Oral contraception is a commonly available method of contraception in Poland. According to gynecologists, women willingly take pills: why do they buy them and what are the benefits of using oral contraception? We invite you to read the results of the report prepared as part of the educational program "Contraception for You".
Report on hormonaloral contraceptionwas prepared on the basis of data provided by gynecologists participating in the educational program "Contraception for You". The program is aimed at women who start or continue taking oral hormonal contraception. From October 2015 to October 2016, doctors interviewed 17,760 patients, asking them how they assessed the effects of oral contraception and what are the reasons why they use it. Doctors also commented on the knowledge of Polish women about this method of contraception.
What do Polish women know about oral contraception?
According to doctors, not all women know about contraception. 53.2 percent of Polish women partially know what their method of contraception is, while 40.6 percent of women are fully aware of it. On the other hand, 6.3 percent of women do not know enough about oral contraception.
As many as 91 percent of Polish women know what the mechanism of action of contraceptive pills is, and 75.8 percent - that they also have non-contraceptive effects (e.g. they influence the regulation of the menstrual cycle). In contrast, 19.9 percent of women do not know whether oral contraception protects against sexually transmitted diseases (rather than protects them). 10 percent of the surveyed women realize that this method is most effective when the tablets are taken regularly - at the same time each day, and 21.4 percent of Polish women do not know what to do when they forget to take a contraceptive pill once. Almost the same - 21.6 percent - are also unaware that if more than 12 hours have passed since taking the pill, the effectiveness of the method may be reduced. Moreover, 40.9 percent of women are unaware that the use of other preparations - such as antibiotics, sedatives andantiepileptic drugs and infusions of St. John's wort - reduces the effectiveness of oral contraception.
It also turns out that every fifth woman taking oral contraception forgets to take at least two tablets during one cycle, and every second Polish woman admits that she forgot to take one tablet in a given cycle. Doctors point out that, on average, one in ten women using contraceptives needs to learn more about the effects of this type of drugs. That is why proper education is so important.
- Hormonal contraception is one of the most important achievements of 20th century medicine, as it protects against unplanned pregnancy, giving a sense of security and freedom to a woman. […] The presented results of the study show that women are becoming more and more aware of the non-contraceptive benefits of using contraceptive pills. In addition, women talk more consciously with their doctor about their he alth needs, which can be met with the use of birth control pills. Popular myths about hormonal contraception are disappearing, such as multiple pregnancy after its discontinuation or infertility - informs prof. dr hab. n. med. Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta, head of the Department of Women's He alth, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, gynecologist-obstetrician, sexologist, endocrinologist.
source: press materials of the campaign "Contraception for you"

Sources of knowledge about oral contraception
Polish women most often consult a specialist about the correct use of contraceptives - 62.7 percent of the respondents do so. An important source of knowledge are also guides - in the case of 39.5% of respondents - and the Internet, where 38.9% of the respondents look for answers.
Why do Polish women choose oral contraception?
Of course, the most important reason why Polish women use contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy - this is the case of 87 percent of the surveyed women, compared to 96 percent in previous years. So it follows that women - 13 percent of them - are increasingly taking the pill for other purposes.
Two out of five Polish women admitted that the use of oral contraception also brings them other benefits - apart from pregnancy prevention. Cycle regulation (39.3 percent), improved skin condition (27.9 percent) and less heavy periods (21.3 percent) were the most frequently mentioned.
- Currently, it is emphasized that one of the most important challenges for a gynecologist is contraceptive counseling, and the selection of the preparation should be appropriate both for the he alth and lifestyle of the patient. To protectagainst sexually transmitted diseases - in young women - the World He alth Organization recommends the use of a double method - hormonal contraception and condoms - emphasizes prof. dr hab. n. med. Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta.
Worth knowingAre Polish women satisfied with the effects of contraceptive pills?
The survey conducted as part of the "Contraception for You" campaign shows that Polish women are satisfied with the effects of using this method of contraception - this is the case for 84.8 percent of respondents. Only one in forty ladies - 2.4 percent - said the pills did not work as expected.