Vaginal dryness is most often caused by a deficiency of estrogens. Before your period, hormones are what causes vaginal dryness. How to deal with this unpleasant state?

Vaginal drynessmay appear before your period. This is because the level of estrogen drops, which is conducive to better hydration of the vagina ,and progesterone increases. Butvaginal dryness before , although natural and nothing to worry about it, only affects some women. Because, as all gynecologists know, every woman is different. But what if we're in a group that has dry days? Moisturizing vaginal tablets will come in handy.

Vaginal dryness before period

We usually feel moist at the entrance to the vagina all the time, though the sensation varies in intensity. It is clear during ovulation, we also have a slippery feeling and even the mucus coming out. It also gets wet when we are aroused, energized and ready for intercourse. Estrogen and the changes in its levels play a large role in these changes. A few days before menstruation, the levels of estrogen in the blood and vagina drop, which may cause a decrease in vaginal moisture.

Symptoms of vaginal dryness

First of all, we feel it as a lack of hydration. The feeling may become unpleasant - there is an unpleasant burning sensation, a feeling of rubbing or stinging. Similar symptoms also occur during infection, but if they occur cyclically, before each or almost every menstruation, it may be presumed that they are associated with a periodic drop in estrogen. To be sure, it's best to talk to your gynecologist about it.

Vaginal dryness - how to remedy it

When the symptoms are so unpleasant that they cause discomfort and irritation, it is worth reaching for vaginal tablets, globules or moisturizing creams. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription or use a preparation recommended by a gynecologist. They usually contain moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and lactic acid. Before intercourse, it is worth using lubricants or gels that immediately moisturize and increase the slipperiness of the vaginal walls. They are usually made on the basis of water with the addition of soothing and moisturizing ingredients: bamboo extract, collagen and even silk proteins, vitamin E and antibacterial andantifungal agents. There are also lubricants based on glycerin, the latter are more difficult to wash, and when they remain on the mucosa, they can cause infections. then it is better to use silicone-based lubricants. It's best to choose fragrance-free, hypoallergenic agents to protect yourself from possible irritation.
