We have had a sexual problem for a year. My boyfriend has diabetes, takes insulin, sugar is ok. Still no erection. I don't know what to do anymore. I try to cheer him up, but I think he's had enough. Supposedly, sugars are good, and we can't love each other …

Mrs. Amelia! Of course, diabetes is one of the basic diseases that causes erectile dysfunction. But if it is in such a young person and it is well managed (stable, correct sugar levels), it does not have to be the cause of your problems. Perhaps your boyfriend "has read too much about this" and his troubles are of a completely different nature? Maybe how many (he althy) young people are psychogenic? And is awareness of the possible effects of diabetes an additional stressor? Besides, as always in young people: fear of failure, fear of pregnancy (what does contraception look like in you?). It is rare for established and well-treated type 1 diabetes to produce erectile dysfunction so early. I recommend a joint visit to a sexologist who may dispel the "stigmas" of your boyfriend. And if not - Viagra and its successors (the cheapest tablet is PLN 20) - are very effective in such cases. Regards

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Beata Ciesielska

A specialist sexologist, expert witness. member of the European and Polish Society of Sexual Medicine, Polish Society of Andrology, Association for Good Clinical Research Practice. Admissions at a private office in Łódź (by appointment, tel. 0501 019 578).

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