Greenish pigeon is one of the tastiest mushrooms found in Polish forests. Interestingly, the greenish cabbage can also be eaten raw. However, you have to be very careful, because this mushroom is easily confused with the poisonous toadstool - such a mistake can cost us our lives.
Greenish Dove( Russula virescens ), also called birch, gypsy, green fowl and greenish raw food, is a very characteristic mushroom - it has an originalgrape colorand looks like it's covered with mold. It occurs throughout Poland.
Greenish dove - what does it look like?
The greenish pigeon is a lamellar mushroom with the characteristicgray-green or blue-green color . However, this is the color of adult specimens, young spores arewhite , which is why it is so easy to confuse them with a toadstool.
The greenish dove's hat has a diameter of6 to 15 cm . In young mushrooms it is spherical, in older mushrooms it is more arched, then spread out, with a hollow in the center. Older animals also have another peculiarity -cracked surface , which makes the hat appear to be spotted. They also become covered with yellow spots at the end of their lives.
The core of the dove is up to 15 cm high, has a cylindrical shape and is usually white or beige in color. It becomes rusty under pressure.
Dove green - what does it taste like?
Gołąbek has a white, fleshy flesh. It is considered one of the tastier mushrooms with a mildnutty flavorand a delicatefruity flavor . Interestingly, stuffed cabbage is one of the few mushrooms that can be eaten raw without harming your he alth. It is equally good for frying, cooking and stewing, as well as for pickling.
Greenish dove - occurrence
The greenish dove is common in Europe and Asia, both in deciduous and coniferous forests. He especially liked the neighborhood ofbeech, oak, birch and spruce . Its fruiting bodies can be collectedfrom July to October . Usually single pieces grow in one place, rarely several at once.
Greenish dove and toadstool - how to distinguish them?
Young individuals of the dovethe greenish toadstool and the toadstool are almost identical, therefore mistakes and fatal poisoning with the toadstool are very frequent. The only difference is the sheath that occurs on the stem of the toadstool. So how do you avoid a mistake? In fact, it is better not tonot collect young specimens , but only the mature ones that we have no doubts about.