More and more seniors are able to maintain their youth until old age. Where does this good form come from? 5 percent of the credit goes to the genome. The rest is up to us! Find out about 7 most effective ways to stay young forever.
How to prolong youth , keep a clear mind and vitality? In order to be in good shape inold ageyou have to work a little. First of all, you need to strengthen the body, then it will go easier.
Ways to stay young: move as much as possible
Physical activity is an excellent recipe for staying fit. Doctors suggest that we should do 15-minute morning exercises daily and move vigorously at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. They don't have to be extreme sports. All you need to do is walk with an elastic step in the park, swim, ride a bike or, for example, cover a short distance on cross-country skis. The point is to spend as much time as possible outdoors and choose activities that evenly burden all muscles.
Ways to youth: give up stimulants
Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee destroy vitamins and trace elements that neutralizefree radicals . Alcohol drunk in a dose greater than a glass of red wine a day is a poison that penetrates the blood and lymph and kills the immune cells present in them. In turn, tobacco smoke contains over 4 thousand. poisonous substances that destroy the body and accelerate the aging process.
Ways of youth: indulge in pleasures
They perfectly improve your mood - and this is an essential element of maintaining vitality and he alth for a long time. Research has shown that good partnerships, a friendly attitude to the world, having a hobby and indulging in even small pleasures can extend our lives by up to 5-7 years.
Ways to stay young: modify your diet
The number one enemy for us are free radicals. The body produces them all the time, and they constantly damage our cells. Such a massive attack causes us to age faster and suffer more often. The way to deal with radicals-pests is simple: they are antioxidants (or antioxidants). They include, among others some vitamins, so every day we should eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruit (about 1.5 kg) rich in vitamins A, C and E. Tomatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, and peppers are especially valuable(especially red), citrus, but also currants and strawberries (also frozen).
They are also a rich source of fiber, thanks to which we get rid of harmful metabolic products faster, which also has a positive effect on our body. After the age of 50, the body should receive 1,200 mg of calcium daily to strengthen the bones. To achieve this, you need to drink a glass of milk and eat a cup of yogurt, 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 2-3 slices of cheese. We can replace yellow cheese with, for example, a can of sardines (but we eat them with the bones, because they contain the most calcium). You will be in good condition by eating fish regularly, which is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids, called irreplaceable ones, are needed for the regeneration of the body's cells. To ensure the right dose, you need to eat about 1 kg of sea fish per week.
Ways to stay young: learn to relax
Stress destroys the body. However, it is difficult to avoid nervous tensions and emotions, so it's worth knowing how to deal with them. 1. Learn to breathe deeply and calmly, especially in difficult situations. It is best to count to 10 while breathing in. 2. Talk openly about your problems. Analyze conflict situations and look for ways to solve them. 3. Defend your free time, don't take on too many responsibilities and be sure to learn to say "no". 4. Take care of your hobbies as often as you can. 5. Meet your friends. Studies have shown that in people who are social, open, the immune system functions by 20 percent. better than in closed ones. 6. Go for a relaxing massage from time to time, which will relax your muscles and improve blood circulation in the skin.
Ways to youth: toughening up
By hardening the body, you improve its thermoregulation mechanisms. Thanks to this, you can tolerate the vagaries of the weather better and catch infections less often. And that's the point, because every disease weakens our condition.
You must do itHow to harden?
- The long-recommended hardening method is alternating spraying. First, pour warm water over the body (20-30 seconds), then cool water (2-3 seconds). Increase the water temperature differences gradually and always finish the treatment with water at body temperature.
- Wading in cool water works well. Fill the tub until the water reaches halfway up your calves. After a dozen or so minutes of wading, dry your feet well and massage them.
- It is worth taking air "baths". It is 5-10 minutes of exercise in light clothes and with the window open. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 8 degrees C.
Ways to stay young: sleep well and sleep well
Cell phone at nightof the body regenerate the fastest, so 7-8 hours of sleep is not a whim, but a necessity. To fall asleep easier, ventilate the bedroom well, and eat a lightly digestible dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed. Do not exercise vigorously before bedtime, but take a walk. Walking around a few houses with an elastic step will relax you and give you oxygen.
This will be useful to youHerbs and substances that prolong youth
- Wierzbownica or the herb of youth.This plant, quite common in Poland, has been used in folk medicine for centuries. Today, science has confirmed its beneficial properties. Willowherb contains active substances that cleanse the body of toxins and destroy pathogenic bacteria. And - importantly for men - they inhibit prostate hypertrophy. From the pharmacy - Tea for seniors.
- Omega-3 acids and lecithin.Thanks to its unique properties, lecithin (there is a lot of it in flax seeds) regulates the level of fat and cholesterol, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. It cleans the walls of blood vessels and strengthens the heart. The circulatory system also requires omega-3 fatty acids, which have an excellent effect on blood vessels. From the pharmacy Doppel Hertz, Lecitin Forte, Omega-3, OmegaCardio.
- Duck's foot and lemon balm on the nerves.Ginkgo, due to the shape of its leaves, also known as duck's foot, is a component of preparations treating neurological diseases accompanied by memory and concentration disorders, and reduced intellectual performance. In addition, it effectively eliminates dizziness, tinnitus and balance disorders, has a positive effect on the regeneration of nerve connections, which is why it has been used, among others. in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Lemon balm also has a soothing effect on the nerves. It relaxes and calms down, restores well-being and mental balance. From the pharmacy: Bilobil, Ginkofar, Ginkgocard, Melisana.
- He althy joints thanks to glucosamine.One of the important tasks in the regeneration of articular cartilage is glucosamine, which is an important component of the synovial fluid. When glucosamine is lacking, joints are not "lubricated" enough and can become damaged. From the pharmacy: Artresan, Arteum, Artobon, Litozin Forte.
- Memory and strength from ginseng root.Before over 2 thousand. For years, Chinese soldiers had been given ginseng to help them recover faster after the fight. Contemporaries found almost 200 valuable substances in it. Ginseng adds energy because the cells make better use of the oxygen they provide. Regular intake of ginseng improves memory, ability to concentrate, and immunity. It is recommended for convalescents, exhausted people and menopausal women. FROMpharmacies: Ginseng, Bodymax Senior.
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