I have hepatitis C, I would like to cleanse my liver of toxins, can I use the herbal Detox preparation?

Hello! The liver infected with hepatitis C does not produce toxins that need to be removed, because the virus damages it severely, impairing its functions. In the acute phase, she is treated with interferon. You must follow a strict diet: 6-7 small meals, eaten every 3 hours, based on starch. Fat is limited. You avoid hard-to-digest products, wholemeal bread or high-fiber vegetables.

The liver, especially if it is sick, does not like fasting. It seems that the most sensible thing to do is to ask a doctor if you can carry out such treatment. Unfortunately, I am neither a doctor nor a hepatologist. Best regards and good he alth.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Iza Czajka

Author of the book "Diet in a big city", a lover of runs and marathons.

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