Wondering what to do to survive your winter pregnancy safely: don't catch a cold, don't trip over an icy pavement, don't freeze? What should you be careful not to hurt yourself or your baby? Here's a handy guide to make your winter pregnancy very enjoyable.
Winter in the city means traffic jams in the streets, trampled slush or ice on the sidewalks, bitter cold, people coughing on buses. It is a doubly difficult time for you - if only because it is getting harder and harder to move around. You are also afraid that you could catch a cold, and yet every infection is now not only a problem for you, but also a threat to your baby. And the lack of light - short, cloudy days, early evenings that sometimes make you feel gloomy.
How to survive a winter pregnancy - safely and in good mental condition?
Pregnancy in winter: dress warmly
When you go outside, solid winter boots are very important, not only warm, but also comfortable. The belly has now changed your center of gravity, which can make it difficult to balance. Forget about high-heeled boots - it's torture for the spine, and besides, on a slippery pavement, you can easily fall over or twist your leg in them. Plus, long-shaft boots are much more difficult to put on and take off - especially if you already have a big tummy. The best are leather ankle boots, on a solid rubber sole with a tread (in shoes with a plastic sole it is easy to slip). The most comfortable ones will be fastened with a zipper or Velcro, and not tied with laces.
Remember about gloves and a scarf, and about a hat - most of your body's heat escapes through your head. It is worth that the outer garment has a hood, which will additionally protect against wind and snow.
The jacket or coat should be light and easy to undo (e.g. with press studs) when you get hot in the bus or shop.
It is important to avoid overheating - when you get sweaty, you have a cold. Dress in layers: over a blouse, under a jacket, wear a tank top or sweater. This will allow you to regulate your body temperature more easily. Keep a warmer on duty at work: a sweater or a warm scarf - it may happen that the heating fails. When you are waiting at the bus stop, do not stand still - take a walk, put your feet on your feet so you don't get cold.
Pregnancy in winter: take care of your stomach
When it's cold, your body needs more energy. Follow the basic rule never to leave the house without breakfast! If you are still sick in the morning, at least drink a cup of tea and eat a few rusks or cream cheese, and take your sandwiches to work for lunch.
Try to eat regularly, without taking breaks longer than 3-4 hours between meals. Also, always have he althy snacks on hand: muesli bars, dried fruit or a handful of sunflower seeds. If necessary, you can quickly "recharge your batteries" or overcome an attack of nausea, which often occurs when you are hungry.
Pregnancy in winter: take a walk
Although your tummy is harder to move around, you don't always want to go outside when the weather is under your dog. But don't let winter stop you. Every nice day should be used to get some exercise outdoors. You will oxygenate yourself and your baby, chase away the winter blues, and your body will produce a dose of vitamin D under the influence of the sun, which you both need now (protects against decalcification).
Winter sports - skiing, ice skating - are obviously inadvisable for you, because you can easily fall during skiing, but for example Nordic walking (in the first trimester) or a simple walk in the forest or park is a great relaxation. Moving in the air will not only keep you fit, but also make you more resistant to cold and infection. We also recommend gymnastics: sign up for classes for mothers-to-be or practice at home alone or with a partner.
Pregnancy in winter: a quick warm-up
Unfortunately, it may happen that you are cold outside. When you come home, give yourself a dose of warmth: eat a plate of hot soup or drink a cup of tea or milk with honey, and warm your legs in a bowl of warm water. You can also take a short (up to 15 minutes) bath in warm (not hot - up to 37ºC) water; after leaving the bath, wrap yourself up warmly or immediately jump under the covers.
Pregnancy in winter: get enough sleep and get plenty of rest
In winter, the body signals that it needs more sleep. The phenomenon is exacerbated in pregnancy - attacks of sleepiness are characteristic especially for the first trimester. Don't defend yourself against it. Rush longer on days off. Remember, however, that you cannot get enough sleep and do not fall overnight - 8-9 hours of sleep a night is an absolute minimum for you! During sleep, the body regenerates itself after exercising all day. If you can afford an afternoon nap, great. Rested, you will be much more resistant to infections.
And when you feel something take you, drink a cup of milk with honey and go to bedearlier - you will feel better the next day. There was a reason why our grandmothers used to say that sleep is the best doctor.
Pregnancy in winter: avoid catching a cold
Avoid large crowds of people. Make an appointment at work, if possible, that you will come a little later, when buses and trams are less crowded. In a store, post office, office, or clinic - avoid people who have a cough.
It is not always possible to distance yourself from your cold neighbors, e.g. in a crowded bus. Then take out a handkerchief and cover your nose and mouth with it. When you come to work and return home, wash your hands immediately - you will reduce the risk of infection.
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