The recipe for water kefir is very simple, and you only need a few ingredients to make it, most of which are in every kitchen. Water kefir is a he althy alternative to popular carbonated drinks, such as coca cola, "juice-like" products or milk products with lactose, which is intolerant to many people. Check out how to make a drink from water kefir.
Water kefiris one of many names to describe bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) cultures that can be used to ferment water with sugar and fruit (for flavor), but also fruit juices, or soy, almond and rice milk. Many people also ferment coconut water with water kefir grains. Cow's milk as well as milk from nuts, grains and cereals can also be fermented in the same way. Water kefir grains are also used to sweeten and ferment herbal decoctions, decoctions and fruit juices, as long as they do not contain too much acid. You can also try your hand at fermenting fruit beer. Water kefir bacteria give you a lot to show off.
Water kefir - water kefir drink recipe
- water - 4 liters (the so-called hard water, rich in minerals, stimulates the development of SCOBY, while distilled or purified with a carbon filter, it has a negative effect on the growth factor)
- sugar - 2 cups
It is good to know that water kefir grains can ferment any type of sugar, as well as other sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, rice syrup or barley m alt. Stevia and other non-carbohydrate substances are not fermented.
- water kefir grains (aka Japanese crystals)
- fresh or dried fruit
You should also prepare a large vessel (about 3 liters) made of glass (preferably a glass jar with a wide opening).
Preparation method:
1) In a glass jar, mix sugar and water in proportions as desired. The starting point may be 2 cups of sugar in 4 liters of water, but some people prefer a sweeter solution.
As a rule, at room temperature, kefir grains must be fed with fresh sugar every 2 days, in a cool place - every 3 days.
2) We addwater kefir grains (approximately 1 tbsp / 15 ml per 1 l), as well as a small amount of fresh or dried fruit. We ferment usually for 2 to 3 days.
3) The vessel may be hermetically sealed or only slightly covered to allow air circulation. Water kefir does not require the presence of oxygen, but if it enters the vessel, it will not do any harm.
4) After about 2 days, remove the fruits (which usually float on the surface), strain the solution through a thin cloth to remove the kefir grains (I put them in a new, fresh solution of water with sugar), and then pour the liquid for bottles.
5) We close them by letting gas build up in them while fermentation takes place, and leave them at ambient temperature for 1 or 2 days. At the same time, we regularly monitor the pressure and put the bottles in the refrigerator if necessary to prevent over-saturation. The color of water kefir will vary with the type of sweetener and additional ingredients, and the growth rate and size of kefir grains may vary.
As a rule, at room temperature, kefir grains need to be fed with fresh sugar every 2 days, in a cool place - every 3 days. If the grains are left in an acidified environment for too long without feeding, the organisms that make up them will die and the grains themselves will ferment.
Worth knowingWater kefir grains - how to store?
The production of water kefir works best in a regular cyclic rhythm. If you are going away for a long time, put the grains in a fresh sugar solution and refrigerate them. Sometimes such a procedure in a period longer than a few weeks may turn out to be insufficient, so it is worth asking someone to "feed" the grain. It is possible to dry them in the sun or in a dryer, which will extend the period of safe storage. The dried grains should be stored in the refrigerator. They can also be frozen - so they will be usable for several months. Rinse and dry them with a tissue or other soft cloth, then freeze them in an airtight bag.
Based on the book "The Art of Fermentation", published by Vivante Publishing House.