The term cytolysis is definitely most often associated with the result of a Pap smear test and, if translated literally, it should be understood as cell disintegration. Vaginal cytolysis, on the other hand, is a term reserved for the situation of excessive multiplication of Lactobacillus bacteria. What else should we know about cytolysis and vaginal cytolysis?
Cytolysisis the most common term a woman may encounter when receiving a Pap test result. The most common cause of such a result is incorrect smear taking, but not only that. Regular assessment of cell morphology in microscopic examination is extremely important and is an excellent tool for the prevention of cervical cancer. Mortality in the Polish population suffering from cervical cancer is still high, but in many cases it is the result of late diagnosis of pathology. A Pap smear, provided that it has been collected correctly, enables the identification not only of neoplastic processes, but also other disorders that can be quickly controlled by implementing appropriate procedures. Cytology is not a frequently performed test and is overlooked by many women, which significantly reduces the possibility of early diagnosis of most pathologies of the reproductive system. The reception of the test result is usually a stressful moment, especially when the description is limited to the term cytolysis, which is not fully understood by the patients.
What is cytolysis?
Translating literally the term cytolysis should be understood as cell disintegration. Damaged cell structures are extremely difficult to assess under a microscope and clearly identify the markers of the pathological process. Cell lysis in many cases is a consequence of improperly collected material, which in turn results from the inexperience of the gynecologist. If the cause is not in the hands of the doctor, an inflammatory process may be responsible for the breakdown of cells. It should be remembered that any infection within the reproductive system is an indication for repeated cytology immediately after the end of pharmacotherapy. Thanks to this, we are sure that the therapy used was effective not only in terms of a well-chosen drug, but also its duration.
Cytolysis as a result of incorrectly collected smear
Due to the paramount role of pap smear in the prevention of cervical cancer, gynecologists shouldacquire the ability to properly perform a Pap smear. Pap smear is part of a routine gynecological examination. To collect the material, the doctor uses a special brush to exfoliate the cells of the multilayered flat epithelium. This type of epithelium lines the endometrium, as opposed to the glandular epithelium, which in turn occurs within the cervical canal. In order for the smear to be diagnostic, it is advisable to collect material from both parts of the cervix. The material obtained in this way is placed on a slide and appropriately stained to obtain the best microscopic image.
What does the cytology result depend on
The standard Pap smear should be performed every 1-3 years. The time slots result from a different predisposition to developing neoplastic processes within the reproductive system. The test result depends not only on the doctor's experience, but also on the so-called modifying factors, which include: the type of brush to take the smear, the presence of an inflammatory process or the location of the lesion.
As it was emphasized above, the test result in many cases depends on the method of performing the Pap smear test. It often happens that the preparation prepared for microscopic examination is incomplete, does not contain a sufficient number of cells. Sometimes the number is right, but they are improperly stained or contaminated. An incorrect amount may not necessarily be a consequence of a poorly performed swab, but it may indicate an ongoing disease process that destroys normal cells.
Cytolysis and cancer
Unfortunately, there is a common misconception among the population that the term cytolysis means cancer. Of course, this is a mistake, but nevertheless any cytological examination with the result: cytolysis should be repeated. The neoplastic process itself mainly concerns the so-called transition zone, i.e. a place where two types of epithelium connect: flat and glandular multilayer.
What is vaginal cytolysis?
In addition to cytolysis as a result of a cytological test, the literature also includes the so-called vaginal cytolysis. This term is reserved for situations of excessive multiplication of bacteria of the genusLactobacillus . Under physiological conditions, they form a natural protective barrier against infections. The main symptoms of vaginal cytolysis do not differ significantly from those observed in the case of an infection with a fungal etiology, which effectively delays the diagnosis and implementation of appropriate therapeutic treatment. Symptoms mainly occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle andthese are mainly:
- itching around the perineum
- baking
- white, cheese-like discharge
Treatment focuses on reducing the microbial flora. Mainly used is vaginal irrigation (irrigation) with baking soda three times a week, until the symptoms disappear.