How to choose contraceptive pills? Although for years they have been one of the most popular methods of protection against pregnancy among Polish women, their selection still leaves a lot to do. Read how to choose contraceptive pills and how exactly the matter of choosing hormonal contraception looks like among Polish women.
How to choose contraceptive pills?Many Polish women are faced with the answer to this question, as oral contraception is a very popular method of contraception and the first form of hormonal contraception that has been introduced all over the world. Many women consider this method of contraception the best for them, but they do not appreciate the importance of choosing the right one - according to their needs.
How to choose contraceptive pills: every woman is different
Every woman is different and reacts differently to the hormonal preparations she takes. What's more - at different ages, each one also needs agents with different properties. Some preparations are recommended for mature women, while others for those who are just entering adulthood and starting sexual activity. There are many tablets on the market, so it is so important that a young patient who starts using contraception, together with a gynecologist, selects the preparation that suits her and her needs.
- The doctor and the patient must be aware of the fact that not every pill and not every set of hormones will be appropriate for a given patient. Therefore, the question of the proper selection of the hormone composition in the contraceptive pill plays a key role here, allowing the preservation of beneficial non-contraceptive effects, e.g. alleviating acne or PMS problems. It is also worth remembering that in the event that the patient experiences undesirable effects of taking the selected tablet, it is always possible to change to other agents. And in the case of hormonal intolerance to oral contraception, we have a number of unusual methods at our disposal, such as, for example, a ring, a contraceptive patch or intrauterine systems - explains Prof. dr hab. n. med. Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta, specialist gynecologist-obstetrician, endocrinologist, sexologist, head of the Department of Women's He alth, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
So how to choose contraceptive pills? Takingattention to the four most important factors:
- he alth condition
- age
- lifestyle
- needs.
Low-dose and standard hormone contraception
- Ultra-light low-dose hormone contraception(contains no more than 15 micrograms of ethinylestradiol)
Young women and teenagers who want to start intercourse and protect themselves against pregnancy are usually recommended low-dose hormonal contraception, e.g. ultra-light contraceptive pill containing only 15 micrograms of estrogen (the lowest dose of hormones among other pills on the market) with a convenient dosing schedule (24 + 4 placebo tablets). Such dosage promotes systematic use of the drug, which contributes to better control of the cycle. It should be emphasized that the lower value of hormones compared to other pills does not affect its effectiveness - the Pearl index is 0.24. Ultralight contraception has a number of advantages: it helps to relieve PMS-related ailments, regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces the amount of bleeding, reduces breast swelling, painful menstruation, spotting, and eliminates abdominal pain during ovulation. It is worth knowing that lower doses of ethinylestradiol and progestogen reduce the risk of side effects occurring during the use of contraceptive pills.
Ultralight contraception is recommended:
- for women who are just starting intercourse,
- women looking for the lowest dose of hormones,
- patients who have problems with the systematic use of the drug.
Dosing schedule:24 + 4 placebo tablets
- Standard Contraception(Contains 0.03 micrograms Ethinylestradiol (EE) and 2 mg Chlormadinone Acetate)
Among two-component contraceptive pills, there are pills containing a dose of 0.03 mg of ethinylestradiol (EE) and 2 mg of chlormadinone acetate. These standard hormone pills are mainly used in the 21 + 7-day break regimen, during which withdrawal bleeding occurs. The effectiveness of universal contraception is high: the Pearl Index is 0.4.
The universal contraception is recommended for women starting to use hormonal contraception as well as for its regular users. Doctors also offer this pill to patients who would like to change their current contraception and to patients who want to start using hormonal contraception and struggle with problems such as dysmenorrhea, skin problems (acne), seborrhea, decreased libido.during the use of another hormonal contraceptive and spotting, which often results from too low dose of EE.
Standard contraception is recommended:
- women starting and already using oral contraception who need a change;
- women who have problems with painful menstruation, skin (acne) and seborrhea;
- women experiencing a decrease in libido while taking other contraceptive pills.
Dosing schedule:21 tablets + 7-day break during which withdrawal bleeding occurs

What do Polish women know about contraceptive pills?
The knowledge of patients using oral contraception was checked by the NEUROHM researchers, who examined, as part of the "Tailor-made contraception" campaign, among other things, what is the approach of women who use contraceptive pills to different types of pills on a daily basis. Despite the fact that for 74% of the surveyed women the type of tablets taken is important, deep down, the respondents are only moderately sure of their declaration. Studies have shown that every fifth (21%) of women who use oral contraception consider switching to another contraceptive pill in the near future, while more than half of the women (56%) do not intend to do so. However, in both cases, the respondents were moderately convinced of the certainty of these declarations. The research shows, however, the great real importance that patients attach to the relationship with the gynecologist. As many as 93% of the respondents pointed out with high conviction that it is important for a woman to choose contraception together with a gynecologist. The study shows that Polish women who use contraceptive pills need the support of a gynecologist and the feeling that they can count on the help of a specialist in the process of selecting an appropriate contraceptive method or changing it. Therefore, it is worth remembering that the active participation of both the gynecologist and the involvement of the person concerned is essential.
Source: press materials of the campaign "Tailored contraception"
Tailored contraceptionis an educational and information campaign aimed at building women's awareness of oral hormonal contraception and the correct selection of contraception. The idea of the project is to harmonize and broaden the knowledge of oral contraception. The initiative is substantively supported by an expert in the field of psychology and gynecology. More information about the campaign and about oral hormonal contraception can be found at: