Hyperdonia means you have too many teeth in your jaw. There is real hyperdonia - when we are dealing with an excessive number of permanent teeth, and pseudo hyperdonia, when the milk teeth survived despite the eruption of permanent teeth. What are the causes of hyperdonia?
Hyperdonationisextra teeth . They may be of correct or incorrect construction. In primary dentition, hyperdonia is rather rare and most often affects the additional teeth - incisors.
In the molar area, supernumerary teeth may appear on the side of the cheek or tongue. They are usually symmetrical and do not have the normal shape of the molars, but most often they are conical
There are more of them, they can be more crowded but they are normal shape. A typical example of a supernumerary tooth is the so-called mesiodens or the median tooth that appears between the front teeth of the maxilla or mandible. It is often located the other way round, sometimes 2 or 3 teeth grow out. However, this should not be confused with the situation when children grow permanent teeth from the side of the tongue or cheek, even though the milk teeth are still in place. In general, it is not a dangerous phenomenon, although the advice of a pedodontist is highly recommended here.
What factors contribute to hyperdonation?
Hyperdonia, apart from random cases, occurs in many genetically determined diseases such as Down syndrome, cleft lip and palate, Crouzon, Curtius syndrome and many others.
Ladies will probably be comforted by the fact that with permanent teeth, the frequency of hyperdonia occurs more often in men than in women.
ImportantThe interesting phenomenon of the third teething is also extremely rare, when new teeth grow after the removal of permanent teeth.
Effect of hyperdonia on deciduous and permanent teeth
Hyperdone in primary teeth has practically no consequences. Sooner or later, the primary teeth will fall out and will be replaced by permanent teeth. Of course, to be sure, you need to consult a pediatric dentist - a pediatric dentist. It is worse with permanent dentition, because the extra teeth cause aesthetic and functional changes. For example, a median tooth can cause crowding, displacement, diastema (a gap between the teeth), or delayed eruption of permanent teeth. Patients withhyperdonations are also prone to periodontal disease.
Hyperdonation treatment
The treatment of hyperdonia is nothing more than the removal of extra teeth and possible bite correction. Extraction, depending on the complexity, is performed by a dentist or surgeon. If, as a result of hyperdonia, the patient has periodontal (gum) problems, he or she is placed under the care of a specialist - periodontist.