RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is a pathogen that causes respiratory infections. It is most often referred to in the context of premature babies and young children, as they have so far been considered a group particularly vulnerable to infections. However, the elderly should be added to the risk of RSV infection. Statistics show that because of it, more than 300,000 people over 60 years of age are hospitalized in the world every year.

Who is most likely to get RSV?
Respiratory infections caused by RSV are usually bronchitis and pneumonia. These are dangerous diseases, especially for young children. The greatest risk of contracting the virus is in premature babies, who do not have the appropriate antibodies due to premature birth. In this group, the pathogen may be responsible for bronchopulmonary dysplasia leading to respiratory failure. Therefore, for many years in Poland, a program of prevention of premature babies has been carried out, consisting in administering antibodies to RSV.
Studies conducted in recent years have shown, however, that respiratory syncytial virus can pose a serious threat also among adults - especially seniors whose immune systems are weaker. People with cardiopulmonary diseases and immunodeficiency, e.g. after surgeries, transplants or oncological treatment, are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of infection1 . People suffering from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) also tolerate the infection much worse2 . In them, infection can cause complications leading to hospitalization and even death.
As in young children, RS virus causes pneumonia in people over 60 years of age (observations show that it causes 2 to 5 percent of cases of this disease in adults)3 .
Spread of RSV in adults
Due to its fairly easy spread, RSV is a threat to people staying in nursing homes (about 5 to 10% of cases annually), hospitals, but also seniors who have contact with children who spread this virus - frequent infections affect e.g. grandparents looking after their grandchildren. Research shows that RSV takes 5 to 8 days to mature in the body, and children can be infected with it for up to 21 days4 .
It's worth ithowever, emphasize that contamination by long-range aerosol is rare. Transmission of the virus usually requires direct contact with a sick person who has not washed their hands after sneezing or coughing, or through contact with surfaces that contain the virus, such as door handles, table tops, etc. The virus is also spread by kissing a sick child.
Symptoms and treatment of RSV infection in adults
The symptoms of RSV infection initially resemble a cold or the flu, in addition there are stages of nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, hunting pain and increased temperature5 . Due to the rather non-specific symptoms, this disease may go unnoticed or underestimated for a long time. Complications, e.g. breathing problems, usually become a signal that prompts the patient to see a doctor.
Treatment of RSV in adults is based on the administration of strong antiviral drugs (e.g. ribavirin). Antipyretic drugs, sometimes antibiotics, are also used. Hospitalization is sometimes necessary - especially in situations where the senior has difficulty breathing or is dehydrated. Then oxygen respiration and drip irrigation are used.
Preventing RSV infections
Specialists attach the greatest importance to prevention. Seniors staying in nursing homes, large crowds or taking care of young children should wash their hands often to prevent the spread of RSV virus, and certainly be careful not to touch their face, eyes and mouth with dirty hands, which are "gateways" for all pathogens . It is worth avoiding close contact, e.g. shaking hands with people who are sick or potentially infected, who have, for example, symptoms of colds that may suggest RSV infection.
People over 60 must remember that RSV is most severe in the fall-winter and early spring season. In Poland, the greatest incidence occurs between September and April. At this time, it is worth paying particular attention to prevention - avoid contact, limit looking after children, etc.