Broken tooth - what to do when a tooth is cracked, chipped or broken? First of all, don't panic - a broken tooth (whether it is a broken tooth near the gum, root canal treatment, or one tooth) can be healed. Check what is the treatment when a tooth is broken, cracked or chipped.
Broken tooth- what to dowhen the tooth iscracked,broken ,broken ?First of all, see your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of saving the tooth.
Untreated tooth will gradually become weaker, it may also lose it. If a tooth has broken in the enamel and dentin area, the broken part can be glued or rebuilt. It is worse if the fracture occurred within the pulp.
Broken, cracked tooth - causes
The enamel that covers the tooth is the strongest tissue in the human body, but it can still be damaged. Teeth can be damaged in many ways, e.g. after a fall, contact sports, ball games, in a serious car accident or after an impact.
Some foods may be the cause of broken or cracked teeth. According to the American Dental Association, the products that have the worst effect on teeth include:
After root canal treatment, teeth are dead, and thus - weaker than he althy ones. As a result, they are more prone to cracks and fractures.
- hard candies
- citrus
- coffee
- dried fruit
- chips
- carbonated drinks
- alcohol
- energy and isotonic drinks
These types of products lead to the development of tooth decay. - Tooth decay also weakens the tooth as a tooth with a cavity is more likely to break when gnawing hard products.
Another source of tooth damage is occlusive disease, in which the contact of the lower and upper teeth is disturbed. As a result of grinding, unevenly contacting dental arches will gradually crumble, rub and wear - says Dr. Marcin Kopeć, dentist at the Stankowscy & Białach Stomatologia clinic in Poznań.
According to an expertbow. stom. Agnieszka SicińskaBroken tooth - what to do? Which solution should I choose?
Hello, I wanted to get some advice. The crown on my tooth has been moving for several days. It turned out that the tooth underneath it has broken. The doctor temporarily attached my old crown to my tooth and the only solution was to remove the root and insert a denture. At the same time, it would be a temporary prosthesis, and in about 3 months, a permanent insertion. I would like to know if this is the only way out? I would like to add that the tooth is the front upper one, the treatment takes place in England. I would not like to have a tooth extracted. I've read about implants, crowns, bridges and all the options available. I don't know what the condition of the root is, but I guess it's okay because the dentist didn't say anything about it. Thanks in advance for any information. It worries me terribly and stresses me out.
Dr. Agnieszka Sicińska, dentist: I suggest taking an X-ray (intraoral). The photo will reveal the condition of the root of the broken tooth. The procedure depends on it. If the root is he althy, a cosmetic crown can be placed after endodontic (root canal) treatment and insertion of the crown-root inlay. If the root is not suitable for treatment, then the implant placement is the best solution.
Broken, cracked tooth - what to do? Bonding, veneers, crowns
1. Bonding is a procedure for reconstructing chipped or broken teeth with the use of a dental composite, which will work well for small cracks, discolored, chipped or deformed teeth, but also as a temporary filling.
The dentist first etches the tooth with a special preparation, then covers it with composite resin and forms the appropriate shape with the appropriate composite. Then the tooth is light hardened and polished. This solution is economical and works well in urgent cases, when the patient cares about time.
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If the tooth has not been treated with the root canal, it is still alive, and the fracture has not been too deep, it is possible to treat the tooth and make a crown-root inlay and a crown.
2. Veneers are thin flakes made of, for example, composite or porcelain, which are attached to the front of the tooth to make it a natural extension and make it look more aesthetic. - It is a universal solution. With the help of veneers, you can correct discolored, worn and broken teeth, e.g. as a result of mechanical injuries or decalcification of the enamel, as well as freely widen, lengthen or shorten the tooth crown. The veneer can have any shade and shape to match the rest of the smile. They can be usedon one or several teeth - explains Dr. Marcin Kopeć, dentist.
This is not an immediate method, as the dentist first grinds a part of the tooth, then takes an impression and places a temporary veneer on the patient. During this time, the right veneer is made in the prosthetic laboratory, and on the second visit, the dentist fixes it with a special cement. Veneers, especially porcelain ones, can serve us for up to 30 years.
Read also: Teeth: tooth structure
In the case of a dead tooth, check whether the tooth root is he althy and whether there are no periapical changes. If this is the case, then you can also make a crown-root inlay and a crown.
3. Crowns - when a tooth is badly damaged, it may require a crown. Dental crowns are one of the most common methods of dental reconstruction.
The crown is placed on the tooth to strengthen it, protect it from loss (without the crown, the tooth will not be strong enough to withstand the pressure resulting from the distribution of chewing forces), give the desired shape and increase its aesthetics.
The most aesthetic are porcelain and ceramic crowns, the color and structure of which are the closest to a natural tooth. To put on the crown, dental anesthesia is used.
Then the tooth may require complete extraction, after which an impression is made for prosthetic work. The crown is made by the laboratory, and before it finally reaches the patient's mouth, the patient wears a temporary crown as a substitute.
According to an expertbow. stom. Agnieszka SicińskaHow can a broken tooth be rebuilt?
How much does it cost, for example, and what is the name of the procedure for repairing or rebuilding a broken tooth (one), about 1/3, 1/4 of a tooth? Is it possible to perform the method of filling the tooth with the layering technique - reconstruction of the tooth crown. Is there any other option?
Dr. Agnieszka Sicińska, dentist: First, I advise you to take an X-ray and determine if the tooth is alive. The price of a tooth reconstruction with a composite is about PLN 230, with the use of a veneer it costs PLN 1,500. This solution can be used in the case of a vital tooth. If the tooth is dead, then I suggest using a prosthetic solution that strengthens the tooth, i.e. a prosthetic crown. The cost of such a solution is PLN 1,500.
Broken, cracked tooth - root canal treatment, implant
Root canal treatment - sometimes, even in the case of a minor tooth injury, the pulp is damaged, which is the living, highly innervated part of the tooth. In such a situation, the damaged tooth can be subjected to endodontic treatment that reaches the pulp canals.
This way we will avoidpossible complications, such as tooth abscess development or bone loss. After treatment, you can put in a crown or an inlay or onlay, which protects the tooth from further damage.
If an injured tooth is painful or hypersensitive, it may require such therapy. Currently, thanks to the use of microscopes, it is possible to heal such a tooth during one visit.
Implants should be reached when the X-ray examination shows that the tooth root must be removed. When a root is to be removed due to a deep fracture, we can remove and immediately insert the implant.
Dental implant - an implant is the most radical solution for tooth reconstruction, but also the most durable. - When a tooth is severely damaged, for example in a fracture that extends below the gum line, it may not be possible to treat the tooth. Then tooth extraction, i.e. removal, will be required. At this point, it can be replaced with a dental implant, which the dentist fixes in the jaw bones. The implant consists of a titanium screw that replaces the root of the tooth, an abutment and the visible part - the crown. The implant replaces the lost tooth, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality - it looks natural, and at the same time allows you to smile and bite normally without feeling discomfort - says Dr. Kopeć.
After approx. 12-16 months, the implant is finally accepted, but - with proper care for the teeth - it can serve us for several dozen years.
According to an expertbow. stom. Agnieszka SicińskaA cracked or chipped tooth - what to do?
Hello, I broke a tooth today, the inner side of the bottom 6. The tooth has crumbled so deeply that the gum still holds it. The tooth was root canal treated a few years ago and most of it is a filling. Is it still possible to save him?
Dr. Agnieszka Sicińska, dentist: There are two possibilities. One is the insertion of the crown-root post. The condition for qualifying a tooth for a crown-root inlay is a properly treated root canal, and the damage to the crown should not be below the gingival margin. The next step is to embed the cosmetic crown. If the damage is below the gumline, tooth extraction is the only solution. In such a case, the best solution is to insert an implant in the place of the defect.
Two years ago I had the top one made, unfortunately now it has crumbled almost half. Is it possible to fill it in somehow?
Dr. Agnieszka Sicińska, dentist: Composite reconstruction is possible, but it is not a permanent solution. A better solution is to embed a cosmetic crown. Thisa solution that will protect the tooth and will be more comfortable.
Dental veneers are the solution in the case of defects in dentition
The article uses the materials of the Stankowscy & Białach Stomatologia clinic in Poznań.