Do you avoid beans because it causes uncomfortable gas and gas? Unnecessarily. Properly cooked and prepared beans do not have to cause stomach sensations. How to prepare beans so that they do not cause gas and gas?

Beansis delicious, but thegas and gaswhich causes them to scare away many amateurs. Why are beans causing such stomach trouble? Are there any ways to avoid bloating and bean gas?

Beans: why does it cause gas and gas?

Beans contain lectins that temporarily block trypsin, one of the main enzymes that digest plant protein. When trypsin doesn't work, your gut bacteria activate and produce troublesome and sometimes painful gas and gas. The most difficult digestion is the peel of the beans, which are hard.

How to cook beans to avoid gas and gas?

Some people develop gas and gas after eating beans. To avoid this, after soaking the beans, pour out the water and boil them in a new one. Here are some ways:

  • Seeds soak 1-2 hours in very hot water, adding boiling water from time to time. Then pour out the water and boil the fresh beans until soft.
  • Put the beans in cold water, bring to a boil quickly, drain, add fresh water and simmer until tender.
  • Soak the beans for 8 hours. Then bring to a boil, change the water and simmer fresh water until soft (less time than in previous methods).

Note! Beans should not be soaked for more than 12 hours, because then the fermentation processes begin. Soaking softens the beans and speeds up cooking, but changing the water loses a lot of minerals and vitamin B. To avoid this, you can soak the beans for 12 hours, then boil them in the same water, but without cover, to allow the harmful compounds to escape. Beans are always s alted after cooking.

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