Low saturation is a problem that became loud with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it can be caused not only by coronavirus infection, but also many other diseases, primarily various chronic respiratory diseases. Low saturation is actually quite a dangerous condition. Find out what its symptoms are and what to do if it occurs.
Low saturation - general characteristics
Saturation(or actuallyblood saturation ) is a parameter that determines the degree of oxygen saturation of arterial blood. The measurement of saturation is a test commonly used in medicine, e.g. during surgeries. It is also assessed when monitoring the course of chronic respiratory diseases.
Correct saturation typically in the range of 95-100% .
In a situation where it reaches a value lower than or equal to 94%, we can talk aboutlow saturation.Usually this condition is associated with the appearance of many different ailments in patients. It also happens that the patient will have too low arterial oxygen saturation, and at the same time he will not experience any symptoms.
Low saturation: causes
A decrease in saturation can be caused mainly by diseases in which the course of gas exchange in the respiratory system may be disturbed.
- Examples include asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- Quite often a temporary decrease in saturation is seen in the course of an infection, e.g. in people with pneumonia.
- The problem may also appear in patients with heart defects (especially those where oxygenated blood mixes with deoxygenated blood), but also in the course of anemia.
- In 2022, low saturation began to be associated with one specific disease - COVID-19. The problem is serious mainly because in the course of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections, the decrease in saturation may be completely asymptomatic.
Low saturation: symptoms
Low oxygen saturation is directly related to hypoxemia, i.e. too little oxygen in arterial blood. As it is commonly known, oxygen is a gas necessary for the functioning of the human body.
In a situation where its delivery to the human body is reduced, various disorders can develop.
Among the ailments that may appear in people with low oxygen saturation, the following can be mentioned:
- shortness of breath,
- breathing faster,
- increased heart rate,
- visual disturbance (usually in the form of a blurred image),
- difficulties with coordination of movements,
- chest pain,
- disturbance of consciousness,
- dizziness,
- headache.
Sometimes low oxygen saturation is manifested by the development of cyanosis in the patient. This problem is developed because blood containing less oxygen is darker in color than oxygen-rich blood.
Cyanosis is characterized by a bluish-violet color of the skin and mucous membranes. Her presentation suggests that the patient experienced a significant decrease in saturation.
Low saturation with no symptoms
Low saturation in the course of COVID-19 may not generate any discomfort . This problem is called hidden hypoxia. Scientists are not sure why tissue hypoxia may occur without any symptoms in the course of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections. However, the first hypotheses regarding this issue appear.
First of all, researchers point out that hidden hypoxia in the course of COVID-19 may appear in previously he althy people.
In such patients - as well as in infected patients suffering from some chronic diseases - in the course of infection the structures of the respiratory system may be damaged.
Previously he althy patients, however, may be able to tolerate low arterial blood saturation for an extended period of time. The complications of low saturation, however, can be really severe.
Low saturation: consequences
Low saturation is associated with hypoxemia, but also with hypoxia, i.e. tissue hypoxia. The longer the reduced saturation persists in a given patient, the greater the risk of various types of damage, including:
- nerve tissue damage,
- kidney,
- liver
- or hearts.
It is for this reason that during the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors recommend that patients acquire a pulse oximeter to detect possible low saturation and howreport this problem to the appropriate specialists at the earliest.
Low saturation: treatment
The detection of low saturation is usually the beginning of the diagnostic process. The next steps are to find its causes. Correct diagnosis is essential for the treatment of the condition that has led to the reduction of oxygen saturation in arterial blood.
Symptomatic treatment is also used. Some patients (e.g. those who suffer from COVID-19) may require oxygen therapy.
- Saturation - what is the saturation level?
- Hypoxia (hypoxia in the body): causes, symptoms, treatment
- Hypoxemia (oxygen deficiency in the blood) - causes, treatment, complications
- Brain hypoxia - symptoms, causes, treatment