Joint pain, heart attack, headache, allergy, gastric and duodenal ulcers, sinusitis, seasonal depression are chronic diseases, the symptoms of which are variable, autumn weather definitely aggravates. Why is this happening? What to do to survive the fall without ailments? Ways to alleviate the fall symptoms of chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases worsen in autumn . Why? Unfavorable weather conditions, which often occur in autumn, have a terrible effect on our well-being and he alth. In most people, cool, rainy and windy weather causes a gloomy mood, reluctance to act, drowsiness. There are difficulties concentrating, irritability, headaches (sometimes muscle and joint pains). Right now, we are more often hit by a runny nose, flu-like infections or the flu itself. But it is not everything. Changes in temperature, pressure or a sudden transition of atmospheric fronts also exacerbate the ailments associated with some chronic diseases. And although it is not always known why this happens, it is worth knowing how to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Chronic diseases whose symptoms worsen in autumn


When allergy worsens in autumn - the reason may be "home" allergens - incl. molds and dust mites. The former are hidden under wallpapers, in flower pots, in the joints between bathroom tiles or in the basement. Mites are abundant in upholstered furniture, curtains and carpets, and above all in the bed - in the mattress and bedding.

In addition, the symptoms of allergies (rhinitis, watery eyes or bronchial dyspnea) also exacerbate viral infections. It is worth knowing that in the case of bronchial asthma, attacks of breathlessness worsen when you suddenly cool down - probably this is due to the bronchial overreaction to a sudden drop in temperature.

  • To get rid of allergens, keep the apartment clean. Clean wet, air frequently (mites stop reproducing at temperatures below 15 ° C), vacuum upholstered furniture every week (preferably with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter), and change bedding (anti-allergic covers are a good solution).
  • Dust mites and molds like damp and warm, so make sure your home is well ventilated and keep the temperature around 20 ° C.
  • It is also worth getting a purifierair. To get rid of mites from soft furniture, mattresses, use special acaricides.
  • Mold from the nooks and crannies in the bathroom (also from the ventilation grilles) should be cleaned with fungicidal liquid. Avoid heavy curtains, carpets and rugs that accumulate dust throughout the apartment. Keep books, record collections and magazines in glass shelves. Limit the number of potted flowers. If possible, give up wallpaper and paneling, and paint the walls with anti-allergic paint.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a genetically determined allergic disease - it results from complex disorders of the immune system (e.g. overproduction of immunoglobulin E, responsible for allergic reactions) and the nervous system, and above all, from the specific features of atopic skin (e.g. dryness , tendency to follicular keratosis, itching).

Cold seasons do not benefit people with AD for many reasons. School and studies begin in the fall, one gets into the whirlwind of work and the stress that comes with it. As stated on the basis of many years of research - stressful situations worsen the condition of patients.

In addition, at this time of the year we spend more time in closed, heated rooms - the air is therefore dry, which causes a significant dryness of the skin, which causes persistent itching.

Additionally, house dust mite allergens accumulate in the corners of the apartment, carpets, heavy curtains or upholstered furniture, which aggravate skin changes.

In the autumn and winter season, we dress warmer and warmer, sometimes overheating the body, and sweating increases the itching of the skin. They also do not like "acrid" woolen clothes. Moreover, already in February, the period of pollination of trees (hazel, alder) begins, which may exacerbate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

  • Use dermocosmetics designed for atopic skin.
  • Do not sit in the bathtub for too long - better take a quick shower, and if you need to warm up with a bath, use an emollient. After each washing, apply a moisturizing and nourishing preparation to the skin.
  • In order not to overheat the body, put on "onion". Wear smooth cotton clothes that do not store heat.
  • Take care of a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids that help moisturize the skin from the inside - eat sea fish, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, evening primrose oil, olive oil, linseed oil.
  • Learn to relieve stress - doing sports is perfect for this, so in autumn and winter do not give up on activity: go ice skating, swimming, sign up for fitness classes.


Before the weather changes, 70% of people suffer from joint pain. sick,usually then old resentments also make themselves felt more often. Scientists believe that lowering atmospheric pressure, dropping temperature, or increasing air humidity can exacerbate symptoms of joint disease. These problems arise because low pressure causes a slight increase in synovial fluid, resulting in pain, swelling, and stiffness.

  • Joint pains worsen a few hours before the aura changes, so dress appropriately for the weather forecast. Various warming treatments (e.g. warm baths or compresses on a sick joint) will help to alleviate ailments, because the heat improves the blood supply to the diseased tissues, relaxes the muscles and reduces
  • To keep your joints from failing, try to regularly engage in non-forcing exercise to keep your joints moving and preventing them from becoming stiff. Do not become overweight or obese, because each additional kilogram increases the load on the joints.
  • Make sure your diet includes omega-3 fatty acids (including fish and seafood, rapeseed oil), which delay the aging process of cartilage and reduce inflammation. Antioxidants in vegetables and fruits have a similar effect.
  • You can also reach for preparations with glucosamine and chondroitin, which supplement the diet with substances necessary to nourish the articular cartilage.

Heart attack

The relationship between the exacerbation of coronary heart disease and heart attacks and the season of the year was noticed about 80 years ago, when more frequent occurrence of heart attacks was described in autumn and winter, less often in spring, and occasionally in summer.

Today, scientists say that approx. 90 percent. heart attacks occur during the autumn and spring solstices. This is explained by disturbances in thermoregulation mechanisms, including incorrect vascular play, as well as an increase in blood viscosity during the passage of cool atmospheric fronts.

Stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers

Gastric and duodenal ulcers recur cyclically in autumn and spring, but it is still not entirely clear why. There is talk of the influence of atmospheric pressure fluctuations on changes in the blood composition, and the association with the general seasonal weakening of the organism is mentioned.

Researchers also see the causes of peptic ulcer disease recurrence in patients' greater sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation than in summer - it stimulates the secretion of histamine and, consequently, hydrochloric acid, which irritates ulcers.

  • The main cause of peptic ulcer disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, therefore, after careful diagnosis, treatment with antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor is necessary (reducessecretion of gastric juice).
  • During exacerbation of symptoms, avoid food that irritates the stomach (e.g. fried dishes, spicy spices, pickles).
  • Eat warm or cool meals (hot meals cause stomach congestion), try to eat small portions more often.
  • Between meals, drink an infusion of linseed (pour a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes) - it protects the gastric mucosa. Limit coffee and strong tea.
  • To prevent recurrence of ailments, quit smoking and give up strong alcohol as these stimulants worsen the blood supply to the mucosa, weakening its natural defenses.
  • Avoid medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen - they can damage the gastric mucosa. Take care of everyday relaxation, because stress affects the work of the digestive tract


Sinusitis can occur at any time of the year, but in the fall and winter season, we are particularly exposed to it, because it is often a complication of a common cold. This is because, due to the swelling of the nasal mucosa, the channels connecting it to the individual sinuses are blocked. Then bacteria develop in the sinuses, which can cause inflammation in them.

  • When you have symptoms of sinusitis (runny nose, headaches or parts of the face, low-grade fever, nasal congestion), don't delay your visit to the doctor. If left untreated, an infection can turn into chronic inflammation, which is difficult and long-lasting to treat.
  • In addition to the therapy prescribed by your doctor, make sure your home is moisturized (use an air humidifier or set up dishes with water), because properly humidified air accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes.
  • Also take inhalations with the addition of lavender oil, pine oil or thyme oil to help clear the airways.
  • You can also use an over-the-counter medication to relieve pain and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes (with pseudoephedrine or ibuprofen).
  • To avoid sinusitis and prevent relapses, but any cold.
  • Wear a hat on cold days, and don't leave the house with wet hair or just after drying it.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke, because it destroys the cilia present on the mucous membranes, irritates the mucous membranes, and this facilitates the invasion of bacteria and viruses.
  • Also, do not allow the mucous membranes to dry out - drink approx. 2 liters of fluids every day and moisturize the air at home

Chronic headache

Over 60% of people suffer from headaches in sudden weather changes. people (more oftenwomen). Pressure and temperature spikes, strong winds and rainfall are particularly noticeable. A sharp headache comes on suddenly, is accompanied by irritability, fatigue, trouble sleeping.

When the weather stabilizes, the discomfort disappears. Unfortunately, they return with the next change of the atmospheric front. Although these headaches are difficult to prevent, they can be relieved, for example by taking a relaxing bath with rosemary or lavender oil.

Brushing the temples with a few drops of Amol or mint ointment will also help. You can also take a painkiller - take it when an attack begins.

Autumn seasonal depression

Seasonal depression usually occurs in late fall and lasts until spring. It is known that the most important external cause of seasonal depression is insufficient amount of sunlight, and the internal one - reduced sensitivity of the retina to this light (most likely genetically determined).

This causes fewer light signals to reach the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that regulates energy, appetite, sleep, body temperature and libido), and the insufficiently stimulated hypothalamus does not control the proper functioning of the body. Then there is a feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness, problems with concentration, anxiety, excessive appetite for sweets.

  • The most effective method of treating seasonal depression is phototherapy, which consists in supplementing the necessary daily dose of sunlight with high-intensity artificial light. The duration of the treatment is determined by the doctor.
  • An autumn holiday in warm countries can also be a remedy, but if that is not possible, try to spend as much time as possible outdoors to catch every ray of sunshine.
  • It is also worth doing sports regularly (including jogging, aerobics, swimming or dancing), because exercise stimulates the brain to produce endorphins that chase away sadness.
  • Also take care of a mood-boosting diet. It should contain complex carbohydrates (including whole grain bread, brown rice), B vitamins, magnesium and iron (including nuts, thick groats, cocoa, eggs), omega-3 acids and selenium (fish sea), tryptophan - an amino acid needed by the brain to produce serotonin - the hormone of good mood (including dairy products, almonds). The natural antidepressant is St. John's wort (infusion or preparation from the pharmacy), but it cannot be combined with phototherapy.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (seasonal depression, SAD) - causes, symptoms, treatment
  • Autumn solstice: symptoms. Ways for the autumn solstice

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