Unwanted pregnancy affects not only teenagers, but also adult women, who also often do not know what to do in such a situation and where to seek help. They usually look for solutions to their problem on the Internet. Meanwhile, helping women in unwanted pregnancy is offered by many institutions, from the very beginning.

Unwanted pregnancy- contrary to popular belief - affects not only teenagers but also adult women. Often they are left alone with their problem, and they look for advicewhat to doin such a situation on the Internet. Meanwhile, helping women in unwanted pregnancy is offered by many institutions, from the very beginning. Women in unwanted pregnancy can also use numerous helplines.

Unwanted pregnancy and abortion

Some women in unwanted pregnancies may think about abortion. However, in Poland, abortion at the request of a pregnant woman is illegal. In our country, an abortion is possible only when:

  • "pregnancy poses a threat to the life or he alth of a pregnant woman"
  • "prenatal tests or other medical indications indicate a high probability of severe and irreversible impairment of the fetus or an incurable life-threatening disease"
  • "there is a justified suspicion that the pregnancy was a result of a prohibited act" (e.g. incest, rape)

In turn, legal abortion abroad is quite expensive, so women in an unwanted pregnancy look online for advice on what to do in such a situation. Then they come across information about abortion pills used up to the 9th week of pregnancy, which in Poland are also an illegal form of abortion. However, online forums are full of offers selling such drugs and women who want to buy them.

Unwanted pregnancy and abortion pills

The active substances of the pills to induce miscarriage aremisoprostolandmifepristone (RU486) . Mifepristone is otherwisetabletRU486and its only effect is abortion. In turn, misoprostol is the active substance of drugs that are not intended for termination of pregnancy, but are used to treat various diseases. Miscarriage may or may not be one of the side effects of their use:

  • Arthrotec,Arthrotec Forte - it is actually a medicine for joint pain, used in degenerative joint diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. It is issued by prescription
  • Cytotec - is intended for patients suffering from gastric ulcers. It is also dispensed by prescription

In Polandabortion pillsare usually bought over the Internet, i.e. from an uncertain source, which means that it is not certain what substance exactly we are dealing with and what it can be affect the body. And there is no shortage of scammers on the internet. They argue that they are selling abortion pills, but in fact they are sending vitamin C, gypsum pills or tablets containing Chinese herbs.

There are also sellers who have bought too many drugs and want to get rid of the backlog of goods, encouraging women in unwanted pregnancy to buy and take too many pills, which can even lead to death.

The abortion pills induce contractions of the uterus, dilation of the cervix, thus leading to a miscarriage.


Abortion pills - do not give 100 percent guarantee of termination of pregnancy, and may endanger he alth and life

The use of abortion pills is a very serious threat to he alth and life. Not only can they cause abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, but also severe injuries to the uterus and heavy bleeding. Then the woman may die without medical help.

Abortion pills do not give 100 percent. guarantee of termination of pregnancy. Even if you have had a miscarriage, you may find that not all of the components have been expelled. If left in the uterine cavity, without medical intervention, they can lead to serious complications - inflammation, haemorrhage or the development of a moles.

Unwanted pregnancy - where to get help?

Remember that there are various organizations that help pregnant women and single mothers, such as the Crisis Intervention Center or Center (usually open 24/7), Family Assistance Centers, Adoption and Nursing Centers, Single Mother Homes . Such institutions provide shelter, material assistance and psychological care to pregnant women and after childbirth. If a pregnant woman does not want a child, these institutions facilitate adoption.

Where to go for help
  • Federation for Women and Family Planning - www.federa.org.p. Helpline for women - tel. 22 635 93 92 (Mon-Fri, 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
  • Association of Adoptive and Foster Families "Pro Familia", os. Zielone 1, 31-968 Kraków, tel / fax: 12 644-85-45, tel / mobile: 500 134050
  • Helpline for children and youth - tel. 116-111 (free). You can also go to the website www.116111.pl and write a message
  • Youth (and not only) Telephone of Trust - www.mtz.waw.pl, phone no. 19288
  • Youth Aid Society - www.tpm.org.pl, 22 887 88 05 or 508 350 320 (Monday - Friday, 9.00-16.00)
