually leads to infirmity and severe dementia. It is possible to delay the progression of the disease, but it must be diagnosed early and correctly. The main point is not to confuse it with, for example, senile dementia (in this case, the described neurological symptoms do not appear, there are no infarcts in the brain computed tomography, and the disease progresses, i.e. without periods of temporary improvement).
For now, medicine can only alleviate the symptoms of sclerosis and slow down its development. The sick person gets medications, incl.vasodilators, anti-cholesterol preparations, improving the metabolism of the brain. When the neurologist discovers a narrowing of the vertebral arteries, it is possible to surgically improve the blood supply to the brain by widening the intervertebral openings through which these arteries run.
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