There are many methods that can help you fight your nicotine addiction on a daily basis. We present the most popular ones. Which one will be the most appropriate for you? Will you choose hypnosis, acupuncture or maybe nicotine replacement therapy? This question will be answered if you finally decide to quit smoking.
These are the most popular treatments for addiction tosmoking . Maybe one of them will help you to successfully quitaddiction .
Psychological Stop Smoking Therapies
Carr's method Therapeutic seminarsstop smokingare conducted in larger cities using the Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking method. According to the organizers, only one 6-hour session allows you to quickly, effectively and permanently quit the addiction without experiencing unpleasant nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Sessions are held in groups of several people and are conducted by a licensed therapist. The aim of the seminar is to make the smoker aware of the mechanism of the "nicotine trap". In the event of no success within 3 months (provided that they use two free strengthening sessions during this time) - the company reimburses the entire cost of participation in the therapy incurred by the client. Declared effectiveness - 70 percent The price of the treatment is 1000 PLN. Adventists Anti-smoking treatments conducted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church have been considered one of the most effective methods of drug addiction in the world for many years. Developed by doctors and psychotherapists in the 1960s, this program has helped thousands of people to quit smoking forever. The lecturer who conducts the drug addiction course gives simple, natural methods of dealing with addiction in three spheres (physical, mental and moral) and never returning to smoking again. This method places great emphasis on personal fight against addiction. It is said that out of 10 people undergoing this therapy, 6-7 people quit smoking, so the success rate is approx. 70%. Free treatment. Hypnosis is a popular method of smoking weaning, although controlled studies do not confirm its superiority over other methods (efficiency about 10-15%). Several methods are used during hypnosis: direct suggestion of behavior change, change in the smoker's perception of addiction, the use of hypnosis to develop an aversion to smoking, self-hypnosis to supplementhypnosis treatment. Treatment is carried out in individual or group sessions. The therapy is applied once or repeatedly. Price from 50 to 200 PLN for the procedure. Effective in conjunction with other methods.
Alternative methods to quit smoking
Bioresonance This therapy uses electromagnetic vibrations (biosignals) that exist in the human body and around it. Before starting the procedure, light a cigarette and put it in the camera. The person undergoing therapy is connected to the device through special electrodes. After turning on the appropriate program on the computer, the body reacts to quench the craving for nicotine. The effectiveness of the method is very impressive. After one treatment, 90% of people quit smoking, declare bioresonance specialists. The treatment costs PLN 50-60. Acupuncture and electrostimulation These methods allow, first of all, to restore the body's balance, which is unstable with nicotine withdrawal. By quitting smoking, the mood of a smoker can become destabilized. Depending on his personality, he can become either depressed or over-excited. At such a moment, the use of puncturing the appropriate places on the body (acupuncture) or the stimulation of a few points on the ear with current (electrostimulation) allows you to achieve well-being without the need for inflammation. One electrostimulation or a series of acupuncture treatments is used. Instead of classic acupuncture with disposable needles, biostimulating laser therapy can be used in hypersensitive people. For these methods to work, complete nicotine abstinence is necessary, and herbal sedatives are also recommended. The effectiveness of the treatments is estimated at approx. 60%. One treatment costs from 30 to even 220 PLN, depending on the surgery.
Pharmacological treatment of nicotine addiction
Tabex Contains cytisine, an alkaloid that was once used as an antitussive and anti-asthmatic drug. Recently, its molecules have been found to be similar to nicotine molecules. In the treatment of nicotinism, cytisine plays the role of a nicotine replacement compound. Thus, in the smoker's body, there is a gradual reduction and then disappearance of mental and physical dependence on nicotine. Most often, the treatment begins a maximum of 5 days before the scheduled quit date. After completing the course of treatment, which lasts for 25 days, you must not smoke. However, if the smoker returns to the addiction or complains about the unpleasant symptoms of abstinence, the treatment should be repeated after about 4-5 months. The price of the package is about PLN 25 - the cost of the treatment. Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride) is a drug that has been tested as a specific for depression.By the way, scientists noticed its anti-smoking effect. The high effectiveness and safety of the drug have been confirmed by clinical trials. 30 percent people after treatment with Zyban still do not smoke after one year - this is the best effectiveness result among all smoking cessation aids available on the market. Its mechanism of action is based on the release of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, which replaces the effect of discontinued nicotine. Low levels of norepinephrine are responsible for feeling irritable, angry and frustrated. Dopamine, in turn, is related to the sensation of pleasure and is a vehicle of addiction. Zyban is sold by prescription only. The treatment begins during the smoking period. Then the smoker takes the drug and smokes cigarettes. On a specific day of treatment, the patient stops smoking and continues taking Zyban. Then he should no longer feel the urge to smoke. Combination with nicotine replacement therapy is recommended. Treatment with it lasts 7 weeks, and its cost is approximately PLN 460.
Nicotine replacement therapy increases the chances of quitting smoking
Nicotine replacement therapy is a method that alleviates the symptoms of nicotine craving by administering small doses of nicotine in a form other than a cigarette, free from harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke. The treatment process according to this therapy includes two stages. First, after stopping smoking completely, nicotine is given regularly in the form of a chewing gum, patch or inhaler to minimize the symptoms of craving. As psychological addiction is brought under control, the dose of nicotine is gradually reduced to a gentle recovery from physical addiction. Nicotine replacement therapy increases the chances of quitting smoking threefold. Available preparations: Microtab Nicorette, Nicotinell TTS - small "discreet" lozenges, Nicorette (Nicotinum) inhaler - the only inhaler, Nicorette (Nicotinum) patches - easy to use, give the least side effects, Nicorette (Nicotinum) gums, NiQuitin gums, Lozenges for NiQuitin suction, NiQuitin patches. The average monthly cost of NTT is PLN 250.
Why should I quit smoking?
Source:ń Dobry TVN