Inflammation of the adipose tissue is inflammation that causes necrosis of the fat cells in the subcutaneous layers of adipose tissue. So far, the causes of the development of this disease have not been fully elucidated. The symptoms of adipose tissue inflammation should not be underestimated, as they may be a harbinger of more serious diseases.

Adipose tissue inflammationis a disease still unknown to doctors. It is known to be caused by necrosis of fat cells, especially those just under the skin.

If adipose tissue inflammation is a disease in itself (we are talking then about the so-called isolated form), the so-called relapses, i.e. disease symptoms periodically worsen and disappear.

However, the disease can affect all other areas where fat cells are present. It is also known that it occurs more often in women than in men, which is probably related to the fact that women, as a rule, have a greater amount of adipose tissue, and is associated with IgG antibodies and the HLA B8 antigen (typical for patients with myasthenia gravis). Inflammation of adipose tissue can be manifested by Vilanov's disease (in this case, the connective tissue septum in adipose tissue is affected), Weber-Christian disease (involvement of adipose tissue lobules, which turn into painful tumors occurring mainly in the lower limbs, less often on the trunk) , mixed form, as well as vasculitis.

Causes of adipose tissue inflammation

It is believed that the symptoms of adipose tissue inflammation may be triggered by:

  • injuries (e.g. cuts, pricks)
  • infections
  • increased activity of pancreatic enzymes
  • external chemical agents
  • chemical disorders in the body, such as deficiency of alpha1-antitrypsin

Symptoms of adipose tissue inflammation

In the event of inflammation of adipose tissue, the following may appear first:

  • muscle and joint pain
  • painful lumps in the subcutaneous tissue
  • low fever

Then, after a few weeks, they arise:

  • nodule scars
  • sometimes, fistulas with thick discharge

In addition, the disease may be accompanied by abnormalities in the work of the liver, pancreas (especiallypseudocysts, ischemia, traumatic injury or inflammatory processes), hematopoietic system (e.g. histiocytosis), pathologies of connective tissue, serous membranes or kidneys, lymphatic hyperplastic syndromes, arthritis, rheumatism, lupus erythematosus and neoplasms.

Worth knowing

The symptoms of adipose tissue inflammation may resemble other diseases, such as erythema nodosum, gout, pseudo-gout, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic periostitis, or "normal" changes in the subcutaneous tissue that are the result of local infection. During diagnostics, it must be distinguished.

Diagnosis and treatment of adipose tissue inflammation

A number of tests are required to make a diagnosis.

  • First - blood tests. Patients have an increase in ESR, CRP, as well as leukocytosis (with a predominance of neutrophils) and anemia (decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit). If there are changes in the pancreas, there is an increase in the activity of the pancreatic enzyme - lipase - in the blood serum.
  • The ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will also allow you to examine the pancreas.
  • The urine is also tested for protein.
  • In addition, X-ray of the joints is performed (joint space narrowing may occur).
  • Histological examination, which involves taking a sample from the diseased area, should show the presence of fat cell necrosis.

It is important to find out if the disease is isolated or if there are other abnormalities associated with the inflammation of adipose tissue, such as changes in the pancreas or rheumatic diseases. It happens that the disease is the first sign that something is wrong with the pancreas! Treatment of fatty tissue inflammation should begin with treating the underlying disease. However, if the inflammation occurs in an isolated form, the patient is administered NLP drugs, in more severe cases glucocorticosteroids and immunosuppressants, e.g. cyclophosphamide or cyclosporine.
