Physiological vaginal discharge is not a concern. On the other hand, vaginal discharge, unlike physiological discharge, is a signal that the genitals are ill. This cannot be taken lightly, as untreated vaginal discharge can damage the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Every woman notices marks on her underwear, which we often wrongly callvaginal discharge.Because most women have nothing to do with lesions. You can talk about vaginal discharge only when the color, smell and amountof dischargedeviate from the norm. How can you tell?

Normal vaginal discharge

Normal vaginal discharge is odorless, clear, milky or whitish, and resemblesmucus . It consists of the secretions of the larger vestibular glands (the Bartholin gland is located in the vestibule of the vagina) and smaller ones (the Skene gland), as well as exfoliated vaginal cells, cervical mucus and secretions from the glands of the uterine mucosa and fallopian tubes. The vestibular glands and the endometrium and fallopian tubes work in a rhythm determined by hormones. Hence the differences in the amount of discharge. In the first phase of the cycle - follicular (it lasts about 8 days) - there is usually no discharge, and most women experience vaginal dryness. In the second - ovulatory (3-4 days) - underwear shows copious mucus resembling chicken egg white. It is transparent, chewy and protects sperm from the killer acidic environment of the vagina. In the third phase of the cycle - luteal (lasting about 12 days) - the mucus thickens, is opaque and flocculent. It lasts until menstruation and is intended to protect the genital tract against pathogenic microorganisms. The fourth phase is menstruation. Mucus is also secreted during this time, but it is stained with menstrual blood.

Discharge changes with age

The amount, color and consistency of the discharge depend on the menstrual cycle, but not only.

  • Girlsdevelop a tight, milky white and odorless discharge. When its color or smell changes and the amount increases, you need to see a gynecologist. Girls, although less often than mature women, also have genital infections. They usually catch them in the pool or using public restrooms.
  • There is a lot of mucus during puberty . It is related to the intensive work of estrogens,which prepare the uterus for the first menstruation. Don't worry as long as the discharge is odorless and white.
  • Menopause- the endocrine system works slower and slower, and there is less mucus. Since the cycles are often anovulatory, dragging mucus occurs sporadically to signal ovulation.
  • After menopause -the last menstruation, or menopause, ends the period of work of sex hormones. Mucus is no longer produced. Inflammation and infections are easier to develop with poorly moisturized mucous membranes.

Mucus during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mucus secreted by the vagina is milky white, quite rare, and has an important task to fulfill - protecting the fetus from bacteria that may threaten its normal development. However, since the mucosa is highly bloodshot during this period, more glucose passes into the secretions from the blood than before pregnancy, which is an excellent medium for the fungi living in the vagina. Thus, the risk of developing mycosis increases. Therefore, any change in the color or smell of the secretions should prompt the woman to see a doctor.

Causes of trouble

If you notice that your underwear shows yellow-green, whey, frothy, pus or bloody discharge, you must see your gynecologist. There are many reasons for this ailment.

Vaginal discharge from vaginal infection

U 60-80 percent of women presenting to their doctor for vaginal discharge have a bacterial infection. This is the result of an imbalance between the bacteria that make up a he althy vaginal environment and the pathogenic anaerobic bacteria. Specialists suspect that the excessive multiplication of the latter is favored by lowering the body's immunity. Age (under 30), abnormal menstruation, frequent changes of partners, and the use of tampons also affect the development of infection. Symptoms of inflammation are discharge with a yellow or milky color and an unpleasant fishy smell. There is also itching and burning of the vulva. Diagnosis and effective treatment, which your partner should also undergo, are very important. Negligence can be paid for with recurrent vaginitis, endometritis, ovaries, and during pregnancy - with miscarriage or premature birth. Good bacteria The vagina of a he althy woman is home to beneficial lactobacilli. They create an acidic reaction that prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms. But not all and not always. In order to prevent infections due to an attack of pathogenic bacteria or a decrease in immunity, it is worth using, for example, Lactovaginal, Lacibios femina, Vagical, Floragyn - preparations that help maintain the dominance of he althy bacteria in the vagina.

Vaginal dischargecaused by trichomoniasis

It is caused by vaginal trichomoniasis. In women it feels good in the vestibule, cervical canal and urinary bladder. In men, it is most often found in the urethra, prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Infection usually occurs during sexual intercourse, although it is not uncommon to become infected by sharing towels, bidets, or washing utensils such as a sponge. Sanitary facilities as well as water in the swimming pool can also be the habitat of trichomoniasis. The infection is accompanied by grayish or yellow-green foamy discharge with a very intense unpleasant odor. There is also nagging itching and burning of the labia. Spotting occurs with a developed infection. Women experience severe pain during intercourse. Men do not get trichomoniasis, even when they are carriers of this protozoan.

Fungal vaginal discharge

It is often called yeast infection because it is caused by yeast microorganisms. The infection usually occurs sexually, but the habitat of the fungus can also be towels, bar soaps, sponges. The first symptom is itching and pain in the vagina and labia. There is also a thick, creamy discharge that looks like cottage cheese and smells like yeast. Gentlemen infected with yeast do not have any complaints. The development of mycosis is fostered not only by the lack of hygiene, but also by frequent or long-term use of antibiotics, as well as steroid hormones and oral contraception. Mycosis is difficult to cure, so the therapy must be successful. Untreated ailments will keep coming back.

Foreign body vaginal discharge

It could be a piece of a tampon, for example. Its presence in the vagina usually causes a very profuse, watery or bloody discharge with a strongly foul-smelling discharge. If we suspect such a situation, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible. He will check exactly what is going on, remove the foreign body, and then select the appropriate therapy that will effectively eliminate the developing inflammation.

Vaginal discharge caused by atrophic inflammation

Common symptoms include itching and severe reddening of the labia. The discharge is watery, yellowish or greenish, and tinged with blood. Women who are menopausal or have low blood estrogen levels (including breastfeeding women) suffer from atrophic vaginosis. Frequent inflammations are the result of the atrophy of the endometrium - it is getting thinner and more susceptible to infections and infections.

Allergy vaginal discharge

The reaction to contact with an allergen is often profuse vaginal discharge, usually accompanied by irritating itching and redness of the vulva. An allergythe body reacts most often to powders and liquids in which we wash underwear, soaps and some intimate hygiene liquids. Highly chlorinated water, latex contained in condoms, spermicides, perfumed sanitary napkins, and even dyes used to color toilet paper or disposable towels can also be an allergen. Allergic vaginitis is usually treated with antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs. But the mainstay of therapy is to avoid contact with allergens.

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