The cabbage diet is not only a slimming diet, but also, thanks to the properties of cabbage, a cleansing diet. If you want to enhance the cleansing effects of your slimming cabbage diet, drink herbal teas. We present three recipes for herbal teas that are useful not only in the cabbage diet.
Herbal teascan increase the effectiveness of the cabbage diet.The cabbage diet , even without the use of herbal teas, allows you to lose weight on average around 5 kilograms per week. At the same time, it has a cleansing effect on the body - it relieves the stomach and detoxifies the liver, and thanks to the high content of fiber, it improves digestion. Maybe it is worth strengthening these effects with herbal teas?
The cabbage diet: which herbal teas are the best?
During the cabbage diet, it is worth drinking infusions of herbs that accelerate metabolism, have diuretic and choleretic properties and have slightly laxative properties. You can choose from, among others artichoke, black radish, wart birch, dandelion and fucus extract.
Recipe for a decoction of parsley root
It is also worth helping with a decoction of parsley root, which has a diuretic effect and facilitates self-cleaning of the body (boil the parsley root, onion and leek, strain and drink a glass of decoction for dinner).
Tea from warty birch - recipe
Tea from warty birch has a diuretic and anti-swelling effect. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of birch leaves with 2 cups of boiling water. Heat to a boil and simmer lightly, covered for 3 minutes. Set aside for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink half a glass twice a day between meals.
Dandelion tea - recipe
Dandelion tea is urinary and choleretic: 2 tablespoons of crushed root pour 2 cups of hot water and leave to soak for about an hour. Then heat slowly to a boil and cook, covered, 3-5 minutes. Set aside for 10 minutes, strain. Drink half a cup 2 times a day one hour before meals.