I am married, three children. I use anti-varicose tights for varicose veins. The tights press against my penis and increase the temperature in the crotch area. Will it not adversely affect my sexual potency? During longer journeys by car, I also put on plain, cotton, but women's panties, because in a sitting position they do not constrict the circulation in the groin. Will I not hurt myself with this therapy?

Just in case, just switch to anti-varicose stockings. And after the trip, I recommend boxer shorts - fashionable and comfortable, no doubt about it.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Beata Ciesielska

A specialist sexologist, expert witness. member of the European and Polish Society of Sexual Medicine, Polish Society of Andrology, Association for Good Clinical Research Practice. Admissions at a private office in Łódź (by appointment, tel. 0501 019 578).

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