Cykuta (mad venomous) is one of the most poisonous plants known to mankind. The properties of hemlock have been known for centuries: in ancient times it was used to carry out death sentences and for treacherous poisonings, as well as for suicide - for the latter purpose it was used, among others, by Socrates.
Crazy venomous( Cicuta virosaL), also known as blotch, waterworm, parsley, madness or water lice, it is difficult to meet in homes - you can come across it much more often on the banks of a river, in a peat bog or other wetlands, because in order to reproduce, this plant needs water.
Crazy poisonouslooks inconspicuous- its flowers from afar during floweringcan be easily confused with the popular dandelion .
Up close you can see that in fact the flowers are gathered in the so-called "umbels" (this is a type of inflorescence in which individual flowers grow from the same place on almost the same size peduncles). Their stem is branched and hollow, and the leaves are triangular in shape.
What is poisonous in the coke?
The answer to this question is extremely simple: everything.The whole plant is poisonous , especially its rhizome and stem, which contain the most cycutotoxin, i.e. poisonous polyunsaturated alcohol.
Cycutotoxinis the so-calledspasmodic venom , affecting the medulla - part of the hindbrain in which nerve centers are concentrated, responsible for reflex functions, i.e. not dependent on our will - including:
- respiratory system
- locomotor system
- vasomotor system
- circulatory system
Even small doses of cicutotoxin cause severe convulsions. Depending on the dose taken, the toxin stimulates the parasympathetic centers of the brain, irritates them and causes vagal paralysis.

Symptoms of madness poisoning
Toxins from hemlock are very strong:2-3 grams of fresh plant is enoughto cause severe poisoning. Its effect on the cerebral cortex is somewhat reminiscent of alcohol intoxication.
Symptoms appear much faster than after drinking alcohol, even within a few or several minutes. Initially, there is a burning sensation in the mouth and drooling. More are coming soon:
- muscle spasms
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- numbness
The pupils are dilated and the mouth sometimes foams.
The last stage of poisoning is convulsions that begin with grinding the teeth and end with paralysis of the respiratory system, which makes it impossible to breathe, which ultimately leads to death - it often occurs with full consciousness.
Who is hemlock dangerous for?
Hemlock poisoning usually occurs as a result of a tragic mistake : this plant belongs to the celery family, which makes its root sweetish and its fragments easily confused with celery, parsnips or parsley and even with feral carrots.
Szalej has a similar, sharp smell, whichis deceptively reminiscent of the smell of well-known vegetables .
The victims of hemlock are all those who collect and then chew fragments of its rhizome, or decorate the edges of home ponds or decorate tables with flowers.
It is worth knowing that the toxin in the plantcan also penetrate undamaged skin- so do not pick the hemlock, and if necessary, it is better to do it with gloves.