Our individual intimate scent, noticeable not only around the genitals and anus, but also under the armpits, on the torso, head, nipples, and even - to a lesser extent - on the face, accompanies us from adolescence through the entire adulthood. Although we often use a number of cosmetic treatments to get rid of it, it will never be entirely possible. What's more, this intimate scent seduces the opposite sex and influences our choice of a partner.

Contrary to the sweat glands, these fragrances do not go directly to the surface of the skin, but to the hair follicles.This means that one of the important functions of the pubic hair, but also of the hair on the head, is the spread of our natural pheromones.Wet hair of the pubic areas and armpits also cool these parts of the body and leave it free space between one part of the skin and the other, so that even a little air gets here. If we also had hair between our toes, the problem of badly smelling feet would go away on its own. The hair in the armpits and around the genitals, however, also allows sweat to remain in these areas for longer, which makes it easier for the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant smell to decompose it. This argument is often brought up by supporters of epilation. But even the biggest cleaners notice that despite the most meticulous cleaning of intimate areas, the characteristic smell can never be completely eliminated, and if even, only for a short while.
How does our scent attract the opposite sex?
The scent glands are not easy to tame and they just do their job. Thanks to this, every person from adolescence has their own individual smell, which consists of aromatic substances secreted by the body. It can be felt around the genitals and anus, in the armpits, but also on the torso, head, nipples, and even locally on the face. And it has a deep meaning, because people communicate with each other not only through words, facial expressions and gestures, but also through the use of smells. Some of them are registered fully consciously (such as the distinct smells of stale sweat and sebum or the intense odor of feet), but some of them are perceived by us completely without consciousness. In animals, substancesthe fragrances are used to transmit signals. In recent years, scientists have found more and more evidence that the same is true of humans. We are talking about the action of chemical compounds called pheromones.These pheromones "lure" the baby to the mother's breast and they largely influence our sexual behavior and choice of a partner.But with their help, and more precisely through the fumes of the body, the existence of which is not even consciously we record, and you can also transmit fear signals and information about the threat to the environment. This is why dogs always take pleasure in throwing themselves towards those people who are breathtaking at the mere sight of a quadruped. The smell of fear that a person spreads around him at such a moment acts on such a mongrel as an aromatic magnet.
Other olfactory signals, triggered by a sudden rush of adrenaline, may in turn carry a warning. The information they contain will literally throw a punch in the nose of a potential opponent by saying, for example, "Be careful, I'm dangerous! Don't get too close!" In turn, when we immediately establish a thread of understanding with someone, we say that "there is chemistry between us". It even happens - when the chemistry is particularly strong - that we feel a clear erotic attraction towards an almost unknown person. Women have a particularly sensitive sense of smell in this regard. If you add to this the fact that they are also much better at reading emotions than men than men, it is no longer surprising that they are so much better at non-verbal communication. A man who wants to show everyone what a macho he is, lays down in a chair with his legs wide apart and occasionally, nonchalantly, clasps his hands behind his head. Both these gestures scream to the female audience: "Hello, hello! Smell me!" Thanks to such poses, the man "aids" his genitals and armpits, spreading pheromones that prove the undeniable virtues of his masculinity, which is simply irresistible. If any of the readers are now scowling in disgust, thinking "Ah, those guys!", Remember that ladies who supposedly accidentally touch their hair and throw it back, also do not do it solely out of coquetry. It's just a slightly subtler way of exposing your armpits and spreading your own fragrances to lure men in.
Worth knowingThe sweat that comes from our scent glands is dense, more sticky and milky white because it contains far more fats and proteins than "normal" sweat. During sex, when, as you know, it is easy to sweat, a cloudy liquid often collects in the navel of an exhausted lover - a pool of love filled with secretionscent glands. It is a breeding ground for the ravenous coryneform bacteria that dominate the male sex. The bacterial flora of the female skin is dominated by other bacteria - bundles. That is why after intercourse, men breathe sweat intensely, while women smell more sour. The production of sweat with a particularly unpleasant odor even has its medical name: bromhydrosis. The word comes from Greek and literally means "fetid sweat".
Biochemical partner selection
It's worth knowing that every time you flirt, there's a lively exchange of information on the biochemical plane. In men, there is a substance considered to be a human pheromone in large amounts, the so-called androstadienone, found primarily in semen, but also on the skin and hair in the armpits. Odorless at first, androstadienone is gradually broken down by bacteria, giving it a urine-like odor first, then developing notes of musk and sandalwood. Research has shown that this puts women in a decidedly positive mood in the right situations. In turn, the estratetraenol secreted by women instantly stimulates men, affecting their autonomic nervous system. Female tears, in which pheromones can also be detected, have exactly the opposite effect. In men who smell women's tears, the desire for sex immediately drops to zero. Due to the fragrances, the women living together synchronize the menstrual cycle (for the harem host it is rather bad news …). On the other hand, if men and women are offered to freely choose one of the vacancies, they will most likely sit on the chairs previously occupied by representatives of the opposite sex. This phenomenon was also observed during laboratory tests with the use of spray pheromones, which were sprayed on selected chairs; the participants of the experiments subconsciously registered the smell left on the chairs and chose the place accordingly.
When choosing a partner, we are also guided by whether the genetically determined immune system of the chosen one or the chosen one matches ours.The right choice gives hope for he althy offspring. In some studies, women were asked to smell used men's T-shirts. As it turned out, the participants chose T-shirts previously worn by those men with the so-called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) was completely different from that of women making choices. The proteins that make up MHCs are similar within one family, and therefore individuals can be identified as being related to each other. Selectionpartner with significantly different MHC naturally prevents incest.
Read also what pheromones are and how they work
Why you shouldn't go overboard with perfumes
Controlled by instinct, the selection of a partner protects against combining too similar but also too different genetic markers. Naturally, the choice of a partner is also determined by the appearance and character, but the biochemical matching of two people plays a really big role. It also means that tinkering with, altering, or masking a natural fragrance can have serious consequences. Odor changes can occur, for example, as a result of taking birth control pills. Synthetic hormones affect not only a woman's perception of smells, but also the smell she emits. So if two people get to know each other while she is taking the pill, it may turn out that neither of your current partners will be able to bear the smell of the other after you stop taking the pill. When choosing a perfume, many people instinctively choose a fragrance that enhances their own fragrance message. Nevertheless, there is a danger that by constantly using a variety of colognes, fragrant soaps, shampoos, deodorants, body lotions and perfumes, we will mask our true fragrance and thus the important and subtle messages that our body transmits. The nose can be deceived quite easily. And then it's after tea, we end up in bed or, worse, in front of the altar, with someone who doesn't suit us at all …
Worth knowingThe text comes from the book "Leather. A Fascinating Story" by Yael Adler (Feeria Publishing House).The author is a German doctor - dermatologist and dietitian. In the publication, he reveals the most shameless secrets of the skin to the reader in a humorous way. It is designed not only to captivate with its exterior, but above all, it constantly makes contact and interacts with the environment. After all, we often feel through our skin whether something suits us or not.
"The book is read in the same breath - even I, a doctor with many years of practice, absorbed it with interest. Mainly because, as a rule, boring and complicated issues are presented here as a collection of interesting, often funny or disturbing stories on cases from the practice of Dr. Adler. From my point of view, it is an excellent position for both laymen and specialists. Reading this wonderful publication, I have repeatedly returned to funny and informative fragments. I will certainly use them more than once in conversations with my patients "- wrote the drug . med. Bartosz Pawlikowski, dermatologist and venereologist, author of nearly 100press publications, lecturer and promoter of new methods of treatment.
Dr. Adler answers the questions that haunt us, meticulously and vividly explaining the most complicated issues. Poradnikzdrowie.pl is the media patron of her book. We recommend!