Intimate he alth is extremely important for every woman. Intimate infections can not only hinder everyday functioning, but are also dangerous to he alth. Thanks to appropriate prophylaxis and care for hygiene, you can reduce the risk of their development. The control of the pH of the vaginal environment is extremely helpful in this.
Vaginal itching, burning when urinating, vaginal discharge or a change in the nature of vaginal discharge - these are the symptoms that most often mean intimate infections. The risk of their occurrence increases especially in summer. It is influenced by high temperatures, air humidity, but also frequent baths. However, the risk of intimate infections is also increased by factors independent of the season: improper hygiene, pregnancy, diabetes, sexual life, hormone therapy, the use of antibiotics, diet … A woman who cares about her intimate he alth must be aware of the mechanisms that are responsible for them and apply the basic principles of prophylaxis.
The key importance of correct pH
The woman's vagina is naturally colonized by aerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. They produce lactic acid, which provides the acidic pH of the vaginal secretions of 3.6-4.5. It is a natural barrier to the development of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) that cannot develop in an acidic environment. This is why it is so important to maintain a he althy vaginal flora. Unfortunately, its functioning can be disturbed by a number of different factors, such as birth control drugs, a lush sex life, improper intimate hygiene, smoking or chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes).
One of the most common causes of intimate infections are infections resulting from antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics (used, for example, in infections of the upper respiratory tract) in a way ricochet damage the bacterial flora of the vagina. Therefore, antibiotic therapy is often associated with vaginal fungal infections. Mushrooms are not susceptible to the action of antibiotics, and the vagina, depleted in Lactobacillus bacteria, is an ideal place for them to develop.
To prevent this, it is recommended to use probiotics orally and / or vaginally during antibiotic therapy. The most effective ones contain such mixtures of Lactobacillus strains, which show high adhesive properties, so they more easily colonize the vaginal epithelium (e.g. Lactobacillus rhamnosus,Lactobacillus gesseri). Probiotics can also be an effective preventive measure against summer infections.
Intimate hygiene rules
Intimate problems can also result from improper hygiene. And it doesn't just mean not keeping your private area clean. The problem may also be too aggressive washing or unreasonable vaginal irrigation. The reason for intimate infections may also be the use of inadequate hygiene products. They cannot be typical hand soaps or whole body hygiene products. Their highly alkaline nature can cause vaginal pH disturbances and thus increase the likelihood of developing intimate infections. Therefore, soap substitutes with a mildly acidic pH should be used for washing intimate areas. Instead of a bath, a shower is also recommended. You should also not use sponges or washcloths for washing, as they can be a reservoir of bacteria or fungi.
From diagnosis to prevention
Correct vaginal reaction is not only a form of protection against the development of infection, but is also an important element in the diagnosis and assessment of a woman's intimate he alth. By checking the pH value of vaginal secretions, it is possible to assess whether it is at risk of colonization by pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, already during an infection, the pH value allows you to indicate the type of infection and implement appropriate treatment.
Vaginal pH testing can also be part of a prophylaxis. In pharmacies, tests are available that allow you to comfortably examine its approximate value. Most often they take the form of an applicator that is placed in the vagina for 10 seconds. Under the influence of vaginal discharge, the test surface on the applicator changes its color, which is then compared with the color scale on the packaging.
If the color of the indicator is in the range of pH 4.0 to 4.4, don't be alarmed. However, if the result shows a value above 4.4, it may be necessary to take appropriate preventive measures. In such situations, the use of a probiotic (oral or vaginal) or a change of intimate hygiene fluid may be helpful. The lack of an acid barrier in intimate places should also result in a limited activity, which may increase the risk of contact with pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. bathing or sex).
Treatment of intimate infections
Intimate infections are currently divided into three types: bacterial and fungal, and vaginal trichomoniasis. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are almost identical. There is itching, burning, discomfort, discharge or an unpleasant smell. Differentiation of the type of infectionit is very difficult and requires a visit to the doctor. Diagnostics is based on the nature of discharge accompanying the infection. In the case of fungal infections, vaginal discharge is thick, white with a sweet yeast odor, and the consistency resembles the so-called cottage cheese. On the other hand, bacterial infection is characterized by gray, watery discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell. Trichomoniasis infection, in turn, is characterized by profuse gray or yellow-gray discharge with a bland odor.
Diversification of the type of infection is also possible based on the pH of vaginal secretions. In the case of fungal infection, it is more acidic and the pH is from 3.6 to 4.5. However, when bacteria are present in the vagina, the pH exceeds 4.5.
Correct diagnosis of the type of intimate infection is crucial for the direction of treatment. In the case of a fungal infection, treatment comes down to the use of appropriate fungicidal drugs prescribed by a doctor.
Try TEST![](
Author: Hydrex
Test for intimate infections pH TEST
- the test can be performed during pregnancy
- time needed to perform the test - 10 seconds
- indicates whether you are at risk of intimate area infections
- checks if the acidity of the vaginal environment is in the range of 3.8-4.4 pH
I check the test