How to behave in a storm when at home or outdoors? There are rules that each of us should know, as the number of violent weather phenomena in our country is growing every year. So how to behave in a storm to be safe? Here are the top 15 rules.
In Poland, fromseveral to several dozen people die from lightning every year . Most often, such events occur when a person is exposed to an open space, in the mountains or near a water reservoir during a storm. It is true that more people survive a lightning strike than die, but very rarely do such people leave the whole eventunscathed .
What attracts lightning andHow to behave during a stormso as not to become the next victim of lightning? There are certain rules that you just need to follow to stay safe in a storm. This knowledge can save our lives.
How to behave during a storm at home?
Staying at home during a storm is theoretically the most safefor humansa. Theoretically, because lightning might as well hit a building. The situation becomes very serious when there is no lightning protectionin the house- then such lightning may cause fire or electric shock (when it hits a high voltage line). So how to behave during a storm when we are at home?
- Close all windows and doors tightly- there have been cases where lightning bolted into houses through an open window.
- Secure things on the balconyso that they are not carried away by a sudden gust of wind - they may then damage the windows or create additional danger.
- Unplug all household appliances . If lightning strikes near your home, it could short-circuit the electrical system.
- Invest inlightning protection system .
- Make sure your home hassurge protection .
How to behave in an open space storm?
Being outdoors during a storm significantlyincreases the risk ofbeing struck by lightning. Therefore, it should be avoided at all costs. If we find ourselves out in the open during a storm, it is worth knowing how to get in such a placeto keep and what to avoid.
- Under no circumstances shouldhide under an isolated tall tree , power pole or lantern - tall objects attract lightning. If possible - enter a building or hide under a bridge or in a ditch.
- Remove and put away any metal objectsMetal objects : jewelry, watches, clasps, umbrellas, do not use a cell phone.
- If you have nowhere to hide, do not lie down on the ground, but take the safest position in such a situation:crouch, holding your knees and ankles .
- Stay away from water- like metal, it conducts electricity best.
- When in the group, all group members shouldseparatekeeping a distance of several meters from each other.
- Observe nature, a good indicator that a storm is coming isstatic on your hair .
How to behave during a storm in the mountains?
Being in the mountains during a storm is probablyworst-case scenariothat could happen. Not only can we find an open space there, but also while at the top, we are the tallest object in the area, and, as you know, lightning strikes are particularly eagerly and often hit.
That's why it's so important to check the weather forecast before you go on the trail, and then keep track of changes in the weather. Once we reach the summit, it is often too late to get out of there before the storm comes or to hide in a safe place.
So how to behave during a storm in the mountains?
- If you are at the top, immediately get off itand go to the lower parts of the mountains .
- Avoid holding anymetal objects : umbrellas, climbing chains etc.
- Try to finda safe haven , e.g. a rock break where you can hide.
- If there is nowhere to hide, takethe safest position : crouch holding your knees and ankles together.
The best example of how dangerous it is to be in the mountains during a storm isGiewont peak , on which there is a famous 15-meter cross made of metal. As calculated by AGH UST scientists, so far (i.e. since 1901, when it was created), lightning has struck it tens of thousands of times. The most tragic year was 2022, when 5 people were killed by lightning on the top of Giewont and 157 were injured
How to check if the storm is far away from us?
Just calculate how many seconds passes from hearing the sound of thunder to the appearance of a flash in the sky. If they are only30 seconds , we are in danger. We can feel completely safe only when30 minutespasses between the flash and the thunder.