Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of death in the most developed countries. Medicine is still looking for more and more effective drugs. He also uses unconventional methods, such as chelation, although American research has proven that it can be beneficial.

What ischelation ? Ischelate therapyeffective in treating atherosclerosis? There are no drugs that act directly on atherosclerosis, and surgical intervention in advanced disease may only temporarily stop its progression. We are talking about another, alternative method of fighting atherosclerosis with Dr. Dariusz Siwik, a specialist in the field of chelate therapy.

  • How does atherosclerosis happen?

Dr. Dariusz Siwik: There are several factors that initiate the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, which reduces the lumen of blood vessels and hinders blood circulation. According to recent scientific studies, inflammation is a major factor in causing this disease. It can be caused by bacteria, but also by viruses, stress hormones or toxins entering the body from a poisoned environment. Inflammation causes damage to the endothelium of the arteries. These changes are replaced by cholesterol, and later, as a result of combination with calcium, which is taken up from the blood, atherosclerotic plaques are formed. These deposits reduce blood flow and can even close the vessel lumen.

  • What kind of research should be done in order not to be surprised?

D.S .: Academic medicine recommends reducing cholesterol, but in my opinion, exceeding the cholesterol level is not the biggest problem. The ratio of bad cholesterol to total cholesterol is important. I have patients with advanced atherosclerosis and exemplary cholesterol. Blood pressure control is more important. 120/80 mmHg proves an efficient body. Higher blood pressure indicates resistance to blood circulation and is the first sign of developing atherosclerosis. It is also good to check the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood - an amino acid that is produced when digesting protein foods. Its excess damages blood vessels. This test should be standard for us, I don't know why it isn't.

  • Pharmacology is helpless against atherosclerosis?

D.W .: So far, yes. We can only influence the pillstabilization of blood pressure, blood clotting and cholesterol levels. And in advanced disease, academic medicine can stop atherosclerosis only through surgery - catheters, lasers, stents, angioplasty or bypass are used.

  • What is the chelate method used in the treatment of atherosclerosis?
  • D.S .: This is a non-surgical method of dissolving atherosclerotic plaque. It was born in America over half a century ago. It was the first time that the synthetic amino acid EDTA was used to detoxify workers of one of the factories poisoned with heavy metals. Introduced intravenously to patients, it mixed with poisonous metals and was quickly excreted by the body in the urine. When examining the effects of this therapy, it turned out that EDTA additionally captures calcium from atherosclerotic deposits. The atherosclerotic plaque, deprived of calcium, dissolves and is expelled. The uniqueness of this method is that, unlike surgery, which can only be performed on large arteries, EDTA can remove atherosclerotic lesions in all vessels.

  • How is the therapy going?
  • D.S .: EDTA is introduced into the body through a drip. The average treatment is about 50 infusions three times a week, i.e. it lasts about 4 months. After that, we take a break to let the body rest, and check the patient, compare his he alth "before" and "after". We balance the level of micronutrients that are flushed out of the body during chelation. Some people need one series of ingots, others need more. On average, after 50 drips, we observe the recovery of 25-35% of the atherosclerotic lesions.

  • However, chelation, often used to treat poisoning, is controversial in atherosclerosis.
  • D.S .: We are under fire from those doctors who know little about this therapy. Fortunately, this is changing, the number of patients who are referred to me by other specialist doctors is increasing.

  • Does it have contraindications?
  • D.S .: My patients are both people who are at risk of surgery and those after surgery for whom chelation is the last resort. I believe there is no patient that cannot be chelated. The EDTA amino acid is safe for the body.

  • The availability of this method is limited, however, by high costs - PLN 160-200 per infusion.
  • D.S .: The he alth care system does not reimburse this therapy, unlike insurers in, for example, Germany or Austria. There is a choice. This treatment is often used before radical, highly interfering surgery. Thankschelation of some treatments can be avoided. The costs of this therapy are always disproportionately lower than the surgical operation, not to mention the risk to life during the operation and the complications after it.

    Worth knowing

    Chelation under the microscope of scientists

    The US National Institutes of He alth announced two years ago the results of a research study that found a moderate but statistically significant positive effect of chelation therapy. Additional analysis showed especially beneficial effects of EDTA chelation in patients with diabetes. After treatment with 40 EDTA infusions, a 41% reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disorders was found. Researchers found a 40% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular causes and a 51% reduction in the risk of another heart attack.

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