We underestimate the influence of the psyche on immunity. A good mood is as important to your immune system as a properly composed menu or physical activity. What do you need to change in your lifestyle to strengthen the immune system?

Autumn is the "last call" to think about strengtheningimmunitythe more that it can weaken even worse well-being. The drop in temperatures, limited access to sunlight and the return to routine duties and the associatedstress , pose a serious threat to the proper functioning ofthe immune system .

Resilience: all aspects of life are important

Lifestyle has a huge impact on he alth. The method of nutrition, the quality of meals, the balance between work and rest time, and even relationships with other people regulate the internal economy of the human body. All these aspects of everyday life can be determined by the stress to which you are particularly exposed in the autumn and winter period. On the one hand, it is related to the end of the holiday period, returning to daily duties at home, work and school. On the other hand, your well-being is influenced by a different circadian rhythm - a shorter day and limited access to sunlight. Not having enough light pulses affects the secretion of melatonin, which makes you feel sleepy, slowing down your reactions. You feel overwhelmed, deprived of energy and willingness to spend time actively. There are problems with falling asleep, fatigue, heaviness and apathy. Lack of vitality leads to a weakening of the immune system.

Mood affects he alth and immunity

One of the fields of medicine is psychoneuroimmunology, which deals with the relationships of the psyche, immunology and the neuroendocrine system. Research into the relationship between these systems has proven the presence of compounds called neurotransmitters that act within the brain, in the immune system. It was found that these transmitters are the most numerous in the nerve areas that regulate emotions. Long-term negative stress, anxiety, anxiety, hostility, depression, accumulated tension are factors that weaken our immune system - says Dr. Grzegorz Kade, expert of the campaign"Biostimulation=Vitality".


Remember these words:

  • Biostimulation - is the process of positive reaction of our body's cells, which helps to release its own healing potential. The body's biostimulation can be triggered by physical, chemical or mental stimuli that directly affect the vital functions of cells. By selecting their type, dose or strength, you can stimulate various biological processes of the body, increasing its natural vitality and mobilizing to fight fatigue or disease.
  • Vitality - it is the overall good he alth and well-being as well as the proper performance of the organism. It consists of, among others physical, mental and emotional balance, ability to remember and concentrate, coping with stress, good sleep. The current lifestyle does not have a good effect on human vitality. We live under stress, we work a lot, we eat poorly and we rarely rest. We don't take care of ourselves, we lose energy.

Protect the internal ambulance

The immune system, also called the immune system, protects the body against attacks by microorganisms: viruses and bacteria. Contact with pathogenic germs stimulates him to produce antibodies - special defense substances. As white blood cells circulate throughout the body in the blood and lymph, they recognize and eliminate unwanted organisms. Immune system disturbances disrupt homeostasis, i.e. the ability to maintain the body's internal balance. The smooth functioning of the immune system is therefore essential to our he alth. In the period of increased morbidity, you can try to strengthen the functioning of your body from the inside, for example by using preparations of plant origin that have immunostimulating properties and increase the body's natural defenses. They increase the level of antibodies in the body, preventing the development of infections.

Start now

Immunity should be taken care of throughout the year. However, it is never too late to start. How you prepare the immune system for the fall / winter season depends on whether it will be able to defend your body against infections. It's best to start preparations now, because the sooner you start, the sooner you learn how to effectively protect your body against unfavorable external factors.
