The problem of urinary incontinence (NTM) contributes to the resignation from intercourse. This is the result of not accepting your own body and fear of revealing your ailments. It is worth overcoming your problems, because the lack of sex has a negative impact on the relationship.
The decision to limitintercoursewith the problemurinary incontinenceis caused by a significant reduction in self-esteem and sexual attractiveness. Fearing the partner discovering the embarrassing problem, women consciously give up closeness. Unfortunately, in the long run, these behaviors may result in a loosening of the mental bond and emotional alienation.
Urinary incontinence: why your aversion to sex?
Women living with urinary incontinence fear that uncontrolled leakage of urine will occur duringsex , or that the partner will notice unpleasant odors, stained underwear or skin changes caused by NTM. Many women consider their ailment a symptom of old age and impairment of the intimate area of the body. As a result - they feel older than their birth certificate and undervalued as women.
Urinary incontinence: doctor's help
The lack of a sense of control over one's own urine made women powerless. They often experience their illness in solitude and silence.
ImportantGood to know
Stress incontinence is the uncontrolled leakage of urine during activities related to contracting the abdominal muscles (coughing, sneezing, dancing, exercise). One of its causes may be weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. This problem significantly affects women in the menopausal period and after pregnancy. In Poland, about 3 million people suffer from this disease.
This is due to, among other things, limited access to information that could help them cope with urinary incontinence. They fear that the only solution to this problem is surgery or drug therapy. Being aware of your own body and its changes helps you understand and accept the problem. Many women are concerned about passing urine during intercourse, although this is not often the case. A simple and quick method to reduce the risk of uncontrolled leakage of urine is to empty the bladder before intercourse and avoid itdiuretic carbonated drinks and coffee. - In the long run, it makes sense to train your pelvic floor muscles. Their strengthening will have a positive effect not only on urinary continence, but also on the sexual satisfaction of partners. - says doc. Piotr Radziszewski from the Department and Clinic of Urology at the Medical University of Warsaw.
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