Malocclusion may be genetic, but sometimes it is also caused by bad habits that developed in childhood. Modern orthodontic appliances can really do wonders! A gap between ones or a sticking out jaw? In most cases, it can be improved without any problems - not only for beauty, but above all for he alth.
Orthodontic applianceshelp to removemalocclusioncaused by a viral or bacterial infection in the first trimester of pregnancy or the incorrect positioning of the baby in the mother's womb. Sometimes they are genetic. But most often we are to blame ourselves: we let the baby suck a finger, we do not breastfeed, but we give the bottle for too long (according to dentists, a one-year-old child should eat with a spoon and drink from a cup). Children who breathe their mouths (due to allergies or infections of the upper respiratory tract) are at risk of malocclusion. They are favored by caries, premature loss of deciduous and permanent teeth, as well as periodontal diseases.
1. When should you visit an orthodontist?
If your child is developing properly, it's best to go to the orthodontist in the age of 6, when the first permanent teeth begin to erupt. The doctor will decide if there are any defects in the shape of the jaw. Depending on the type of the defect, he or she can correct the correction immediately or schedule the next visit in a year or two or after the front teeth are replaced. Until 11-12. The orthodontist works on equalizing the proportions of the jaws (e.g. stimulates their growth). The straightening and alignment of teeth is postponed when the child has all permanent teeth (12-14 years).
2. Can an adult correct the bite?
Correction of a malocclusion can be performed by everyone, regardless of age. But in an adult, it generally takes longer because the bone is more calcified and therefore more difficult to form. Additionally, certain oral conditions may delay the insertion of braces. Sometimes the effects of treatment are affected by the presence of crowns and bridges.
3. Why is teeth straightening necessary?
Usually, we decide on an orthodontic appliance for aesthetic reasons, and it should be put on mainly for he alth. Straight teeth and correct bite are less prone to caries (easier to clean) and periodontal diseases (inflammation or abscesses of the gums), so they canserve us longer. If the teeth are misaligned, their surfaces become abrasive when eating, which aggravates the malocclusion. Therefore, sometimes degenerative diseases of the temporomandibular joints occur. With the wrong bite, the teeth cannot fulfill their primary function - grinding food. We swallow inaccurately chewed bites, and this disturbs the digestive tract.
4. What types of braces are there?
- Movable (removable) is offered to a child who has milk or mixed teeth. It should be used in accordance with the orthodontist's recommendations. It is used to remove defects within the jaws, and it straightens the teeth only to a small extent. If the child has crooked teeth, after removing the malocclusion (using a removable appliance), a fixed appliance is placed, intended for straightening the teeth.
- Fixed braces (it has various elements that are put on by a doctor and can only be removed by a doctor) for permanent dentition. It can be used to make the smallest aesthetic corrections, but also to heal a severe defect within the jaw, e.g. to stimulate the width of the jaw (then individually made metal structures with acrylic elements are placed only on the side teeth). However, the most popular are permanent tooth straightening appliances that stick to the outer surfaces of all teeth (outer). The internal braces, i.e. the lingual braces glued on the inside of the teeth, are completely invisible.
How much does a beautiful smile cost?
- removable apparatus - from 500 to 1 thousand PLN
- external fixed appliances:
- metal - from 2 to 3 thousand PLN
- porcelain-composite - from 3 to 4 thousand PLN
- crystal - from 4 to 5 thousand PLN
- lingual constants (one arch) - from 3.5 to 7 thousand PLN
- first visit to the orthodontist - approx. PLN 250
- control visits - from 200 to 400 PLN
- a set of retention devices - from 850 to 1.5 thousand PLN
In many offices you can negotiate the payment in installments.
5. What does the external camera consist of and how does it work?
Each standard camera is constructed the same. It consists of metal rings glued to the molars and brackets (small bones) attached to the "front" of each tooth. A thin wire is threaded through the locks, which acts on the teeth with a certain force, shifting them relative to each other or rotating in relation to its own axis. The brackets that attract the most attention in the camera can be made of various materials: metal, porcelain, acrylic or crystal.
6. Who can't wear braces?
Diseases associated with reduced immunity (e.g. leukemia) are an absolute contraindication. Temporary contraindications have patients with untreated hormonal disorders or uncontrolled diabetes, because bite correction is not performed properly. But people who receive treatment at specialist clinics and have normal hormone or sugar levels can already receive orthodontic treatment. The braces are not recommended for people taking certain medications, e.g. against osteoporosis (bone structure reconstruction under the influence of these drugs makes orthodontic treatment difficult), and in the case of progressive periodontal disease (first, inflammation in the oral cavity must be eliminated). People with atrophy of bones and loose teeth can be treated orthodontically, but only 3-6 months after the end of periodontal treatment.
7. Which braces in an orthodontic appliance are the least visible?
Almost completely invisible (but also the most expensive) are the locks made of translucent crystal. However, you can find a golden mean and put inconspicuous ceramic brackets on the front teeth, i.e. porcelain (most people wear just such brackets) or crystal, and on the side - metal ones. Young people eagerly decide to put on the locks colored elastics (ligatures), which look funny. They are replaced at each follow-up visit.
8. Is the braces inserted immediately during the first visit?
No. First, you need to take an X-ray: panoramic teeth and lateral skulls (to determine the alignment of the teeth in relation to the skull bones) and a photo of the teeth and face (to assess the facial features and tooth alignment before treatment). If the defect is complicated, your doctor may order additional X-rays, for example of the wrist, to find out if the baby has stopped growing. Then, impressions of all the teeth are made, from which the models of the maxilla and the mandible are made. Then the doctor sets up a treatment plan. Sometimes you still have to remove your teeth, heal them and remove the stone. Only after all these preparations are braces put on: one for the upper teeth and the other for the lower teeth. In some cases, the braces are not worn at the same time.
9. Is it painful to straighten your teeth?
Putting on the braces itself does not hurt, but requires patience as it takes about an hour and a half. Then, for 7-10 days, the teeth may hurt when biting. The body needs to get used to it. After the follow-up visits, the pain is shorter, 3-7 days. Often, after 5 or 6 months from putting the braces on, the discomfort after follow-up visits disappears after a few hours. But it all depends on individual sensitivity. For some, wearing the camera is onlyunpleasant, even painful for others, while others feel nothing. When the camera rubs, for example, the cheek, you need to put a special wax on the lock, then it will stop hurting it. Patients usually get it from an orthodontist.
10. The photo of the orthodontic appliance is the end of the treatment?
After removing the braces, you still need to record the effect of straightening your teeth. For this purpose, the doctor puts on the so-called a retention device that will prevent the teeth from shifting to their former place. The methods vary. Sometimes metal arches are glued to the lower and upper teeth from the inside, and additionally, a removable appliance is attached to the upper teeth. At other times, the metal arch is stuck to the lower teeth only, and removable braces are worn on the upper teeth. The decision on the best method is made by the orthodontist. For the first month, removable braces must be worn all the time, taking it off only for eating and brushing your teeth. After that, the doctor gradually shortens the time of wearing it. Usually, this appliance is needed as long as it took to straighten the teeth. Bows on average are worn for 2 years, but in some cases you cannot part with them for the rest of your life. Then they are replaced every 5-10 years. When wearing retention braces, you should visit your doctor every 1-6 months, as recommended by your orthodontist.
11. What to do when caries appears?
If the brackets are properly glued and good hygiene is taken into account, they do not develop tooth decay. The braces are attached to the glue containing fluoride and tightly fills the space between the bracket and the tooth, preventing the formation of a cavity. The orthodontist controls all exposed parts of the teeth during each visit. If it finds a hole, it must be healed. If necessary, the orthodontist removes and sticks the arch or bracket, and the dentist fills the tooth. The braces must be put on as soon as possible, otherwise the treatment progress will slow down and it may turn out that the arch will not fit the teeth. Ideally, both offices should be adjacent to each other and you can return to the orthodontist immediately after sealing the tooth.
12. How frequent do the checks have to be?
On average every month, and in the case of self-ligating braces (they regulate themselves) every 6-8 weeks. During the visit, the orthodontist checks the progress of treatment and sets the pressure of the metal cord on the teeth, which determines their movement in the right direction. Neglecting this obligation may nullify the effect of the current treatment. Sometimes the help of a hygienist is also needed to clean brackets and teeth. Cameras, whether external or internal, on average have to be worn 1.5 years. And nothing can be rushed here, because the use of too much force to move the teeth or too frequentreplacing working parts of the appliance may damage the teeth. But it all depends on the malocclusion and age of the patient. Sometimes it takes 2.5-3 years to remove it.
13. How are teeth cleaned with braces?
It's easy to do when wearing removable appliances. After removing the braces, the teeth are cleaned with a normal toothbrush and toothpaste, and the braces are cleaned with a toothbrush and paste dedicated to braces, so as not to scratch the structure of the braces. Fixed braces require more steps. Here, a traditional toothbrush and toothpaste will not fulfill their function. That is why you need to buy special brushes, cleaners and threads at the orthodontic office or pharmacy that will be able to clean the teeth and the spaces around the brackets and clamps. Teeth must be thoroughly washed after each eating, because food remains are deposited on the braces, which promotes tooth decay and looks unsightly. In the evening, you should also remove food from all nooks and crannies with dental floss.
Probe14. Does braces make eating difficult?
You have to learn to eat in it. First, choose soft products and cut them into small pieces. With time, you gain practice and you can eat almost anything except drinking cola drinks (glue may dissolve), hard products (nuts, chocolate) and sticky sweets (fudge, cookies or caramel bars). Also, do not chew gum. It's best to get into the habit of paying attention, especially when biting your front teeth.
Adult orthodontics
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