The most controversial is the vegetarian diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers and growing children. But is vegetarianism really harmful to a pregnant woman and her baby? Do children who do not know the taste of meat have a chance to develop properly? There are many myths about this. What is it really like?
It is hardly surprising thatvegetarianismwomen inpregnancy , children and adolescents evoke so much emotion. During these periods, the body needs the most nutrients. Some gynecologists try to persuade vegetarians to changediet , and pediatricians are often outraged at mothers who do not give their children meat. Their fears are usually unfounded. Because a well-balanced vegetarian diet has a positive effect on he alth and condition, regardless of age.
Vegetarianism and pregnancy
There are voices that vegetarians more often have problems with getting pregnant and reporting it. Any poor diet can affect fertility. But scientific research does not support a link between fertility or miscarriage rates and not eating meat.
A well-composed, under the supervision of a doctor and dietitian, vegetarian diet provides the body with the same amount of nutrients as a traditional, meat diet. Therefore, the same problems with getting pregnant and its proper course may be experienced by a poorly eating vegetarian as well as a woman who eats meat not caring about her diet, says Prof. Ewa Dmoch-Gajzlerska, gynecologist-obstetrician from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical University of Warsaw.
If the doctor suspects that the cause of infertility is improper diet, regardless of whether you are a vegetarian or not, you need to do a specialized test to determine the percentage of body weight. If necessary, the dietitian will correct the current diet. When you start trying for a baby, you will be taking folic acid, which protects the fetus from neural tube defects, until the 16th week of pregnancy.
Every woman should take it 3 months before becoming pregnant, but it is better to start sooner than to expose the baby to serious developmental disorders. Green vegetables, beans, and foods are good sources of folic acidwhole grains, orange juice, but it is unstable, which is why most women are deficient in it.
Plant foods rich in protein:

Needs of a nursing mom
If you are breastfeeding your little one, your energy requirement increases to around 2,800 kcal per day. You should eat:
- at least 5 servings of grain products;
- 4 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit;
- 3 glasses of milk; a portion of beans, peas, soybeans, fish or poultry;
- vegetable oils or soft margarines.
When you provide your body with less nutrients, the quality of your food will not be affected (the body will draw from its reserves), but its quantity will decrease. The baby will get less milk and therefore less energy, so it will gain weight more slowly.
A wise diet of a pregnant woman
- Vegetarians, like all pregnant women, should remember that what they eat is for the benefit of them and the baby. But that doesn't mean that they should eat for two, it just means that they should eat wisely. In the first trimester, the expectant mother needs the same amount of calories a day as usual - around 2000. Then 300 more is enough - as much as a small cheese sandwich - points out prof. Ewa Dmoch-Gajzlerska.
Don't worry that you are slowly gaining weight. Doctors emphasize that overweight brings more dangers to mother and baby than underweight!
It is rare for a slim woman who eats well not to provide her baby with the nutrients she needs. Vegetarians, although they gain little weight in pregnancy, give birth to he althy babies. Like all mums-to-be, you now need more calcium, iron, and some vitamins.
But well-planned vegetarian meals will cover that need. Milk, eggs, cereals and legumes provide protein and calcium. Drink plenty of water (up to 5 liters). You will improve absorption and avoid the gas that sometimes occurs when eating legumes. If you eat coarse-mill products, "pods" and lots of vegetables, you shouldn't have a problem with iron either.
However, if it is not enough, you will have to take the appropriate preparation until the morphology improves. If you do not eat dairy products, your doctor may give you additional calcium and vitamin D. Follow your doctor's instructions. Do not take any vitamin supplements on your own.
Vegetarianism of children and adolescents
- A vegetarian, dairy-free and egg-free diet provides babies with essential nutrients, as long as it takes into account the needs of the developing organism.This demand can be met even by using a strictly vegetarian diet, if the menu is very varied and the dishes are skillfully combined and enriched with deficient ingredients, e.g. calcium, vitamin D, B12, iron.
However, it is difficult to implement, if only because of the large volume of plant foods that a 2-3-year-old child would have to eat during the day, which is why such diets are not recommended for young children - says Dr. Witold Klemarczyk, pediatrician from Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw. Inadequate diet wreaks the greatest havoc in the bodies of toddlers to 4-5. years of age, and then in adolescence.
Boys on a poorly composed vegetarian diet are usually shorter and thinner than their peers. Girls may develop anemia.
It happens that unfavorable changes initially do not make themselves felt at all or are spread over time, therefore they may be imperceptible to parents. Boys on a poorly composed vegetarian diet are usually shorter and thinner than their peers. Girls may develop anemia. Nutrient deficiencies in adolescents worsen during menstruation.
Improperly nourished vegetarian children tend to be less active, pale, or overly agitated. That is why it is so important to teach children to eat wholemeal bread, groats, sprouts, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits from an early age. Let them drink freshly squeezed juices, yoghurts. Get your child used to active leisure, such as going to a swimming pool, cycling or rollerblading.
It is best to consult a specialist on what to replace meat or animal products. The nutritionist will prepare a menu for the child, taking into account the individual needs of the child. Regularly visit a trusted pediatrician who is experienced in caring for vegetarian children. You may need to periodically give your child a supplement, at least calcium, iron, and vitamin B12.
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