Allspice is a spice with numerous properties that has been used not only in the kitchen. Essential oils obtained from allspice are used in the cosmetics and perfumery industry as well as in tanning. Check what properties allspice has and how it can be used.
Allspiceis the dried seeds of the root (piment tree). It is characterized by a dark purple or black color, a sharp, bitter taste and an aromatic smell.
Contrary to what the name suggests, the cradle of allspice is Jamaica, where it was cultivated at the beginning of the 16th century. India, Colombia, Australia, Panama and Honduras.
Allspice - he alth benefits
Allspice is rich in carbohydrates and fiber. It is also a source of iron, calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium. It is also high in vitamin C and B vitamins.
- relieve pain
The substances contained in the herb have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, incl. reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis and muscle pain. Additionally, they reduce post-traumatic pain. In herbal medicine, allspice is used to prepare a paste that can be used as an ointment to relieve pain in muscles and joints.
- supports the digestive system
Eugenol, which prevents diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and constipation, is responsible for the beneficial effects of allspice on the digestive system. Additionally, allspice may prove useful in fighting flatulence.
- has antibacterial and antifungal properties
Studies have shown that allspice has an inhibitory effect on the growth of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes.
- has antioxidant properties
The antioxidant properties are due to the eugenol, quercetin and tannins contained in the herb, as well as vitamin C. Products with antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals, the excess of which in the body contributes to the development of many diseases.
- has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
The potassium present in the herb has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system by its ability to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
Worth knowingAllspice - nutritional values
In 100g / 1g
Caloric value - 262 kcal / 2.62 kcal Protein - 6.09 g / 0.0609 g Fats - 8.69 g / 0.0869 g Saturated fatty acids - 2.55 g / 0.0255 g - monounsaturated acids fatty acids - 0.660 g / 0.0066 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 2.360 g / 0.0236 g Carbohydrates - 72.12 g / 0.7212 g Fiber - 21.6 g / 0.216 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Phosphorus - 113.0 mg (16%) / 1.13 mg (0.16%) Potassium - 1044.0 mg (30%) / 10.44 mg (0.30%) Sodium - 77 .0 mg (5%) / 0.77 mg (0.05%) Calcium - 661.0 mg (66%) / 6.61 mg (0.66%) Iron - 7.06 mg (71%) / 0.0706 mg (0.71%) Magnesium - 135.0 mg (34%) / 1.35 mg (0.34%) Zinc - 1.01 mg (9%) / 0.0101 mg (0.09 %) Copper - 0.553 mg (61%) / 0.00553 mg (0.61%) Selenium - 2.7 µg (5%) / 0.0270 µg (0.05%)
Vitamin B1 - 0.101 mg (8%) / 0.00101 mg (0.08%) Vitamin B2 - 0.063 mg (5%) / 0.00063 mg (0.05%) Niacin - 2.860 mg ( 18%) / 0.0286 mg (0.18%) Vitamin B6 - 0.210 mg (16%) / 0.0021 mg (0.16%) Folates - 36.0 µg (9%) / 0.36 µg ( 0.09%) Vitamin C - 39.2 mg (44%) / 0.392 mg (0.44%) Vitamin A - 27.0 µg (3%) / 0.27 µg (0.03%) Nutritional value USDA ,% of the recommended daily intake: Nutrition Standards, Amendment IŻŻ, 2022
Allspice - use in the kitchen
Allspice is used in cooking as a seasoning for dishes. It comes in the form of dried grains or in the form of a ground. For the spice to retain its properties, store it in a dark, dry place.
Allspice works great with aromatic spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, garlic and ginger.
Allspice is used to flavor soups, sauces, stews, meats and marinades. They are also added to compotes and salads. This spice is also used to flavor cold cuts, sausages, canned food, drank, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and pickled herring.
In Middle Eastern cuisine, allspice is used to flavor meat dishes and as an addition to liqueurs. In the United States, allspice is mainly used in desserts.
It's good to know that allspice is sold as a supplement in the form of a powder, capsules, or tinctures.
- LAUREL LEAF - healing properties and use in the kitchen
- Nutmeg (spice) - properties and nutritional values
- Pepper - types, properties andapplication
Allspice - contraindications, side effects
Allspice can cause allergic reactions in people prone to allergies. In addition, allspice may aggravate symptoms in gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, reflux disease and ulcerative colitis, so people with these diseases should refrain from using allspice.
About the authorMarzena Masna, dietitian SOS Diet, dietary catering, WarsawA graduate of dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She gained professional experience in dietary clinics, the Nursery Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw and Warsaw hospitals for adults and children. She constantly deepens her knowledge by participating in conferences on proper nutrition, as well as diet-prevention and diet therapy of diseases. Currently, a dietitian at SOS Diet, dietary catering, where he deals with nutritional advice for clients, creating recipes, preparing the menu and supervising the quality of meals.Read more articles from this author