Karezza is the tantric art of prolonging intercourse, which involves the use of various techniques of suppressing orgasm. It allows you to keep both lovers in a phase of strong arousal, without orgasm and ejaculation, even for over an hour. How to practice Karezza? Here are some practical exercises that will help you delay orgasm as much as possible and prolong intercourse.
Can you imagine being in love ecstasy for an hour and maybe longer, an endless feeling of excitement but without the irritating tension or the feeling of being unfulfilled? It might seem that in sex, unlike in other spheres of life, catching a bunny gives the most satisfaction, but it turns out that chasing him can be more exciting than the final itself … the final. However, this is not sex "with fireworks", preceded by madly tearing off clothes. These couples are taking their time at all.
The orgasm is secondary to them, and indeed the end of the wonderful state of desire they've been in for over an hour. Lovers who practicekarezzaprefer lazy sex based on sensual experiences. They look into each other's eyes, kiss, stroke each other, synchronize their breaths, massage their bodies (including intimate places) and subtly co-operate, balancing their bodies in one rhythm. Their relationship is devoid of eroticism. They put the spiritual pleasure of communing with their loved one and relaxation in the first place, so any charges that suddenly raise the pressure are out of the question. Keeping lovers maximally aroused for a long time aims to strengthen the love relationship between lovers and strengthen the relationship also outside the bedroom.
What is karezza?
"Karezza" means "caress" in Italian. The term was borrowed by the American gynecologist Alice Bunker Stockham, who promoted the tantric technique of controlling ejaculation as a contraceptive and a way to improve the social position of women (Karezza taught respect for women) and strengthen marriage ties. Stockham advised couples to have a very long intercourse without orgasm, in which both sides derive the satisfaction of maintaining a state of excitement. At the same time, she proposed quite peculiar methods of strengthening the spiritual bond between lovers, such asreading aloud during the intercourse between the philosophical works of Ralph Waldo Emerson and the erotic poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Today, the concept of karezza has narrowed a bit and refers to a very prolonged intercourse, aimed at keeping both lovers in the phase of strong arousal (the so-called plateau phase) as long as possible, without ejaculation of sperm in the partner and orgasm in the woman. According to scientists, this condition has a much more beneficial effect on the body's hormonal balance. People who engage in regular sex experience considerable fluctuations in dopamine, the level of which increases with excitement and drops sharply at the moment of orgasm. Since we feel divine on dopamine, we try to get into this state as often as possible, even when we do not really feel like having sex. In this way, we become addicted to jumps of dopamine and provoke the body to its increased production. We have more sex, but still not a satisfactory amount. The advantage of karezza is that it does not disturb dopamine levels and avoids dopamine starvation. Sex is then less exhausting and more fulfilling.
How to practice Karezza?
Before you start practicing karezza, you should master the techniques of delaying orgasm and become familiar with the art of kabbazah. There is really no single recipe for how to maintain an arousal state. Tantra is the art of spiritual love, and this one does not provide ready-made recipes and instructions, but rather stimulates reflection and self-formulation of conclusions. For this reason, tantra remains the most difficult art of love, but mastery of it allows lovers to attain the highest degree of ars amandi initiation and enjoy sex unlike any other form of love.
As already mentioned, each couple should develop their own way of practicing Karezza, but it is worth following the tips of the masters in this extraordinary art. Dr. Kenneth Ray Stubbs, author of "Basics of Tantra," advises men to exercise by staying inside a woman for 10 minutes, moving just enough to maintain an erection. During intercourse, they should focus on slow and gentle penetration. Lovers should align their breathing and look into each other's eyes to focus on the emotional, not just physical, sensations. A lover can enter a partner only after a partial loss of erection and then, thanks to shallow thrusts, regain an erection. The woman's actions play an important role in maintaining an erection in the partner. She should not rock her hips so much as focus ontightening the Kegel musclesaround the penis. UsefulSo there will be Kegel exercises and the kabbazah technique. A woman should concentrate on maintaining a man's erection and enjoy it at the same time. The partner may even achieve several orgasms during intercourse, but a man should remain in a state of desire as long as possible.
Classical tantra recommends having intercourse in positions where eye and body contact is possible, as well as in which the man is not tempted to dominate (it is about limiting the possibility of making sudden movements). The ideal item is theyab-yumitem. Tantra practitioners believe that in this system there is a unique energy circulation between the bodies of lovers. Their energy potentials equalize, thanks to which it is possible to maintain a state of equilibrium.
Another position recommended by Karezza practitioners is as follows: a woman lies on her back and bends her legs at the knees. The ground floor is laid on her side perpendicular to her partner, slides between her thighs and puts a leg over her stomach. The partner, in turn, puts her leg on his hip. They both turn to face each other and put their hands on the legs of the other half. Partners stroke each other's bodies, look into each other's eyes and even breathe. They can make light pelvic rockings. The partner should insert his penis shallowly into the vagina and rely on his partner's caresses from now on. A woman should perform a series of long and short Kegel contractions, varying the intensity and frequency of the compressions. The penis should harden slowly. One should not let a man get too excited. If a woman feels that her partner is very aroused, she should calm down her movements or withdraw the penis from the vagina and engage in extra-genital caresses. Just before ejaculation, the partner should use the technique of delaying ejaculation, which consists in pressing with the three largest fingers of the hand on a point located in the cavity between the scrotum and the anus. Keep pressing until the excitement subsides significantly.
Karezza for beginners
First, try to hold out in a state of intense desire for 30 minutes. Over time, extend your sessions for another minute until you reach an hour. You will soon find that you are perfectly capable of controlling your bodies and reading each other's needs. Your bodies will take on new intelligence and will react better depending on the situation. Regular practice of Karezza makes men much better at controlling their birthright. The penis reacts exactly as its owner wants - it can harden or soften at any time, move or stay still and stop ejaculation (mainly with the participation ofmuscle PC). Women, on the other hand, notice a significant improvement in the flexibility of the Kegel muscles and their handling, and it is much easier to reach orgasm, even multiple ones.