Pertussis vaccines are most often used in infants and children as a prophylaxis. Adults, however, can and should also be vaccinated against this disease. Why is it recommended that adults have pertussis immunization every 10 years? What can the vaccine protect against, and is it safe? Find out if it is possible to get vaccinated against whooping cough during pregnancy.
Vaccinations against whooping coughare among the obligatory vaccinations in Poland. Young patients, even before they reach adulthood, receive three doses of the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Few, however, really know that pertussis prevention should definitely not end there.Regular vaccinations against pertussis in adults are recommended . The benefits of such vaccination are definitely worth mentioning.
Whooping coughis a bacterial contagious disease that has troubled many parents of young children in the past. They were afraid of coughing attacks associated with it, which could even result in a fracture of the ribs, and many young patients died of whooping cough (in 1950 alone over 1500 children died of this disease). Today, the situation is definitely different. Deaths from whooping cough are rare due to widespread immunization against the disease.
Whooping cough vaccine does not provide life-long immunity
In adults - in accordance with the Polish Immunization Program - vaccinations against whooping cough are recommended every 10 yearst. These recommendations came from the fact that neither the disease of whooping cough nor vaccination against it in the early years gives immunity against this disease for the rest of your life.
Whooping cough vaccine - similarly to other vaccines - does not reduce the risk of getting sick to zero. However, it reduces the risk of developing the disease and complications. In addition, using it offers many other benefits.
Whooping cough is a disease that, contrary to appearances, has not disappeared at all
When you look at the whooping cough incidence statistics you might think thatthe disease is simply rare. As an example, we can mention the year 2022, in which in Poland slightlyover 700 casesof this disease were found.
However, researchers are alarming that in reality there are many more cases. Some of them are undiagnosed due to the fact that the patients do not visit the doctor. Some of them are sometimes misdiagnosed as other diseases due to the fact that the course of whooping cough is not always characteristic.
So it is worth getting vaccinated against whooping cough. This reduces the risk of developing a disease that may not be properly diagnosed in the end, and such a mistake may not be the result of a doctor's incompetence.
A vaccine that protects against a hard-to-recognize disease
Whooping cough is uneven and in fact the disease can be completely different in different patients. A typical symptom of the disease is a chronic, persistent cough, which significantly hinders the patient's normal functioning.
Not always, however, the cough is really intense. In addition, sometimes patients - especially the elderly - have slightly different predominant symptoms, such as headaches or sinus pains.
It should be mentioned here that whooping cough is not easy to recognize also because of how many completely different conditions should be included in its differential diagnosis.
The disease caused by whooping cough bacteria should be differentiated, among others: with:
- chronic respiratory diseases,
- cardiovascular diseases
- or lung cancer.
Before the patient is properly diagnosed, the patient may in turn infect other people in the meantime. This risk clearly makes it worthwhile to get vaccinated against whooping cough.
Whooping cough vaccine protects against complications
Whooping cough in adults can have different course and complications. Some of them, such as pneumonia, for example, are rather obvious. In turn other possible consequences of the disease can be very surprising.
Dangerous complications of whooping cough
Possible complications of whooping cough are:
- hernias,
- urinary incontinence,
- rib fractures,
- rectal prolapse,
- subconjunctival hemorrhages,
- tearing the frenulum of the tongue.
The most serious complications of whooping cough
As with all the problems listed above, the possible complications of whooping cough involving the nervous system are considered the most serious . Among them, the following problems can be mentioned:
- convulsions,
- intracranial bleeding,
- brain swelling,
- hypoxic encephalopathy (the consequence of which may be, among others, deafness and epilepsy).
Taking into account the consequences of developing whooping cough, it is clearly visible how important it is to try to reduce the risk of developing this disease. The primary method in this case is to vaccinate adults.
Whooping cough vaccine protects both the patient and his relatives
Whooping cough is a very contagious disease.It is estimated that one sick person with whooping cough can infect up to 17 other people . This is especially true of babies and newborns who are simply not yet vaccinated against whooping cough.
In the case of this age group, it is estimated that even more than half of children suffering from whooping cough may require hospitalization. The risk of complications is also relatively high.
Just as regular pertussis immunization is recommended for all adults, some adults have pointed out that they should especially consider using it. I am talking about:
- medical staff (especially those working with the youngest patients),
- people who are in direct, constant contact with newborns and infants (such as young parents),
- elderly people.
Vaccinations against whooping cough in pregnant women
Pregnant patients are often very cautious about taking various medications or vaccinating against various diseases. Vaccination against whooping cough during pregnancy is perfectly possible. It is recommended that you use itbetween 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy .
It reduces the risk of whooping cough not only to the mother, but also to her baby. A newborn or infant then simply has a significantly reduced risk of infection from their mother.
In addition, children whose mothers have been vaccinated against whooping cough and who are simultaneously breastfed may receive specific antibodies along with the mother's milk. If your child does get whooping cough, the antibodies will help their body fight the disease faster.
Safety of whooping cough vaccine
A concern with the administration of all vaccines is their safety and the risk of vaccine adverse events (NOPs).
It is true that with any vaccine, there may be some side effects, but the most serious arethey are encountered with a very low frequency.
Adverse vaccine reactions
In general, the whooping cough vaccine is considered safe. The most common post-vaccination reactions are:
- pain, redness or swelling at the injection site,
- fever,
- irritability.
Serious vaccine adverse reactions
After the whooping cough vaccine, it is also possible to develop serious post-vaccination reactions. These include:
- severe allergic reactions
- Is the hypotonic-hyporesponsive syndrome encountered in children.
Here, however, it is worth emphasizing at once that such problems are indeed rare. It is estimated that they are found every 10-20 thousand administrations of pertussis vaccine (depending on the type of preparation).
Adult whooping cough vaccination cost
Vaccinations for children against whooping cough are among the compulsory vaccinations, therefore they arefree .
This is not the case foradult patientsfor whom this vaccination is recommended and must bear the cost of purchasing the vaccine themselves. Its cost varies, but usually it is within the range of100-200 zlotys .
- DTP vaccine - control of diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough
- Whooping cough in adults: symptoms and treatment of whooping cough in adults
- Complications after vaccination - causes, types, prevention