Abdominal pain is one of the most common ailments. Sometimes the pain is mild and passes quickly, but sometimes it appears suddenly, is very severe, increases quickly and is accompanied by additional symptoms such as nausea or diarrhea. Gastrologist and gastroenterologist Dr. Dariusz Maj, MD, Ph.D. explains when abdominal pain should be of particular concern and when further diagnostics are necessary. Watch the video.

Withabdominal painwe all struggle from time to time. This ailment is often accompanied by indigestion or food poisoning, and is often the result of gas accumulation in the intestines. Usually, the causes of abdominal pain are not serious and it will clear up quickly without even needing to take medications.

It should not be underestimated, however, because important internal organs are located in the abdominal cavity, incl. liver, pancreas, stomach, spleen, large intestine and small intestine. In some cases, abdominal pain may be a harbinger of a more serious problem - stomach ulcers, liver and pancreatic diseases, and even cancer.

Gastrologist and gastroenterologist Dr. Dariusz Maj from the Damian Medical Center in Warsaw explains in which situationsabdominal painshould be of particular concern and when further diagnostics are necessary.

When should abdominal pain be of particular concern?

As the expert explains, the alarm signal is a situation when abdominal pain does not disappear after the immediate use of over-the-counter medications (in the case of abdominal pain, these include drugs containing drotaverine hydrochloride, metamizole or proton pump inhibitors) or relapses after a few hours.

In this case, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
