You don't want to get flu? Get vaccinated! You don't want to catch a cold? Harden yourself and boost your immune system. Because it is immunity that fights viruses and bacteria and its condition determines whether weakness, runny nose and cough will pass quickly or will tire you for weeks.
The flu vaccineonly protects you from getting sick for one year. This is due to the high antigenic variability of the influenza virus, which changes its structure every year and seems to be a completely new virus for our immune system. Therefore, every year pharmaceutical companies, based on the recommendations of the World He alth Organization (WHO), prepare new vaccines containing split strains of viruses that will pose a threat to us in a given flu season. Modern vaccines available in Poland contain inactivated, or "dead" fragments of influenza viruses - they are not able to reproduce in the body and thus cannot cause infection with the virus. The flu vaccine should be taken by children from 6 months to 18 years of age, women who will be in the second or third trimester of pregnancy during the flu season, people over 50 years of age and older, chronically ill (with particular emphasis on diabetes, kidney failure, liver diseases, cardiovascular failure, reduced immunity and respiratory diseases), medical personnel.
A portion of vitamins and minerals
Add fruit and vegetables to every meal because of the vitamins and natural antioxidants: vitamins A and E. Without them, strengthening immunity is difficult. Immunity is also strengthened by micronutrients: iron, zinc and selenium. Thanks to them, the number of antibodies increases, inhibiting the multiplication of microbes. Meat, especially red meat, and liver are abundant in iron. A lot of it in spinach, not only fresh, but also frozen. Zinc is a micronutrient that allows you to deal with viral infections. In its natural form, it is found in meat, seafood, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. Selenium, on the other hand, stimulates the formation of antibodies to fight the aggressor. You will find it in seafood, wheat germ, bran, whole grains.
Spraying is an excellent way to immunize the body. First, pour warm water over the body for 20-30 seconds, then cool for 2-3 seconds, finish with body temperature water(36.6 ° C). If you do not like it, after a hot bath, rub your body with a towel dipped in cold water. Also try hardening the legs. Fill the tub with cold water until it reaches the middle of your calves and walk in it for about a minute, lifting your feet high. Over time, extend the time to a few minutes. After this cold bath, dry your feet thoroughly and put on warm socks. Also take air baths. It's a 5-10 minute exercise in light clothes and with the window open (when it's cold outside).

Sauna session
Its biggest fans - Finns, Swedes and Norwegians - rarely catch a cold. During heavy sweating, the body cleans itself of toxins. Thanks to this, the immune system works more efficiently. The high temperature in the sauna increases body temperature by up to 2-3 ° C and stimulates blood circulation. As a result, the body has more energy to deal with viruses. The hot steam causes the heart to work harder to transport blood to every cell of the body faster. As a result of high temperature, the blood begins to produce immune bodies, effectively fighting viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This is why people who regularly visit the sauna are less likely to get a cold or the flu. However, this is not a proposal for people with varicose veins or heart problems.
This will be useful to youStrengthening potions from Granny's First Aid Kit
» Garlic Syrup Crush 30 not too large cloves of garlic in a mortar. Pour them with the juice of 3 lemons and a liter of boiled, cooled water. Twist the jar and set aside in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then take a tablespoon of the syrup prophylactically in the evening.» Ginger syrup Cut the ginger rhizome into thin slices. Mix the slices with 2 cups of sugar, 3 tablespoons of boiled water and a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Allow to simmer, stirring constantly and not allowing it to boil until a thick syrup is formed. Cool and drink one teaspoon of the mixture every morning and evening.» Aloe wine Mix together half a liter of red semi-dry wine, 50 grams of chopped and crushed aloe leaves, 50 grams of honey and lemon juice. Set aside in a closed vessel in a dark place for 4-5 days. Filter and drink a tablespoon of wine 3 times a day.
The strength of breakfast
Doctors have proven that those who leave the house without breakfast are much more likely to develop infections (especially of the upper respiratory tract) than those who eat it regularly. Breakfast should be filling and warming. Such a warm meal increases the temperature inside the body, so bacteria have less chance of attacking us. Toto strengthen immunity, it is best to eat complex carbohydrates that give energy for many hours of work. You will find them in whole and wholemeal bread, cereals. Protein from milk and its products will also be useful. It is worth including garlic on the menu, which destroys microorganisms, especially those that cause infections of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. It's best to eat it raw. Natural yoghurt with live bacteria cultures must not be missing from the diet. Lactobacillus casei contained in it stimulate white blood cells to greater activity. They conduct a kind of training on the training ground, preparing them for possible defense against viruses and bacteria.
Time to relax
Immunity is weakened by stress and nervous tension, as the immune system is closely related to the nervous system. Tension and nervousness disrupt their cooperation. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth taking some time to relax and calm down every day. Don't take on too many responsibilities, be assertive, learn to say no and find time for friends. Studies have shown that the immune system of social people is functioning by 20 percent. better than those who are introverted. Also, make sure you get the right dose of sleep - if you don't get a good night's sleep, you won't be able to function efficiently or work efficiently. When you sleep, your immune system has less work to do and it can focus on regenerating. If your body is tired you will catch infections sooner. It creates a vicious circle - fighting infection further weakens the strength of the immune system. You need 8 hours of sleep a day for your sleep to function properly. Fill your free time with forms of active rest. If you worked non-stop without rest, you would not get the expected results - your work would become less and less efficient. There would be no time to regenerate the body.
Farewell to stimulants
Alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes destroy vitamins A, C, E and B, as well as selenium, zinc and other micronutrients that help fight free radicals that are harmful to the immune system. Alcohol in a dose greater than a glass of red wine a day is a poison that penetrates the blood and kills the immune factors present in it. Do not smoke and avoid being in smoky rooms. If you are unable to break the addiction, provide your body with more antioxidants. There are thousands of poisonous substances in the smoke that destroy the mucous membranes, making it the first line of defense against germs. When you smoke cigarettes, a lot of free radicals are produced. Although the body tries to neutralize them, it strains its defense forces in this way.
do itnecessarilyOr maybe acupressure?
According to Chinese medicine, our body has invisible channels for the flow of life energy. If blockages are formed in their way, immunity weakens. To prevent this, it is worth performing a gentle massage of sensitive points 2-3 times a day. Acupressure increases the body's resistance. It strengthens and regulates the flow of energy in the body, improves the work of internal organs, detoxifies and regulates metabolism. It protects against colds, eliminates pain, helps to control stress, strengthens the psyche. Apply pressure to the depressions below the outer ankles of both legs as well as those on the back of your hand where your thumb is leaning to the side.
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